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rehit why is it so important
Posted by : sikh
Date: 7/28/2004 5:51 am

as above can someobdy answer this question

rehit why is it so important?

why did guru-ji place such a high emphasis on it?
Re: rehit why is it so important
Posted by : Jarnail Singh Arshi Gyani
Date: 7/28/2004 7:45 am

waheguru ji ka khasa waheguru ji ki fateh.

simply put rehit is "discipline". there is nothing worse than a "slob"...who cant get up at the proper time, eat at the proper time, keep certain rules, keep persoanl hygeine, cant make it to classes on time, is late to work...etc etc... How can one be a proper sikh if one cant even keep simple discipline ??

rehit is personal discipline, diet discipline, mental discipline, social discipline......... religious discipline..... a "sikh" who has no rules, no order in his life...is a very poor human being let alone a model sikh.... that is why Guru Ji wants us to have rehit.... we are SAINT-SOLDIERS...SANT SIPAHI.. an army without discipline is a raggy shaggy no good bunch of slobs...each doing his own thing....

rather simplistic view...but it is to the point.

dass jarnail singh
Re: rehit why is it so important
Posted by : partinder singh
Date: 7/28/2004 7:50 am

because, without hte rehat, is no naam. and without the naam, there is no rehat. teek?

partay singhs brother. tanks.
Re: rehit why is it so important
Posted by : Rashpal Singh
Date: 7/29/2004 8:20 am


Rehat is extremely important in our life, as it is most dear to Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

Rehat Piaaree Mujko, Sikh Piaaraa Nahee
(Guru Gobind Singh Ji)

Rehat is dear to me, and not the Sikh. So, Maharaj loves the one who tries to keep Rehat to the best of his ability, even at the cost of his or her own life. With Rehat we can achieve alot of wordly comforts and most of all spiritual comforts, which all Sikhs of The True Guru should aspire to. You just have to read the 'Rehat Experiences' thread to realise the beauty of Rehat.

Also, as Bhai Jarnail Singh Arshee has put it, it disciplines you to follow a better life of commitment, which, ultimately, will get you to the final destination - Sachkhand.

Re: rehit why is it so important
Posted by : g
Date: 7/30/2004 2:20 pm

how is there no naam without rehit that doesnt make any sense... I have met mona's who do more simran that me and they have no rehit
Re: rehit why is it so important
Posted by : Mkhalsa
Date: 7/30/2004 4:23 pm

g, they can do simran, but where will it lead them?

it is like this, say you want a pot of milk. If you keep pouring the milk into a collander/strainer, you will have no milk.

but if you pour it into a sturdy bowl or pot, you will have milk.

the poor guy with the strainer can pour gallons and gallons of milk in, but in the end, what will he have?

the same way if we do not lead a disciplined life, the simran will not stick with us as we will continually burn it in our manmukhi.
Re: rehit why is it so important
Posted by : khalistani
Date: 7/30/2004 9:02 pm

Vaheguru je ka khalsa, Vaheguru je ke fateh

reight pyare mukh ko
sikh pyara nahee

sikh pyara nahee does not mean a sikh is not beloved to me
how cud guru je says that when he says he loved his sikhs???
it means a sikh is like his patee paremesuar
i think
bhula chuka maf

Vaheguru je ka khalsa, Vaheguru je ke fateh
Re: rehit why is it so important
Posted by : Jarnail Singh Arshi gyani
Date: 7/31/2004 10:47 am

Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki afteh.

Mkhalsa is right. The strainer will not retain any milk.....but you know what. I heard a mahapurash doing katha one day and his message was...the "strainer" ( chah poni ) will GET BRIGHTER and shinier and cleaner...the more milk is poured over it again and again.....so even if "naam" doesnt "stay" in a strainer...it at least serves to clean it... readrers draw your own conclusions.

Khalsitanee veer: I dont get what you are saying. How does "Sikh Payaraa NAHEEN"......translate to "Sikh is my patee parmeshar..."

A "SIKH" without REHIT is NOT a "sikh" whatever else he may be. Will any army in the world accept a "marine/commando" who doesnt train, doesnt wear uniform, doest attend camp, doesnt follow any rules...etc and will His Commander still say: I LOVE THIS MAN..... He is MY SOLDIER ??? Then what about all those other soldiers who attend training, slog at rule books, shine their shoes to perfection, carry their weapons, run laps around the camp getting into shape...etc etc......who are they ?? Not soldiers?? then whats the difference between the First "soldier" ( AWOL /SLOB////) and the "second group of soldiers" ?? REhatwaan, strict rules followers etc

Veer Ji, IMHO Guru Ji means exactly what is implied: Guru Ji LOVES the REHIT more than any "sikh" without rehit....otherwise it is of no use keeping rehit because Guru Ji loves us "anyway...."

Dass jarnail singh
Re: rehit why is it so important
Posted by : Mkhalsa
Date: 7/31/2004 2:43 pm

That is true jee, one may get cleaner, it may change their lives, make them happier, but it will not help them keep a "naam bank" it will not help them attain mukhti or burn off karams.
Re: rehit why is it so important
Posted by : yea
Date: 8/01/2004 4:23 pm

yo khalistani
it should be rehit pyara mujh*** ko sikh pyara nahi