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Traitors of the Panth everywhere
Posted by : Insaaf Singh
Date: 7/31/2004 7:20 am


Now, SAD (B) leader accused of honouring Tytler
Kuldeep Mann
Amritsar, July 29

THE SIKH high priests, who recently let off DSGMC president Parhlad Singh Chandok with a warning for honouring Jagdish Tytler, find themselves in a spot over a complaint they have received from Delhi.

The complainants, the Sikh Sangat of Delhi, have accused a leader of the Delhi unit of Shiromani Akali Dal (Badal) and the Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee (DSGMC) members Sharan Singh and Harminder Singh of honouring Jagdish Tytler, one of the accused in the anti-Sikh riots of 1984, at the Singh Sabha Gurdwara in Partap Nagar of New Delhi.

A formal complaint, corroborating the charges with photographic proofs, has already reached the Akal Takht. When contacted, Akal Takht Jathedar Joginder Singh Vedanti said he would shortly initiate action against the erring leaders as per the Sikh tenets.Sent by the Sikh Sangat of Delhi, the new

complaint has also accused the SAD (Badal) leader Devinder Singh, who unsuccessfully contested the DSGMC election, of honouring Tytler during a ceremony at the Chemsford Club.

The complaint also accuses DSGMC members Bhajan Singh Walia and Baldev Singh, said to be close to former DSGMC president Paramjit Singh Sarna, of honouring Sajjan Kumar.

The photographs sent by complainants show Tytler and Sajjan Kumar being honoured by Harbhajan Singh Nyer, president of the Gurdwara Singh Sabha, Roshanara Road, Rajinder Singh Doli and Paramjit Singh Pamma of the National Akali Dal and some riot widows.

Interestingly, the SAD (Badal) had exploited the Chandok issue to the hilt during the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee elections.

It had even issued advertisements in leading Punjabi dailies along with pictures that showed Chandok honouring Tytler.