ਨਸਾਜ਼ੋਨਬਾਜ਼ੋਨਫ਼ੌਜੋਨਫ਼ਰਸ਼॥ਖ਼ੁਦਾਵੰਦਬਖ਼ਸ਼ਿੰਦਹਿਐਸ਼ਿਅਰਸ਼॥੪॥ (ਸ੍ਰੀ ਮੁਖਵਾਕ ਪਾਤਿਸ਼ਾਹੀ ੧੦॥)

Akal Purakh Kee Rachha Hamnai, SarbLoh Dee Racchia Hamanai

ARCHIVED FORUM: Gurdwara Tapoban Sahib
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Palla @ Wedding-8/01/2004 3:22 pm
the 5 Ksanother singh :)8/01/2004 12:24 pm
lareewaar saroopKanwaldeep Singh8/01/2004 10:47 am
COME TO MALAYSIA....Jarnail Singh Arshi gyani8/01/2004 7:27 am
advicesingh/kaur8/01/2004 4:02 am
Akaali Kaur Singh JiAkaali Kaur Singh Ji8/01/2004 2:06 am
Is virginity/marriage quoted in ouKiSingh7/31/2004 4:47 pm
Help in simranproblem7/31/2004 3:15 pm
Captain’s fate hangs in balaKulbir Singh7/31/2004 2:17 pm
Time to buy land in PunjabKulbir Singh7/31/2004 2:14 pm
Traitors of the Panth everywhereInsaaf Singh7/31/2004 7:20 am
Sikh student detained by Secret Seanon7/30/2004 2:52 pm
VOT JU TINK JU DOEEN!!partinder singh7/30/2004 1:33 pm
Meeting a Miracle Working YogiAdmin7/30/2004 12:13 pm
SAD :- (ANON7/30/2004 5:28 am
first step for japping the naam!!7/30/2004 2:52 am
Bhai Sahib Bhai JeevanSinghGurrooVaah7/30/2004 1:28 am
How do deal with painful humans?kaur7/29/2004 10:03 pm
Prakash and Sohkasin Dee SevaDogma7/29/2004 9:57 pm
More signatures neededInsaaf Singh7/29/2004 8:21 pm
true wealthSingh107/29/2004 5:33 pm
Nang Poola Arrested AgainSingh7/29/2004 3:36 pm
Bhai Dhalla Sikh of Guru Gobind SiDavinder Singh7/29/2004 10:58 am
A Silent RevolutionDass Sevadar7/29/2004 8:29 am
25th JULY 2004 IN LONDON, LandmarkGurSa Singh7/29/2004 7:33 am
Sikh-Society and remarriage?7/29/2004 3:45 am
24 HOUR NAAM SIMRANMehtab Singh7/28/2004 10:32 pm
"keertan" sohilawaheguru7/28/2004 9:04 pm
Siri Akhand Paath Sahib from July Admin7/28/2004 6:10 pm
Who will compensate us, victims kiVJ7/28/2004 4:30 pm
rk, ps, cs....gursikha(n) kee har dhooR deh7/28/2004 4:29 pm
Tests of Faith: Bhai Giaan Singh Admin7/28/2004 1:54 pm
Malpractices of Sikhs!!7/28/2004 7:07 am
rehit why is it so importantsikh7/28/2004 5:51 am
400TH PARKASH DIHARA CELEBRATION I:-) Waheguroo7/27/2004 10:38 pm
"I Can't Help It!"!7/27/2004 7:38 pm
Eating Meat Can Cause IllnessDavinder Singh7/27/2004 6:28 pm
Girlfriend After MarriageJaspal Singh7/27/2004 6:14 pm
Parchaar Strategies-Radhasoami Vs Kulbir Singh7/27/2004 4:58 pm
Ashutosh Chela Attacks Gurdwara!singh7/27/2004 3:00 pm
Interpretation of the word PanthDavinder Singh7/27/2004 1:24 pm
Baba Har Krishan SahibDass Sevadar7/27/2004 11:48 am
Waking Up For Amrit Vela...Admin7/27/2004 8:52 am
hindu godssinghnee7/27/2004 8:19 am
Baba Surain Singh jee's HumourSingh7/26/2004 9:28 pm
bhagat kabeer jee's bani....7/26/2004 1:56 pm
The Iron RingDass Sevadar7/26/2004 10:52 am
Krishna QuestionSingh7/26/2004 7:20 am
