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Cigarettes Forced In Amritdhari Student’s Mouth
Posted by: Sardar Singh (IP Logged)
Date: November 03, 2007 04:27PM

Cigarettes Forced In Amritdhari’s Mouth

Ropar Oct 31: Mischievous students at Ropar’s famous IET Bhaddal College today attacked a Sikh student and violated his religious beliefs. 5-6 non-Sikh students entered the Amritdhari student’s room and stuffed cigarettes in his mouth and repeatedly exhaled smoke into his face causing him to vomit. When other students found out about this, they came to help the Amritdhari student, Yadavinder Singh Brar. Yadavinder Singh told reporters that the students also insulted the Sikh faith. When some Sikh students came to help him, and pused the attackers out o fthe room and shut the main gate, the attackers returned with 50-100 other armed students. They gathered outside the hostel and broke doors and windows. Yadavinder Singh said tha the and his companions, Satinderpal Singh, Gurpreet Singh, Harinder Singh and Jaskaran Singh escaped from the Hostel at 5am and arrived at Gurdwara Sri Bhathaa Sahib.

Yadavinder Singh’s friends said that when their other friends were leaving the Hostel in the morning, they were attacked rods and hockey sticks.

Sikh students have gathered at Gurdwara Bhattha Sahib to sympathize with Yadavinder Singh and asked for justice.


Re: Cigarettes Forced In Amritdhari Student’s Mouth
Posted by: Mehtab Singh (IP Logged)
Date: November 03, 2007 05:47PM

"100 armed students" reminds me of a similar happening that occurred less than a quarter of a century ago, and astonishingly this week is the anniversary of that inhuman happening.


Re: Cigarettes Forced In Amritdhari Student’s Mouth
Posted by: Death (IP Logged)
Date: November 04, 2007 03:40AM

This is MAD. The fact that the few students that first attacked the Singh were prepared with 50-100 ARMED Students is nuts. The 1978 attacks are all coming back. The government and police better do something about this, or there's going to be another 1984 WAR. Also, this is India where Sikhi originated, I would expect something Religion Haters to be in America, Endland or Canada but not in India.

Also, these were students, not adults, in dasam granth it described the type of people that would be born who would have hatred, dharam haters and would consider themselves god.

Someone I know said that he had dreams concerning another attack on harminder sahib, which he said he thinks was going to happen next year. If this is true then we all have to be there to SUPPORT THEM, and if needed we'll do SHEDEEHI.


Re: Cigarettes Forced In Amritdhari Student’s Mouth
Posted by: Death (IP Logged)
Date: November 04, 2007 03:43AM

Don't stop updating us please.


Re: Cigarettes Forced In Amritdhari Student’s Mouth
Posted by: Death (IP Logged)
Date: November 04, 2007 03:54AM

OCT 31? I just read that part realising it's november the 3rd, why do we have the news so late? And why don't other phorums know of this?


Re: Cigarettes Forced In Amritdhari Student’s Mouth
Posted by: Khalsaspirit (IP Logged)
Date: November 05, 2007 07:12AM

Waheguru ji ka khalsa
Waheguru ji ki fateh

Khalsa jio,

Quote "I would expect something Religion Haters to be in America, Endland or Canada but not in India."

We think if that happens in said countries especially in America all would be charged with Hate crime, which has stricter penality than first degree murder and all would be jailed for more than 20 years immediatly. NO LAW AND ORDER backed by BLIND HINDUSTANI JUSTICE SYSTEM and if Khalsa takes any action against these unjustices then he is blamed as ATANKVADI. What a black ash on the face of so called world's biggest democracy.

Guru Mehar Karay

Waheguru ji ka khlasa
Waheguru ji ki fateh


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