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gelatin, lecithin, rennet
Posted by: ramsar (IP Logged)
Date: September 20, 2007 10:00AM

These 3 things i have found out are derived from animals.

before i never ate them, but heard about them and avoided them

then one day i ate cereal that had gelatin and lecithin, knowing that it did...but never really knew for sure that they were derived from meat...i just went on heresay

now i feel guilty that i ate them, because ive checked on wikipedia what they are...

what should i do...i knowingly ate it...


Re: gelatin, lecithin, rennet
Posted by: Mehtab Singh (IP Logged)
Date: September 20, 2007 11:12AM

Soya lecithin is veggie. I am not sure about just lecithin, and the other two are I think not veggie.


Re: gelatin, lecithin, rennet
Posted by: SENGH (IP Logged)
Date: September 20, 2007 01:03PM

soya lecithin is veggie your right. if it just says lecithin dont assume it will be soya because it wont and it wont be veggie!!

im not to sure what you meant by your orriginal question
if your asking what you should do if you have eaten gelatin the answer is go ask the panj payare!


Re: gelatin, lecithin, rennet
Posted by: harveen_singh (IP Logged)
Date: September 20, 2007 02:50PM


there are other things everyone should be aware of which is E numbers


these are the E numbers which are mixed in some packed food and aren't vegetarian.


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