As a little kid, do i need pesh?My story7/25/2004 5:20 pm
Rahau Lineuk singh7/25/2004 11:20 am
Rally for Islam? More like Rally fHarpartap Singh7/25/2004 11:11 am
Islamic group rally 'cancelled'Singh7/25/2004 6:48 am
Studying/GurbaniKaur7/25/2004 4:11 am
Nitnem and Lovesingh7/25/2004 1:46 am
Early accounts of Sikh dietMud7/25/2004 12:26 am
Jathedar Vedanti backs ChandokInsaaf Singh7/24/2004 10:22 pm
Finding myself and my religion. HCovSingh7/24/2004 4:58 pm
translation neededtranslation7/24/2004 11:34 am
"Shaheedee" of Guru Harkrishan SahJarnail Singh Arshi Gyani7/24/2004 9:46 am
question about ardassikh7/24/2004 5:17 am
Panth De Kee BaneigaaSingh107/23/2004 9:54 pm
say bhagat, satgur man bhaa-ay.107/23/2004 7:29 pm
gurmukh hans drishti107/23/2004 7:05 pm
Elysian Treesingh7/23/2004 1:29 pm
photos- Hari singh Nalwa and Maharkulmohan7/23/2004 10:58 am
DEATH OF HISTORYJarnail Singh Arshi Gyani7/23/2004 8:36 am
ghosts in gurbani????:?7/23/2004 5:28 am
10 "gods" and Guru PicturesJarnail Singh Arshi Gyani7/23/2004 4:49 am
baba thakur singh je is in the hoskhalistani7/22/2004 11:50 pm
Canadian Embassyns7/22/2004 10:00 pm
that's all you see as gurmat???Singh7/22/2004 8:37 pm
Science and Gurmat - Yet again!Mkhalsa7/22/2004 7:06 pm
Expecting MothersDogma7/22/2004 5:58 pm
Evil Spirits at Night or Sleep Parhmm..7/22/2004 11:49 am
husband/wifeconfused7/22/2004 1:30 am
Amrit Naam..7/21/2004 9:54 pm
Ravan, an honoured bhagat in GurbaP Singh7/21/2004 7:49 pm
You're Amritdhari & Still No Whereidea7/21/2004 5:35 pm
Faridkot Vala Teeka (Guru Granth S107/21/2004 9:36 am
Sikhs in Punjab need to get their Insaaf Singh7/21/2004 9:21 am
Getting StrongerSingh7/21/2004 6:54 am
Daily schedule at tapoban sahib....7/20/2004 8:03 pm
Sikhs Make Mini-Punjab in Gujaratsingh7/20/2004 7:11 pm
Marriage: Used & Abusedsad7/20/2004 9:57 am
Why worship PURATANTA?kulmohan7/20/2004 9:13 am
Description of Puratan Singhnees!!7/20/2004 8:40 am
UPDATE FOR UK SANGAT - 'Rally for Manmukh7/20/2004 7:43 am
URGENT: Any Gianis here? Help needDeep Singh7/20/2004 7:13 am
Dhan Dhanpajee7/20/2004 5:22 am
DAILY STAR ARTICLE CALLS SIKH GIRLtarunjeet singh7/20/2004 4:23 am
9th dayhello7/19/2004 11:08 pm
eaek bhagath maerae hiradhae basaigurbani7/19/2004 11:01 pm
sarbhloh karasRecamecajeca7/19/2004 7:00 pm
Hair(eyebrow)amritdhari7/19/2004 6:58 pm
TranslationDogma7/19/2004 4:25 pm
water depletionanon7/19/2004 2:32 pm
DO HUGE PROCESSIONS AND NAGAR KIRTJarnail Singh Arshi Gyani7/19/2004 8:10 am
Arab-Israeli Conflict -Tat Gurmat A Singh7/19/2004 4:16 am
Please help me-ghost in my houseplease help! URGENT!!!7/19/2004 4:02 am
what does this word mean?whatt7/18/2004 4:44 pm
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