ਨਸਾਜ਼ੋਨਬਾਜ਼ੋਨਫ਼ੌਜੋਨਫ਼ਰਸ਼॥ਖ਼ੁਦਾਵੰਦਬਖ਼ਸ਼ਿੰਦਹਿਐਸ਼ਿਅਰਸ਼॥੪॥ (ਸ੍ਰੀ ਮੁਖਵਾਕ ਪਾਤਿਸ਼ਾਹੀ ੧੦॥)

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first step for japping the naam
Posted by : !!
Date: 7/30/2004 2:52 am

Can anyone please advise how one should start japping the naam ? I have tried rising early at amrit vela, but only to fall asleep after shutting off the alarm.
Re: first step for japping the naam
Posted by : ns
Date: 7/30/2004 12:31 pm

ok the next step is to shut the alarm and get out of bed, let's us know once you've accomplised that goal.
Re: first step for japping the naam
Posted by : UKaur
Date: 7/30/2004 6:35 pm

Usually, one has his/her alarm clock right beside one's bed. It's placed either on a nightstand or just on the ground beside them. The best thing to do would be to place your alarm AWAY from your bed so you can't reach the snooze button or turn off the alarm clock and go back to sleep.

Try putting the alarm clock someplace which requires you to get out of bed (ie. AWAY from your bed). That way, since your up, you might as well go do ishnaan as well and fulfill Guru Sahib's rehit.
Re: first step for japping the naam
Posted by : .....
Date: 7/30/2004 10:21 pm

Vaheguroo jee ka Khalsa Vaheguroo jee kee Fateh!!!

here are my personal tips - these work for me, i dunno if they'd work for you.

- first and FOREMOST: do ardaas to be blessed with amritvela. Ask guru sahib to give you the strength to get up and the mentality (mat) that this MAY BE YOUR LAST DAY.

- brush your teeth at night so you wont have to spend too much time in the morning.

- MAKE SURE you go to sleep on time. If you are just beginning you WILL NOT be able to get out of bed. Personally i try to be in bed by 9:00-9:15. Figure out what time is your latest.

- Tape a sign to your forhead/in front of your bed saying (your name) Singh/Kaur, TODAY IS YOUR LAST DAY (possibly). Guru jee is waiting for you at the amritvela-school and you can't miss any nitnem/abhyaas classes otherwise you'll fail your death-exam

- Keep your alarm AWAY from your bed - so that you will have to actually get up and shut it off. Make sure your alarm is LOUD so it wakes you with a jolt - sort of has the same effect of a splash of cold water on your face.

- Drink lots of water so that u will absolutely HAVE TO get up to go to the bathroom. Splash a load of cold water on your face. Once in there, DONT LET YOURSELF LEAVE untill you've done ishnaan. You might even want to keep your clothes for the morning in the bathroom the night before.

- also, take a cold shower. doesnt have to be ice cold if you cant stand it, but even a few seconds of cold water will help wake you up.

- try to have a goal such as consistent amritvela for 3-4 weeks. after this it'll become a habit and you wont be able to stop :)

- keep in mind when you are going to sleep that you will be getting up in a few hours. this will, trust me it really works, prepare you mentally for getting up.

- One of the best things is sangat at amritvela - cant be stressed enough. if u have the means of going to sangat, DO IT. dont be held back by little differences, if any.

- ALSO, IF you do go to sangat, make a plan with another amritvela-er to keep each other in check. you could even have someone pick you up in the mornings, or alternate picking each other up. This will DEFINITELY make sure you wake up because you will know that someone will be pulling into your driveway at amritvela and you wouldn't want to keep them waiting. LIKEWISE, if You are the one picking up, this will also help because you know that you are going to be picking someone up and you can't just leave them waiting for you.

- if the above is not possible, set up a phone calling thing with someone. you can call each other to make sure you're up. just make sure to stay away from unnecessary gap-shap.

- try to abstain from excessive tv/internet/chatting - VERY DISTRACTING!!!
Re: first step for japping the naam
Posted by : .....
Date: 7/30/2004 10:25 pm

from: http://forums.waheguroo.com/index.php?s=6e9537eb4852bbc2c31961dfb9525a8a&act=ST&f=12&t=2249&hl=&#entry20253

The top ten reasons for waking up at amrit vela:

10. You can use up all the hot water you want.

9. You have more time to do other things during the day.

8. You get the best feeling right after you finish.

7. One day of nitnem at amritvela will keep you in chardi kala for the rest of the week.

6. Others in your household will be inspired to do the same

5. You will have more time to do nitnem instead of rushing it to get to work/school in time.

4. Naam is to a Sikh as fuel is to a car. Naam at amritvela is like premium

3. You will not be wasting the night (and your life) away by sleeping for too long (literally and figuratively speaking)

2. Your concentration is MUCH better at amritvela (no distractions)


1. Gur satgur ka jo Sikh akhaai su bhalkey utth har naam dhiaavae ||

"One who calls himself a Sikh of the Guru, the True Guru, shall rise in the early morning hours and meditate on the Lord's Name."
Re: first step for japping the naam
Posted by : .....
Date: 7/30/2004 10:30 pm

From Naamnet:


14.2 Sweet Naam

The Naam of God is sweet to me says Guru Arjun Dev Jee in Sukhmanee Sahib...'Naam Prabhoo ka laga meeta'. Like when you go to someone's house and you drink the sweet tea, then take a bite of the even sweeter jelabee, then sipping the tea again you think - 'this is tasteless in comparison.'

