ਪ੍ਰਥਮਰਹਿਤਯਹਿਜਾਨਖੰਡੇਕੀਪਾਹੁਲਛਕੇ॥ ਸੋਈਸਿੰਘਪ੍ਰਧਾਨਅਵਰਨਪਾਹੁਲਜੋਲਏ॥

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ARCHIVED FORUM: Gurdwara Tapoban Sahib
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Finding myself and my religion. Help needed.
Posted by : CovSingh
Date: 7/24/2004 4:58 pm

I am 22 years old, My parents are both Sikh.
I often go to the Gurdwara and listen to Path.
I am a Sikh............ or am I?

Goura and Muslims, etc. often ask me questions about our religion, simple questions like how many Gurus were there and why do you cover your head in a Gurdwara.
2 Weeks ago a goura asked me "What do sikhs believe happens when you die?, do you believe in Heaven or Reincarnation?"

I felt so ashamed. I did not know.
Fellow Brothers and Sisters, please forgive me and my ignorance for a realise I have a severe lack of knowledge.

I am 22 and I feel I know nothing.

I now feel it is time to find my religion and in doing so, find myself.
I think I need to start from scratch, the history, the vision, everything.

Any ideas of where to start and how to go about it or any offers to help.

Has anyone else found themselves in a similar situation or am I the only one?

Re: Finding myself and my religion. Help needed.
Posted by : Anon Singh
Date: 7/25/2004 11:09 am

Gurfateh Bhai Sahib

Many people are in your situation. It is not your fault you know little about Sikhi but rather your parents and western societys fault. You have been blessed with Gurus Kirpa (grace) and good karma from past lives to want to learn and study the Gurus Path to Waheguru. And maybe eventually follow it.

Where do you live Singh, Ill try and hook you up with people in your area. Reply back and I will recommend a few books, if you live near I can give them/post them you, also there are quite alot of resources on the internet but alot are conflicting/rubbish/confusing so maybe this isnt a good idea.

The best way is to get the Sangat (keep company of) Gursikhs and talk to them about Sikhi. All Amritdhari Singhs or near to taking Amrit Singhs will be more than happy to talk to you about Sikhi.

If you need any help mail back.

Re: Finding myself and my religion. Help needed.
Posted by : kar kirpaa sabh rayN thheevaa
Date: 7/25/2004 11:14 am

my brother there is nothing to worry about

it is by the grace of the guru you have this urge to learn

maybe you could start by reading this whole forum - from the start

there are many chardee kalaa gursikhs here who have posted a lot of great knowledge topics

read the inspirational stories and the gurmat section

then move on to www.gursikhijeevan.com and read the articles there

then visit www.damdamitaksal.com and read the rehat maryada there

then visit www.sgpc.net and read the rehat maryada there

then go to www.akj.org and read the reading materials available there

check out www.sikhsangat.com and the Waheguroo! network - a whole wealth of knowledge

and my two favourite sites on the net: www.gurmatstudies.com and www.gurbani.org

check these out for sure. read the english articles. listen to the english katha.

so much is available to learn and make your own opinion and solid knowledge base.

if you need any personal help or guidance always feel free to contact the gursikhs on this forum.

please forgive my mistakes

Re: Finding myself and my religion. Help needed.
Posted by : mee
Date: 7/25/2004 11:27 am

waheguru ji ka khalsa
waheguru ji ki fateh!!!

dont feel so low about it, many sikhs do not know much about there religion at least you noticed it :)
may guru ji stay beside you and lead you in the right direction.

Re: Finding myself and my religion. Help needed.
Posted by : P Singh
Date: 7/25/2004 2:21 pm

checkout http://www.sikhnation.com they will mail you a few books.
Re: Finding myself and my religion. Help needed.
Posted by : Singh
Date: 7/25/2004 3:06 pm

Try finding a good english translation of Jap Ji Sahib.
Re: Finding myself and my religion. Help needed.
Posted by : TRIGGER
Date: 7/25/2004 3:54 pm

For all covsinghs: !!!
mon,wed,fri : gym Cross Road Singh Sabha
tues 7-9pm : Gatka - GNP Harnal Lane**
thur 7-8pm : simran - Har Gobind Coventry Street**
thur 8-10pm: Dicussion group- mainly youth- Cov St.**
sun 1-3pm : Shastar Vidiya - GNP

** where chips and beans are served - so its well worth going to these, especially since the beans have got masala in !! yum yum !!!!! ...can`t wait till tuesday.
Re: Finding myself and my religion. Help needed.
Posted by : Mkhalsa
Date: 7/25/2004 7:53 pm


this forum may be a bit advanced for you. there are many beginners as well as knowledgable people on http://www.SikhSangat.Com

it is a great forum for the youth where many issues are discussed and it is a great friendly learning environment.

also, i suggest going to http://www.thebookthatchangedmylife.com and getting this book from this bibi. if you dont have any money, im sure you can email her and get something worked out.

that book will have an impact on you, skip the translators intro if you want.

anyway, yeah sikhsangat will help etc.
Re: Finding myself and my religion. Help needed.
Posted by : singh
Date: 7/26/2004 3:07 pm

where do you live ji?
Re: Finding myself and my religion. Help needed.
Posted by : CovSingh
Date: 7/27/2004 3:22 am

Thank you all for your support and guidance.
I live in Coventry, UK.
I have started reading, lots to get through, learning more and more every day.
Finding our religion more and more fascinating every day.
Hopefully I will soon be able to fluenty discuss issues on this phorum.
Many Thanks again to all.
Re: Finding myself and my religion. Help needed.
Posted by : sunsingh
Date: 7/27/2004 11:47 am

I highly recommend reading lots and lots about sikhi. books such as 'divine mystic reflections on gurmat' by sant nirunjan singh and 'in search of the True Guru' by bhai rama singh are absolutely amazing. again, you can get these from sikhnation.com for free.

i also find that reading sant jeevans is very inspirational and informative.

a great site full of info is http://www.lotusmedia.co.uk/sikhstudent/library.htm

the naamnet books and 16 days with baba maan singh are very inspirational.

I was in the same situation as you are. In fact, I had no Sikh sangat my own age. Mostly I learned from the internet, books, and pestering people I met with questions. I recommend you go to the Gurdwara regularly and start doing paat/simran as it can help protect your growing spirituality.