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You're Amritdhari & Still No Where!
Posted by : idea
Date: 7/21/2004 5:35 pm

Yeah, you took amrit and everyone gave you their praise and you're the new "hardcore" gursikh in the family. But that was it. Didnt' get up for amrit vela, didn't keep much rehit. Maybe you did your nitnem, or maybe you did it MOST of the time. But yeah, that's it. You might go to a smagam every now and then dressed up in crazy bana, but that's where it stops.

What makes you different than anyone else? Are you still doing the stuff you always did? Same stuff any regular manmukh would do? Maybe the question is why you took amrit in the first place: was it to met Waheguru or was it to get everyone's praise and respect?

Being amritdhari doesn't stop after taking amrit. It's the start. But so many people just stop there. Dont' be so proud of just having taken amrit. Are you doing your part that you promised to guru ji? If you never wake up at amrit vela and dont' do paath and aren't growing every day in your rehit, what is there to be proud of? Being amritdhari is about walking on the the path to Waheguru. If you're not walking that path, I think you're proably wasting your time.

Make sure you're not an amritdhari and still nowhere. This applies to me just as much to anyone else. Sorry to be so harsh.
Re: You're Amritdhari & Still No Where!
Posted by : kar kirpaa sabh rayN thheevaa
Date: 7/21/2004 5:48 pm

yeah. you're right. thanks for that.
Re: You're Amritdhari & Still No Where!
Posted by : g
Date: 7/21/2004 6:21 pm

why do you care mind your own buisness who are you to judge
Re: You're Amritdhari & Still No Where!
Posted by : ^^^
Date: 7/21/2004 6:26 pm

There's also those that are more concerned with converting others and making more amritdharis that all they do is preach and preach but in their own life aren't making any progress.

I don't think 'idea' was trying to judge, I think he was just trying to say that we shouldn't forget why we're amritdharis to start with.
Re: You're Amritdhari & Still No Where!
Posted by : questioni
Date: 7/21/2004 6:41 pm

I like what idea said. Its motivating ..good job folk
its about time we get these kind of topics flowing on the board
Re: You're Amritdhari & Still No Where!
Posted by : disciple
Date: 7/22/2004 1:41 am


your words helped me. Realization is important....i am going to try harder now...
Re: You're Amritdhari & Still No Where!
Posted by : Jarnail Singh Arshi Gyani
Date: 7/22/2004 2:44 am

Waheguru Ji ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki fateh.

He is right. There are a lot of groups out there who are into the business of "amrit chakaing...." and charging on to conquer more non-amritees...they couldnt care less about those already in the fold and those that entered to drop out slowly day by day. They are so into it they even Provide FREE kakars, jacherras etc...can you imagine that.....a PERSON supposedly coming to GIVE HIS HEAD to GURU JI...cant even bring his OWN Kacherra ( ideally he should be wearing his kacherra LONG LONG before he comes to amrit sanchaar. ( maybe aYEAR or so....) .....and NOT just a few minutes BEFORE entering the Amrit sanchaar room. PREPARATION for thsi MOMENTOUS EVENT MUST begin YEARS BEFORE...learn NITNEM, Naanm Japp, REHAT, Amrit Vela, Diet etc etc...the HORSE must be in front of the Cart and not the other way around.

Dont be FOOLED by some half time "parcharaks" ( weekends only)....AMRIT IS NOT the END..its a beginning....and YOU have to DO ALL the Hard Work. Dont be fooled that just because you "did it" you are all ok and GURU GOBIND SINGH JI will be there waiitng to grab you by your hair to pluck you out of hell...NO SUCH THING - its a complete myth. Dont expect a free ride or expect Guru Ji to Pick Up Your TAB of a FREE LUNCH...its NOT like that no matter what some baba or mahapurash says in his book

AMRIT is a SERIOUS COMMITMENT - you have your PART of the Bargain to keep. TRAIN hard for it before you take the PLUNGE.....but after you do KEEP Fighting FIT by doing the NITNEM...REHAT ...Naam japp... Sewa... etc etc

Dass jarnail singh
Re: You're Amritdhari & Still No Where!
Posted by : Khalsa
Date: 7/22/2004 6:43 am

Its motivating BUT...........ONLY Vaheguroo CAN JUDGE ME.
Re: You're Amritdhari & Still No Where!
Posted by : !
Date: 7/22/2004 8:35 am

