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"Shaheedee" of Guru Harkrishan Sahib Jee
Posted by : Jarnail Singh Arshi Gyani
Date: 7/24/2004 9:46 am

Waheguru Ji Ka Khlasa Waheguru Ji ki fateh.

We have all heard and read about the Shaheedee of Guru Arjun Sahib Jee and also that of Guru Teg bahadur Sahib Jee.

Guru Arjun Sahib Jee gave His Head for the Principles of Natural Justice, Freedom of Religion... Guru Ji's Aadrash - Principles

Guru Teg bahadur sahib jee sacrificed Himself for HUMAN RIGHTS, Freedom of Religious Belief....Guru Ji's AAdrash - Principles....

BUT the Shaheedee of GURU HARKRISHAN JI ?? This unique sacrifice of a mere child GURU of SIKHS has gone mostly unnoticed...

GURU Harkrishan Ji were in Delhi at the Behest of the Emperor, when a serious Epidemic of Small Pox disease struck the Capital city. Thousands were affected and hundreds died daily. The entire City of Delhi was in the Grip of Terror.....GURU HarKrishan Ji stepped RIGHT into this terrified sea of humanity and started RELIEF WORK, tending to the severly sick, feeding, tending with care, the sick and comforting the dying. Guru Ji's advisors advised GURU JI to be careful as this was a Fast spreading disease and anybody in CONTACT with the sick was bound to get sick sooner than later...GURU JI ignored this advice in favour of carrying on His Humnitarian Efforts.... At last the dreaded disease did attack Guru Ji's tender body....and soon GURU JI attained SHAHEEDEE for His AAdrash - helping ailing humanity at any cost - even to His own life.

IF Guru Ji had been conscious of saving His life He would have never gone near the sick and dying...BUT NO, Guru Ji was NOT afraid of Physical death at the expense of deserting His AAdrash or Principles. So The Passing away of Guru Harkrishan is a SHAHEEDEE ( Sacrifice) and the Sikh jagat should celebrate this event as such.

Dass jarnail Singh