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Sikh-Society and remarriage
Posted by : ?
Date: 7/29/2004 3:45 am

Can anyone give some good advice on the pros and cons of marrying a divorced girl in the sikh-society ?

I am 28 yrs of age, the girl I like is divorced from her ex-husband. They had been married for couple of years.
I had sent her photo to my mother about a month back, but at that time I hadn't known that she was divorced. Now I know this, but I still like her. Their's is a gursikh family and a lot into kirtan etc.

I haven't told the fact that she is divorced to anyone in my family . Please don't send junk mails of praise as I don't want to marry her for drawing praise from the society but for other reasons including kirtan and uplift of my own mother and sister (as this girl whom I intend to marry is well to do in a foreign country and I belong from a normal family in india)

My concern is would it be better:-
if i reveal the fact that she is already married to my family members, as then I would have to face a lot of questions from society?

Or should I tell the truth to my family members and then marry her?

I am my self ok to take either approach but would like to know the views of sangat in this regards
Re: Sikh-Society and remarriage
Posted by : Jarnail Singh Arshi Gyani
Date: 7/29/2004 6:42 am

Waheguru Ji ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki fateh.

It was GURU AMARDASS JI who started widow remarriages and banned the Hindu Practise of Sati and Widow torture.

As afr as religion is concverned...there is nothing agianst marrying a divorcee/widow... just do a good background check as to why she was divorced ??? almost everybody says "innocently divorced "..( that is the Mistake is by the other side.... ha ha ) if genuine then go marry.

better to disclose fully to all concerned ( family as well) the entire situation...nothing to be gained by hiding facts which will most certianly come out one day.

dass jarnail singh