ਨਸਾਜ਼ੋਨਬਾਜ਼ੋਨਫ਼ੌਜੋਨਫ਼ਰਸ਼॥ਖ਼ੁਦਾਵੰਦਬਖ਼ਸ਼ਿੰਦਹਿਐਸ਼ਿਅਰਸ਼॥੪॥ (ਸ੍ਰੀ ਮੁਖਵਾਕ ਪਾਤਿਸ਼ਾਹੀ ੧੦॥)

Akal Purakh Kee Rachha Hamnai, SarbLoh Dee Racchia Hamanai

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gurmukh hans drishti
Posted by : 10
Date: 7/23/2004 7:05 pm

A hans is able to separate milk from water and drinks only the milk and leaves behind the water. Gursikhs have been described as a hans; ie looking only at the good in others. Gursikhs look at their own bad qualities and only look at the good qualities in others. May Guru Maharaj Jee bless us all with Hans drishti.
Manmukhs only complain as they only look for and see the low-points or avguuns.

This shows the greatness of naam and the difference between gurmukhs and manmukhs:

malaar mehlaa 3. (1259-7)
Malaar, Third Mehl:

gan ganDharab naamay sabh uDhray gur kaa sabad veechaar.
All the heavenly heralds and celestial singers are saved through the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

ha-umai maar sad man vasaa-i-aa har raakhi-aa ur Dhaar.
They contemplate the Word of the Guru's Shabad. Subduing their ego, the Name abides in their minds; they keep the Lord enshrined in their hearts.

jisahi bujhaa-ay so-ee boojhai jis no aapay la-ay milaa-ay.
He alone understands, whom the Lord causes to understand; the Lord unites him with Himself.

an-din banee sabday gaaNvai saach rahai liv laa-ay. ||1||
Night and day, he sings the Word of the Shabad and the Guru's Bani; he remains lovingly attuned to the True Lord. ||1||

man mayray khin khin naam samHaal.
O my mind, each and every moment, dwell on the Naam.

gur kee daat sabad sukh antar sadaa nibhai tayrai naal. ||1|| rahaa-o.
The Shabad is the Guru's Gift. It shall bring you lasting peace deep within; it shall always stand by you. ||1||Pause||

manmukh pakhand kaday na chookai doojai bhaa-ay dukh paa-ay.
The self-willed manmukhs never give up their hypocrisy; in the love of duality, they suffer in pain.

naam visaar bikhi-aa man raatay birthaa janam gavaa-ay.
Forgetting the Naam, their minds are imbued with corruption. They waste away their lives uselessly.

ih vaylaa fir hath na aavai an-din sadaa pachhutaa-ay.
This opportunity shall not come into their hands again; night and day, they shall always regret and repent.

mar mar janmai kaday na boojhai vistaa maahi samaa-ay. ||2||
They die and die again and again, only to be reborn, but they never understand. They rot away in manure. ||2||

gurmukh naam ratay say uDhray gur kaa sabad veechaar.
The Gurmukhs are imbued with the Naam, and are saved; they contemplate the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

jeevan mukat har naam Dhi-aa-i-aa har raakhi-aa ur Dhaar.
Meditating on the Name of the Lord, they are Jivan-mukta, liberated while yet alive. They enshrine the Lord within their hearts.

man tan nirmal nirmal mat ootam ootam banee ho-ee.
Their minds and bodies are immaculate, their intellect is immaculate and sublime. Their speech is sublime as well.

ayko purakh ayk parabh jaataa doojaa avar na ko-ee. ||3||
They realize the One Primal Being, the One Lord God. There is no other at all. ||3||