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Baba Surain Singh jee's Humour
Posted by : Singh
Date: 7/26/2004 9:28 pm

Baba Surain Singh jee was a Gursikh from Bhai Sahib Randheer Singh jee's time. He had only one leg and is the older Singh in this picture in the gallery. You can recognise him since he only has one leg.


Baba Surain Singh was very strict in his rehit and very blunt as well. Bhai Sahib used to laugh, "Surain Singh, if you had TWO legs, imagine all the trouble you would have caused!"

Baba jee used to be very funny as well. So many funny stories about Baba jee exist but only a couple come to mind right now. Once at a smaagam, Baba jee was sitting in the langar and he saw a young Singh doing langar seva. This Singh was wearing a kacherra that most city-dweller Singhs wear ie. fairly small and short, since long ones were considered difficult to wear under pants. Baba jee looked at the Singh and his high kurta and mini-kacherra, which was all bunched up as well. He called out, "Singh! Come here!" When the Singh came, Baba jee said, "Singh! You need to pull that kacherra up or tuck it in or something, it's going to start dragging on the floor at this rate...." He then began to laugh. The Singh understood that a kacherra should be to the knees and not so high.

Once, a Singh was kneading flour for parshaaday in the langar. His hands were covered in atta and his nose began to run. He couldn't touch his nose (well, he could have if he had a hazooriya) since that would have made his hands un-clean, and he couldn't leave either, so he just kept kneading. After a while, a disaster happened and some of his mucus dripped into the atta he was kneading. The Singh was terrified. He couldn't tell anyone what had happened because it was just too embarassing and all this atta would go to waste but on the other hand, he didn't want to use it for parshaday either. But he buckled and just gave the atta for parshaday.

That night, there was the amrit sinchaar for the smaagam and that Singh was going to get peshed. Baba jee saw him and asked, "Singh! What happened? Where are you going?" The Singh replied, "I think I have to get peshed Baba jee." "Why? What did you do?" asked Baba jee very gravely. The Singh explained the situation that he had given the sangat parshady that had some of his mucus in them. Baba jee looked at him very seriously and asked, "Singh, do you drink tea? " The Singh replied, "No Baba jee, I never touch it." Then Baba jee smiled and laughed and said, "Then everything is forgiven! No problems! Go now! You're free!"

Baba jee hated tea. Even the mucus of a non-tea drinker was better than tea.
Re: Baba Surain Singh jee's Humour
Posted by : Mkhalsa
Date: 7/26/2004 10:55 pm

grossssss! :S

also, can you please be more descriptive, i dont see him in the picture.
Re: Baba Surain Singh jee's Humour
Posted by : Daas
Date: 7/27/2004 3:04 am

"Baba jee hated tea. Even the mucus of a non-tea drinker was better than tea."

forgive me for stating the obvious, health and hygiene ??? this singh probably gave everyone some sort of food poisoning ???is this really acceptable in the whole suchum concept, a tea drinker is hardly going to pollute the food ??? I just found this a bit far out.... also if the singh felt he should go pesh how can one gursikh say its okay you don't need too ???
Re: Baba Surain Singh jee's Humour
Posted by : jagroop singh
Date: 7/27/2004 4:51 am

Vahiguru ji ka khalsa, Vahiguru ji ki fateh!

Veer Singh ji,

lol...those two stories are wicked!

Sometimes, people must get the impression that Gursikhs can't have a laugh...

Some of the Gursikhs i've met have cracked me up - the story above is one excellent example of CKH...Chardi Kalaa Humour!

Vahiguru ji ka khalsa, Vahiguru ji ki fateh!
Re: Baba Surain Singh jee's Humour
Posted by : VJ
Date: 7/27/2004 6:52 am

""forgive me for stating the obvious, health and hygiene ??? this singh probably gave everyone some sort of food poisoning ???is this really acceptable in the whole suchum concept, a tea drinker is hardly going to pollute the food ??? I just found this a bit far out.... also if the singh felt he should go pesh how can one gursikh say its okay you don't need too ???""

Please realise that this was a joke, so please take it as a joke. Bhai Surain Singh jee was known for his humorous jokes and Singhs never used to mind what he said.
Re: Baba Surain Singh jee's Humour
Posted by : Singh
Date: 7/27/2004 8:08 am

Baba Surain Singh is the Singh in the chola second from right. If you look down, you'll see he only has one leg.

