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Panth De Kee Baneigaa
Posted by : Singh10
Date: 7/23/2004 9:54 pm

Who can do anything to harm a panth who has a samrath Guru like Kalghiaavala?
It is only our own doubts that make us worried.
We have the revelation that 'Raj Karega Khalsa Aaki Rehe Na Koi Khuaar Hoi Sabh Milegai...' There will be a Khalsa Raj, regardless of the state of the panth today, and it will come when Guru Sahib wishes.

Guru Gobind said 'Jab Ab Kee Aud Nidhan Banei At Hee Ran Mei Tab Jooj Maro'. Guru Gobind Singh wanted to enter the battlefield at Anandpur Sahib. The panth in the form of panj pyaarey gave the hukam for Guru Sahib to leave the battlefield as Guru Sahib could make thousands of sikhs, but no sikhs could make a Guru Gobind Singh. It was their own sianp that brought this decision to their minds. They failed to realize that what person is there that could stop Guru Sahib in the battlefield. If Guru Sahib entered the battlefield, we would have had Khalsa Raj right then.

This is the problem we have today. We rely too much on our own sianp and fail to realize what Guru Sahib's true updesh is. We try to find our own sianp by making others budhu. Guru Sahib says, 'Gur Kee Mat Tu Lehei Eianey Bhagat Bina Bau Doobei Sianey.'
Re: Panth De Kee Baneigaa
Posted by : Kulbir Singh
Date: 7/24/2004 11:59 am

It is pure speculation that if Punj Pyaaray at Chamkaur Sahib had not asked Guru Sahib to leave, Khalsa Raj would have been created. It is written in our history that Guru Sahib expressed his desire to attain Shaheedi at Chamkaur Sahib but the Singhs could not bear separation from Guru Sahib.

Bhai Daiya Singh jee and other 4 Pyaara asked Guru Sahib to leave Chamkaur Sahib and not get shaheed there. The punj pyaaray were not any ordinary gursikhs but were Gursikhs who had achieved the highest level of spiritual state and we today should not criticize their decision that they took 300 years ago.

Kulbir Singh
Re: Panth De Kee Baneigaa
Posted by : Jarnail Singh Arshi Gyani
Date: 7/24/2004 8:40 pm

Waheguru Ji ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki fateh.

What IF ?? the perennial 64 million dollar question...but a complete waste of time.

What IF the 40 Muktae had NOT written a bedawaa...

What if the Singhs had just listened to Guru Ji and WAITED a few more days...

What if Guru Jis family had not got separated at the banks of the sirsa..

What if Guru ji couldnt find sanctuary in the Chamkaur ghari...

What if Guru Ji;s elder sons had not attained shaheede at chamkaur and his two younger sons at sirhind... would we still have a dehdhari GURU ??

all this and many other What Ifs are just speculation...idle speculation.

Everything works according to the master plan put in place by waheguru

Dass Jarnail singh
Re: Panth De Kee Baneigaa
Posted by : Singh10
Date: 7/24/2004 9:17 pm

What is your resource for looking up sikh history?

I did not mean to critisize any gursikhs with 'the highest level of spiritual state' like the punj back then, but that is the version of the story that I keep on hearing. My main resource is listening to kathas either at the gurdhwara or through recordings. They always say that Guru Gobind Singh Ji wanted a little more time and would have brought Khalsa Raaj. The sikhs were eager to leave Anandpur Sahib and because of that the dukhs of living under oppression had to be encountered.