Bhai Jasvir Singh Jee Khanaa vale gave the above example and continued, we think pleasures of the world are sweet. We love our spouse, our children, we get pleasure from food and drink, but once we have tasted Sweet Naam then all these worldy pleasures become plain in comparison.

[this is where it gets really really good]

The thing with saying 'Vaahi-guroo Vaahi-guroo' again and again is that it is tasteless at first says Bhai Gurdas Jee, like licking a rock. Wereas in the amusement park of the world, the glittering attractions are instantly pleasing to the mind. Pop music wants to make us dance as soon as it touches our eardrum, our mouth waters as soon as we smell our favourite food, our heart leaps at just the thought of that special someone. But saying 'Vaahi-guroo Vaahi-guroo' at amritvela just puts us to sleep. The mind wrestles with you 'Go to sleep man! This is a waste of time...no miracles are happening, I cant see no light nor hear the celestial music....just go to sleep man.'

But that's what happens in the first few years, after spending alot of time riding on the glittering attractions, they become boring. That special someone no longer gives you a buzz everytime you see their face, your favourite food just taste average nowadays, that favourite song of yours is getting to sound repetitive....everything's boring. But the one who didn't listen to the mind and carried on saying 'Vaahi-guroo Vaahi-guroo' every amritvela without fail has a different story to tell. 'Vaahi-guroo Vaahi-guroo' gets more and more addictive as you say it, 'Vaahi-guroo Vaahi-guroo' calms the mind down, picks it up out of depression and makes it fly like a bird. 'Vaahi-guroo Vaahi-guroo' wraps you up in an invisible blanket of love and humility.......one day 'Vaahi-guroo Vaahi-guroo' showers you in God's Love and Light....one day 'Vaahi-guroo Vaahi-guroo' makes you feel like your spread out across the whole of creation tuned into everything...and one day 'Vaahi-guroo Vaahi-guroo' tastes like sweet amrit on your tongue...amrit naam....'Naam Prabhoo ka laga meeta' and everything else seems tasteless in comparison.

We are not the first ones to walk on the 'Vaahi-guroo Vaahi-guroo' path, nor are we the last. All we have to do is have faith that it WORKS! It worked for Bhai Lehna Jee, Bhai Amaroo Jee, Bhai Jetha Jee and it worked for Guru Arjun Dev Jee as he sat on the hot plate with burning sand pouring over his blistered shoulders. Without any fear or hate, without any pain or sorrow Guru Arjun Dev Jee's state of mind was 'Tera keea meeta lagey. Har Naam Padarth Nanak Mangey'....Your Will is sweet, Nanak asks for the gift of Naam.

God's Will is Sweet

God's Word is Sweet

God's Naam is Sweet

The one who has these residing in their heart is also sweet. Sweet and gentle in the way s/he speaks, sweet and beautiful to all of God's Creation.

Dhan Guru Arjun Dev Jee....The King of Martyrs.
Re: first step for japping the naam
Posted by : .....
Date: 7/30/2004 10:31 pm

more from naamnet (some views of Gurmukh piarey on amritvela):


14.22 AmritVela

Pyareoooooo, drop ****all**** tasks and start amrit vela

Dhan Dhan Guru Ram Das jee:

"gur satguru ka jo sikh aakhaey

so bhal ke uT har naam dhia-veh"

Bhai Randhir Singh jee on Amrit Vela:

"jeRa gursikh amrit vela samalda hai,

oa-de ooper satguru ji kalaa jaruur vartande hain"

(loose translation)

"The gursikh that does naam simran at amrit vela,

is *assured* of satguru's kalaa (rang, love, intoxication, kripa etc)"

Baba Nand Singh jee:

(Upon finding out that someone will be writing his (Baba jee's) biography)

Laughing, "gursikho, imagine an almond. It has the outer shell, the brown part we all see. Then it has a white inner part that is not seen. My life is like that almond. The biographer will be writing about that brown outer part - what I did, what I said - but gursikho, my *real* life, the inner white, is from 1 am till 6 am. Nobody can possibly even imagine that life, let alone write about it. Only I know that real life."

Baba Attar Singh jee:

"A sikh should drop 10 other tasks to eat on time,

a sikh should drop 100 other tasks to do nitnem on time and a sikh should drop 1,000 other tasks to do simran on time."

A Gursikh:

"I wait desperately for amrit vela all day."
Re: first step for japping the naam
Posted by : another singh :)
Date: 7/30/2004 10:36 pm

you can do it anytime during the day. amrit vela is the best time. search the forum for tips on how to wake up. best ones are to sleep early, do ardass for waking up, eat only light meals before bed if any, and eliminate negative influences in your life that induce kaam, krodh etc.
Re: first step for japping the naam
Posted by : Singhstah
Date: 7/30/2004 11:11 pm

try this, get a tape/cd fo simran and listen to it from your walkman,not stereo because it will disturb the neighbours
Re: first step for japping the naam
Posted by : uk singh
Date: 7/31/2004 2:53 pm

I wait desperately for amrit vela all day

why wait - Is Amrit Vela not 24*7?
Re: first step for japping the naam
Posted by : Singh
Date: 7/31/2004 6:06 pm

.....'s personal tips are the best amritvela tips I have ever read!