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ARCHIVED FORUM: Gurdwara Tapoban Sahib
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Nitnem and Love
Posted by : singh
Date: 7/25/2004 1:46 am

How can I do my nitnem and get the full fruit from it? Sometimes I get way too restless and uncomfortable during nitnem and my mind isn't THERE.

I sometimes just feel like rushing through it and getting it all over with so I can get on with my day
Re: Nitnem and Love
Posted by : another singh :)
Date: 7/25/2004 2:42 pm

do it in amritvela. do mool mantur like 30 times with fulll attention first so that your dhian can get focused. do seva and avoid negative influences such as bad tv shows. keep good sangat and go to gurukhar regularly. do ardass. be patient. it will work. guaranteed. just have faith. this is a stage. look at it like its a test.
Re: Nitnem and Love
Posted by : Mkhalsa
Date: 7/25/2004 7:50 pm

if you do some simran first, you will have a lot of attention.

I also noticed, even after the smallest bit of santhiya, I want to read the bani slow and if you do that and pay attention to the words, you get incredibly anand and will have no problem spending an hour and half, 2 hours or more reading panj banis.
Re: Nitnem and Love
Posted by : singh
Date: 7/26/2004 2:58 pm

that's great advice, thank you both. I just get tired very easily so it's hard for me to even do simran first and then do nitnem. Maybe I should do it in sehaj?

Another problem I have is that my throat gets soo sore just after like JapJi Sahib, I don't know why. I don't know if my throat will eventually get "used to" reading the Bani and it wont hurt anymore or what. It's not like I yell though wheN I read the banis, so I don't know why it gets so painful / hard to talk. Is there anything to help with this ? Is it normal or abnormal?
Re: Nitnem and Love
Posted by : another singh :)
Date: 7/27/2004 11:55 am

My throat used to get sore too. Just drink plenty of water during the day and when you do paat make sure that your voice originates from you stomach and not from your throat. You can also listen to a recording and follow along or do it silently to give your throat a rest if necessary.

"Maybe I should do it in sehaj?"
Not sure what you mean by that. As you get more and more used to it you'll be able to handle greater amounts of simran. If you must, than you can stand while doing it.
Re: Nitnem and Love
Posted by : singh
Date: 7/27/2004 4:42 pm

I meant maybe I should just take little steps and move up from there

But thanks for all your advice