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Sach Khand - number of paap/deeds
Posted by: malton (IP Logged)
Date: November 14, 2007 01:01PM

From my understanding, our ascent/descent in sikhi is not based on the number of paaps that we have, rather our level of understanding and mind state, because Guru has forgiven even the worst of sinners, ie ganika etc, and others who were given mukti.

From what i know, Sach Khand is the ultimate and supreme mind state one can have, which can be acheived here on earth, even in the midst of maya if one is so lucky. Is this true?


Re: Sach Khand - number of paap/deeds
Posted by: Xylitol (IP Logged)
Date: November 23, 2007 10:59PM

not fully.

kirpa of satguru is required to reach sach khand. so we must go on the sikh path to get kirpa. but yes, even the lowest sinner can be redeemed by the guru.


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