Again, I don't think it's about others judging you. We should all be able to judge ourselves. After years of being amritdharee, I don't think you should still be a slave to the same bad habits and same lifestyle as before amrit. It's common sense really that an amritdharee and a regular manmukh should be worlds apart. But judge yourself -- are you really that different? If you aren't actively changing and growing for the better after having gotten amrit, then you probably aren't too serious about meeting Waheguru so what was the point of stepping onto the path if you aren't going to continue walking to reach the end?
Re: You're Amritdhari & Still No Where!
Posted by : Surrey Singh
Date: 7/22/2004 1:33 pm


IDEA is right...this applies to many people (me)...If i am enrolled in university and decide..."Now i'm in, i can just relax"...then i'll be in for a BIG surprise at the end...

In university, once you get in, you have to do regular assignments and homework (Naam Simran, Paat, Seva etc)...and you will have many tests. There is a code of conduct in every university (Rehat Maryada)...Just because we're 'enrolled' doesn't mean that we have made it. There is ALOT of hard work and dedication needed in order to succeed...and at the end, it will be worth it!!!


Re: You're Amritdhari & Still No Where!
Posted by : warrior*princess
Date: 7/22/2004 4:47 pm

*g said:why do you care mind your own buisness who are you to judge*

No matter what, 'idea' is right!
At least someone cares, and its for our own sake ...
Re: You're Amritdhari & Still No Where!
Posted by : kar kirpaa sabh rayN thheevaa
Date: 7/22/2004 4:59 pm

oh my God that is totally me....

I mean in University....... I totally thought yeah now I'm in sikhi woo hoo this and that..... that means nothing..... tens of thousands of people get into university..... but it takes some people really long to graduate.... and not everybody does..... and only some with honours....... and even less get a comfortable place in the hereafter (hahahahah yes i just compared the job market to sach khand.. hahaha)

but seriously ............ it's not a joke!!!!

people like me have totally ruined the image of sikhs..
Re: You're Amritdhari & Still No Where!
Posted by : idea
Date: 7/22/2004 5:16 pm

let's not go too far on the other side either though. Parchaar is somethign every Sikh is designed to do. Do paath and gurbani vichar or keertan. But don't purposely project yourself as being something you are not. Live the part. No one's saying be a brahm gyani. But if you're preaching about naam and the buzz you get from it and the greatness of rehit, make sure you're actually doing that stuff. I've seen very big "sikh leaders" who fell very fast and hard because they ended up being not gursikhs, but just trying to project that to be a leader.

My point wasn't to discourage anyone from spreading the news about Sikhi. It was a reminder to myself and to others that we're not at our goal. And maybe it's been so long since we've moved on the path that we're forgetting what the goal is and what the path was for in the first place. Waheguru is the goal. Sikhi is the path that's going to take us there. So don't forget. That's all.
Re: You're Amritdhari & Still No Where!
Posted by : 10
Date: 7/23/2004 12:42 am

If a amritdhari somehow ends up in a narak, Guru Gobind Singh pulls them out by their kesh.

When you take amrit you are accountable to Guru Maharaj, and not to dharam raaj.

Guru Gobind Singh gives the person that has taken amrit, 10 janams to obtain mukti.
Re: You're Amritdhari & Still No Where!
Posted by : anon
Date: 7/23/2004 4:16 am

people who say "dont judge me" or "mind your own business" or something usually have something to hide.
Re: You're Amritdhari & Still No Where!
Posted by : Jarnail Singh Arshi Gyani
Date: 7/23/2004 9:00 am

Waheguru Ji ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki fateh.

dear 10 Ji:
"Guru Gobind Singh Ji pulls amritdharees out of nark by KESH... <<<<

what happens to those who die perhaps 80 years old and are completley BALD...Amritdharees !!! The way BALDNESS is spreading people are getting bald younger and younger.....

I mean no offense but PULLING on a PERSON'S KESH feels very insulting to me .... GURU JI would NEVER TREAT his SIKH's VALUABLE KESH like that.

