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Is virginity/marriage quoted in our religion?
Posted by : KiSingh
Date: 7/31/2004 4:47 pm

Brothers and Sisters, I have a query.
Does our religion specifically say anything about marrying whilst still a virgin?
Also if there is anything, does this apply to both men and women?
My problem is that there is a girl which I love very much.
I would like to marry her one day, however, she is not a virgin. she has had many boyfriends with which she has been intimate.
This is the only thing which I do not like about her, otherwise I find her perfect in every way.
I feel as if someone has taken from her what is rightfully mine (as her future husband).
I would like to know not only what our religion says about this but also other personal views and past experiences.
Thank you.

Re: Is virginity/marriage quoted in our religion?
Posted by : Mkhalsa
Date: 8/01/2004 7:24 pm

there is nothing I can think of about being a virgin per se, and if she wasnt amritdhari at the time and is now, you really cant hold it against her, she didnt know better etc..

i dont know, it sounds like a personal thing to me.
Re: Is virginity/marriage quoted in our religion?
Posted by : Jarnail Singh Arshi gyani
Date: 8/01/2004 7:52 pm

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki fateh.

Virginity ?? is an antiquated concept.....in society dominated by MEN.

It has got nothing to do with religion per se.
Any way what is "rightfully yours" ?? the girl or the imagined "virginity" which is intangible and cannot be beheld, seen, held in your hands, admired ?? Look at the Girl, her character, her ability to love and be loved, her religious upbringing and whether you cna live with her....
It is the girl you are going to see every day day in and day out...not her "virginity"....

Dass Jarnail singh
Re: Is virginity/marriage quoted in our religion?
Posted by : yea
Date: 8/01/2004 7:55 pm

First of all, if you are a singh of the Guru, you would marry a daughter of the Guru not a bad woman.
Re: Is virginity/marriage quoted in our religion?
Posted by : GGW
Date: 8/01/2004 8:22 pm

As for quotes in Sri Guru Granth Sahib, I am not aware.

But I will say something, the fact that she isnt a virgin-- are you comfortable with that?

If she looks at those instances as things from the past, that she has no attachment to, then I see nothing wrong, but first and foremost you have to be comfortable with that. Has she changed?

Honestly if i was in your shoes, I would have not began a relationship with a woman that had a past like you mention of yours.