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ARCHIVED FORUM: Gurdwara Tapoban Sahib
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Posted by : amritdhari
Date: 7/19/2004 6:58 pm

Sumtimes my eyebrows itch and when i itch them, well they itch almost all the time, like maybe every day , so when they itch i try to scratch them, and then sometimes hair does fall offf.. is this intentional.. because its not like im doing my eyebrows or something.. Is the hair falling because it is dead? i dunt kno
Re: Hair(eyebrow)
Posted by : Singh
Date: 7/19/2004 7:43 pm

If you feel an itch and you scratch and unintentionally some hair fall off, then I dont' see the big deal. If you are careful and not trying to actually remove the hair, then it seems ok to me. No normal hair would come off due to a normal scratch, so it's likely these hair are meant to come off anyways.

Don't sweat the small stuff. As long as you don't have an intention to remove hair, it should be ok.