Secondly when an Amritdharee dies.... HE is SENT off wearing HIS KESKI/DASTAAR/KACHERRA/KIRPAN and KARRA... as well as KESH. WHY does GURU JI REMOVE this 'narki " amritdharee's KESKI and DASTAAR, and then OPEN his JOORA and PULL him... if ON THE ONE HAND YOU SAY THE pANJ KAKAARS ARE burnt AT THE pYRE.... THEN how DO his kesh GO ALONG but ALL THE OTHER kAKAARS ARE burnt ?? aND IF THE kAKAARS ARE burnt THEN WHY put THEM ON ??? if THE kesh GO ON INTO THE nEXT wORLD... THEN IT FOLLOWS THE body ALSO goes ALONG ??? IT IS USELESS FOR A soul/atma TO HAVE kesh ???..

IMHO this is a figment of the imagination and story telling shaktee of the babas...

1. NO AMRITDHAREE will EVER go to NARK...IF he keeps his side of the Bargain and keeps His REHAT/Naam jaaps..... some may be better and some weaker...BUT all will pass the ocean of Maya successfully. That is the GURANTEE of Khande Batte de Pahul/Naam Amrit of GURBANI.

2. If one is a "PAKHANDEE AMRITDHAREE"...that is all KHALLI DRUM and nO SUBSTANCE...just Bana show off and NO BANI/NAAM/REHAT etc.... then of what use is such a person to GURU GOBIND SINGH JI...WHY would Guru Ji bother with a DONKEY in LION's CLOTHES ??? If we read HISTORY, GURU JI went AFTER those who WROTE BEDAWAA BUt REPENTED.... BUT GURU JI didnt go after those like BIDHI CHAND who ran away from Anadpur shaib fort by jumping over the wall...now Bidhi chand had stayed with Guru Ji for so long....GURU JI could have caught hold of HIS KESH and PULLED him to safety...instead he fell and broke his leg...why do you think GURU JI will PULL such a person's KESH in NARAK to save him ???

Bhul Chuk maaf Ji.

Learning and re-learning.....

Dass jarnail Singh
Re: You're Amritdhari & Still No Where!
Posted by : Singh
Date: 7/23/2004 10:53 am

Giani Jee wrote,

"BUT GURU JI didnt go after those like BIDHI CHAND who ran away from Anadpur shaib fort by jumping over the wall...now Bidhi chand had stayed with Guru Ji for so long....GURU JI could have caught hold of HIS KESH and PULLED him to safety..."

I think that you are referring to Dunee Chand and not Bhai Bidhi Chand who was a Sikh of Guru Hargobind Sahib. Bhai Bidhi Chand was a dedicated Sikh for all his life.
Re: You're Amritdhari & Still No Where!
Posted by : Jarnail Singh Arshi Gyani
Date: 7/23/2004 4:54 pm

Waheguru Ji ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki fateh.

Yes Singh Ji....it was Dunni Chand.
Staying at Anadpur Sahib and feeding on Guru Ka Langgar and ample Guffahs of DEGH...this Dunni Chand grew into a BABY ELEPHANT..

The day Guru Ji received news fom an informer in the Moghul Camp, that the enemy was preparing to get a very Strong Musst Haathi ( Elephant in heat and thus almost MAD and Angry), put strong Plates of steel on him, and tie swords to his Trunk and then send this elephant to BATTER down the Doors of Anadpur Sahib..... GURU JI laughed loudly and slapping the "elephant sized" dunni chand on his back said" Here we also have our own Elephant who will battle the Moghul elephant....
Dunni Chand who was in the Guru Ji's camp just for Free Food and deg...was shocked and frightened.....that very night he used a rope to climb over the walls but the rope broke with his immense weight and he fell heavily and broke a leg....but he struggled off anyway...

The rest is history.... the next day when Guru Ji was told of dunni chand's escape...Guru Ji laughed again and said" the real elephant fighter is Bhai Bachittar Singh.... a small wiry man of only about 5 ft tall...with Guru Ji's THAAPEE on his back, Bhai Bachittar Singh rode out to battle the Masst elephant...and charged at the elephant standing upright on his horse and threw his twisted javelin so hard it pierced the thick steel armoured plate and enetred the Elephant's skull. Mad with Pain the elephant turned and strted slaughtering his won army....but Bachittar singh ji was not finished with it yet...from behind he caught hold of its tail and jumped on its back...and cut it some more.....soon Bhai Ji was back in the Fort and the elephant had killed hundreds of moghuls in a mad stampede to get away..

Dass Jarnail Singh