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say bhagat, satgur man bhaa-ay.
Posted by : 10
Date: 7/23/2004 7:29 pm

ha-umai bhagat karay sabh ko-ay.
In egotism, everyone can pretend to worship God with devotion.

naa man bheejai naa sukh ho-ay.
But this does not soften the mind, and it does not bring peace.

kahi kahi kahan aap jaanaa-ay.
By speaking and preaching, the mortal only shows off his self-conceit.

birthee bhagat sabh janam gavaa-ay. ||6||
His devotional worship is useless, and his life is a total waste. ||6||

say bhagat satgur man bhaa-ay.
They alone are devotees, who are pleasing to the Mind of the True Guru.

an-din naam rahay liv laa-ay.
Night and day, they remain lovingly attuned to the Name.

sad hee naam vaykheh hajoor.
They behold the Naam, the Name of the Lord, ever-present, near at hand.

gur kai sabad rahi-aa bharpoor. ||7||
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, He is pervading and permeating everywhere. ||7||

aapay bakhsay day-ay pi-aar.
God Himself forgives, and bestows His Love.

ha-umai rog vadaa sansaar.
The world is suffering from the terrible disease of egotism.

gur kirpaa tay ayhu rog jaa-ay.
By Guru's Grace, this disease is cured.

naanak saachay saach samaa-ay. ||8||1||3||5||8||
O Nanak, through the Truth, the mortal remains immersed in the True Lord. ||8||1||3||5||8||