And yes, Baba jee was a very big joker and no one should take what he said as being very serious, it was all in a very light mood.
Re: Baba Surain Singh jee's Humour
Posted by : S Singh
Date: 7/27/2004 9:02 am

Daas take it easy. It's just a joke, nothing more.
Re: Baba Surain Singh jee's Humour
Posted by : kulmohan
Date: 7/27/2004 9:37 am

With all the due respect to the baba Surain singh ji, the story about Kacherra makes me wonder and raise a question for everyone to ponder over - How long will we beleive in and preach the old and irrelevant practices?

Is it any good to wear a longer kacherra under the pants if that would make one uncomfortable?

The old sikhs in villages normally wear loose kurta-pyjamas but they would sometimes undiscerningly preach this practise of their's to the young who have to wear a shirt-pant thing to their workplace?

Some would ask - Whats the harm in preaching the practices of Sikhi to the younger generation? No harm if you look at it superficially . But if you go to some depths of this. Over a period of time when the young get preached about these shallow and irrelevant practises - the result of all this is that we get a revolting younger generation.

The problem with Sikhs has been that we have assumed the roles of a teacher rather than the gurus chosen role for us which is one of a learner(Sikh)

To my young discerning friends I would like to say that- "Sikhi is not in the short or high lengths of kacherra but in the name of lord. Sikhi is a means but the name of lord is the end."

So, lets be wise and rational so as not to get lost in the intricacies of the whats right/whats wrong/whats ideal as far as the question of Sikh practices are concerned.

Re: Baba Surain Singh jee's Humour
Posted by : ???????
Date: 7/27/2004 9:49 am

Is that Bhai Uptej Singh the Gatka teacher next to Baba Jee ?
Re: Baba Surain Singh jee's Humour
Posted by : singh
Date: 7/27/2004 9:54 am


I'm not sure, but are you trying to say that knee-length kacherray are "old and irrelevant practices"? A kacherra is not like knickers or "bandar kachhees", they are a separate article of clothing. I've worn knee length kacherras under pants and they aren't uncomfortable.

Let's not twist traditional practices or refer to them as "old" or "irrelevant". They are not. They are all a part of Guru Sahib's rehit which will never become irrelevant.
Re: Baba Surain Singh jee's Humour
Posted by : daas
Date: 7/27/2004 9:57 am

aww man you guys are too much

with all due respect why can't you just shut your ego off and enjoy a laugh

anyway wow .... i thought for a sec that was bhai jeevan singh jee but it's baba surain singh jee.... can you put mroe pictures up
Re: Baba Surain Singh jee's Humour
Posted by : me
Date: 7/27/2004 10:42 am

i agree with singh. It is through rehit that sikhi is still going on, if we start calling rehit irrelivant, then I dont know what will be made of us.
Re: Baba Surain Singh jee's Humour
Posted by : Singh
Date: 7/27/2004 2:15 pm

I wanted to reply to Kulmohn's comments since they are protraying common misconceptions.

I was told by some 'Singhs' before i went pech that it was far too difficult to wear long kechere just above the knee because they were too uncomfortable and could not be worn with jeans etc etc. But i found all these comments to be nothing but lies. With Guru Ji's kirpa i have always worn a rehatvan kachera with no problems whatsoever. My Singhni also does the same rather than these mini kashere which are being promoted.

I also disagree with your statement

"To my young discerning friends I would like to say that- "Sikhi is not in the short or high lengths of kacherra but in the name of lord. Sikhi is a means but the name of lord is the end"

Since like all other youth you are jumping far too ahead of yourself. Since yes naam is our ultimate goal but without rehat you will not be able to control it's 'paras kala' you will fall off the path very quickly.

There is not one spirtually elightened person who has not initally started by having a very strong rehat.

Guru Ji says it straight "Rehat bina na sikh akavae". But my fellow brothers and sisters are ignoring this little fact and saying do not worry about rehat all you need is love.

My warning to such individuals is that you are building your sikhi on a very weak platform and there is a grave danger it will collapse at the first hurdle you have to cross.

I would urge you all sort our your rehat and everything else will follow naturally.

Re: Baba Surain Singh jee's Humour
Posted by : Mkhalsa
Date: 7/27/2004 2:31 pm

"Baba Surain Singh is the Singh in the chola second from right."

haha!! I thought that was bhai jeevan singh jee!!! he looks like him!
Re: Baba Surain Singh jee's Humour
Posted by : k
Date: 7/27/2004 4:49 pm

That can't be Bhai Uptej Singh Ji, Bhai Uptej Singh Ji is way younger probably. That pic was probably taken a longg time ago
Does anyone have more pics like that?