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Arab-Israeli Conflict -Tat Gurmat View?
Posted by : A Singh
Date: 7/19/2004 4:16 am

Gur Fateh!

As we all have read in recent news the Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon's plan for a unilateral Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip appears to be in trouble.

We often see many reports about the humanitarian crisis faced by Sikhs during the 1980's and beyond comparing the political situation of the Sikhs with Jews in Nazi Germany and the demand for Khalistan with the the existence of Israel.

Please could we have some learned members of the forum offer some views from a "Tat Gurmat Maryada" point of view on the situation in Israel and also if they consider the plan of the PM to work, or if there better ways to bring an end to the cycle of violence between Israel and the Palestinians?
Re: Arab-Israeli Conflict -Tat Gurmat View?
Posted by : 10
Date: 7/19/2004 11:17 pm

I beleive that the level of peace they have there (what little there is) and not a total all-out war is because of the prayers of sikhs around the world.

There are probably many sikhs here that read extra bani and extra naam jap for sarbat da bhalla, as they have already done bhalla for themselves.

I have heard from a Mahan Gursikh that there is always a balance of good and evil in the world.
In North America the balance is kind of settled in the middle. In a place like India with all the deeply religious people, there are equally many corrupt people. Kind of similar to the concept of Ying and Yang.

Where there was a terribly cruel ruler like Aurungzeb (one that killed his own father), there was equal, if not greater, opposition in the Khalsa fauja.
Re: Arab-Israeli Conflict -Tat Gurmat View?
Posted by : sundeep
Date: 7/20/2004 1:17 pm

so what about khalsa raaj? i take it as khalsa raj nears this balance will shift towards the good as sikhs increse in numbers?
Re: Arab-Israeli Conflict -Tat Gurmat View?
Posted by : 10
Date: 7/20/2004 9:36 pm

All four of the juugs run alongside one another. All four are present today. But during the time one one juug, that juug is dominent. During Khalsa Raaj, the Khalsa will be dominent.