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SAD :- (
Posted by : ANON
Date: 7/30/2004 5:28 am

waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh.

for as long as i can remeber i have never really had a goal or any ambitions in life. im just an average punjabi sikh gal.
i don't have no aspirations for the future, for accumulating wealth or even a career path-which is really annoying as i don't know what to do.

i work and study yeh but for what?? i don't know
i know that nothing will go with us when we cross from this world to the next but naam and thats all i want to do focus on naam, which is why i have a problem. i can't focus on naam.

whenever im working, driving or anything im always thinking i just want to sit somewhere quietly meditating or listening to bani. and when i have the time to do dis my mind is elsewhere, like what time i have to go and do such and such, etc.

has anyone else ever felt like dis cuz i really feel totally alone-i don't talk to my family about my sikhi as they just don't understand or care. i don't really have any close frends either thru my own choosing as people always let me down.

rite now you guys and GALS are going to say leave it to God he will sort it all out, this is all part of His play, etc. thats what i have been thinking but due to my limited mentality i don't know whats going on in my life and i don't have anything to live for. yeh ur going to say live for Bani- but i can't concentrate on it and it really upsets me.

i feel real lost and like im wasting my time in this life.

bhul chuk marf karni.
waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh.
Re: SAD :- (
Posted by : g
Date: 7/30/2004 11:07 am

I feel like that all the time
Re: SAD :- (
Posted by : another singh :)
Date: 7/30/2004 11:41 am

It sounds like you may have something else going on other than sikhi. You say you have no goals and ambitions.... I think its really importent for a person to have goals. They act like an anchor and help focus peoples lives. Maybe you should work at identifying all problems in your life and work on solving them. Maybe you need some motivational help? A little Anthony Robbins maybe?

I have felt exactly like you have. I also wanted to give everything up and just do Naam Jap. I spoke with a mahapursh b/c I just couldn't understand why I felt so blah about everything in life. He said that I lacked the courage to face life. It took a while but I eventually developed greater courage. I did a lot more paat/simran etc and found that when I tried my best in my studies that i was less apathetic/blah towards life. Maybe you need to clearly identify everything going on in your life? Write it down? I'm not saying you lack courage, I'm just giving my own example.

Wanting God really badly is normal and not a bad thing. Sometimes our minds cannot get established in simran b/c we have numeruous duties left undone study/work etc. There are 3 main kinds of seva: dhan / mann / tan.
Simran is mann/mental seva. Before we can become established in this it may become easier if we do dhan/donation seva and tan/physical seva. This helps set up a foundation. Also, if you do mool mantur 30 times with full concentration first, not counting those times that your attention faltered, you may find it easier to do simran. Early in the morning, especially Amrit Vela, is best.

Sorry for my long post, possible spelling mistakes etc. Good luck. Allways keep faith.
Re: SAD :- (
Posted by : Tony Singhprano
Date: 7/30/2004 12:16 pm

you think your sad....he's a tipical week in my life....

Monday = humiliation
Tuesday = suffocation
Wednesday = confrontration
Thursday is patheic

by Friday, life has killed me....by Friday, life has killed me

Tony Singhprano

Re: SAD :- (
Posted by : VJ
Date: 7/30/2004 1:17 pm

What happened to the Chardi Kala of Khalsa. Khalsa of Guru Gobind Singh jee always stays in chardi kala. It is possible to be down for few moments as we are all humans but to be like this all the time, as you guys write up there, is not in accordance to the Khalsa spirit. Reading such dismal posts as above actually hurts. Gursikho, recognize yourself. We are princes and princesses of our Guru Sahib. Need we be in such dreary state as written in the above posts?

Keep rehit including Sarbloh Bibek, do amritvela Naam abhyaas, Do baani paath like crazy, and read books of Bhai Sahib Randhir Singh jee and other such gursikhs. Find sangat of gursikhs in your area and stick around with them. Chardi Kala will be force to come to you then.
Re: SAD :- (
Posted by : another singh :)
Date: 7/30/2004 10:45 pm

Regular amritvela (including simran and paats of kabio bach benti chaupai) are absolutely fantastic to help keep you chardikala. good luck and please keep us posted. both of you.
Re: SAD :- (
Posted by : TRIGGER
Date: 7/31/2004 3:59 am

meditation or simran does not have to be done only whilst sitting down when you are free. Why not play some kirtan in the car while your driving?

Try to keep some sangat, i.e. some people to chat to once in a while, letting go of your past bad experiences and finally try to do some seva : maybe help with langar at your gurdwara or some other voluntary work outside- helping others can be very fulfilling.
Re: SAD :- (
Posted by : Rashpal Singh
Date: 7/31/2004 6:19 am


You should sort a timetable out for yourself, and stick to it as much as possible. This will most certainly help you with your discipline. In your timetable you should have a balance of things, as in, work and simran/paat/keertan etc.

If you stick to the timetable and put your full mind to it then you will see a difference.

Re: SAD :- (
Posted by : Mkhalsa
Date: 7/31/2004 2:41 pm

Do Sukhmani Sahib and really listen to it with your heart. Or even play the tape but sit down and listen to it.

I find that when I am feeling down or weird, sukhmani sahib helps so much, it will really help you out.
Re: SAD :- (
Posted by : Kanwaldeep Singh
Date: 8/01/2004 10:19 am

I really feel for you. I was in the same predicament as you many years ago. I felt the same way as if there was some sort of void in my life. I didn't want to talk to people about the way I was feeling. To make a long story short, I just started going to gurdwara sahib in the morning and did langar sewa and jorian di sewa. After some weeks a huge change started to take place in my thought process....... a positive change.People always told me leave it to Waheguru.I really never understood what that really meant. After some 22 years I can say that Guru sahib teaches us through the sewa we do. It may sound like a broken record to you. It worked wonders for me and I am confident with Guru sahibs kirpa it will do wonders for you. I wish you well.

Kanwaldeep Singh

Re: SAD :- (
Posted by : gursikha(n) kee har dhooR deh
Date: 8/01/2004 1:56 pm

>>>you think your sad....he's a tipical week in my life....

Monday = humiliation
Tuesday = suffocation
Wednesday = confrontration
Thursday is patheic

by Friday, life has killed me....by Friday, life has killed me<<<<

care to elaborate?