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Bollywood Movie: Singh is King
Posted by: Death (IP Logged)
Date: October 30, 2007 05:53AM

This bollywood movie is an upcoming film that is being worked on right now, so it has not come out. Have a look at the movie poster:


I don't care if bollywood always do this kind of thing, and all that crap. It's a disgrace and shame to Sikhs the way Sikhs on TV are always portrayed. Soon this movie poster will be all over the place, on buses, bus stops, underground stations etc.

Why haven't they ever done anything like this with Muslims, huh? Let me answer that simple question: they FEAR them. They don't respect us or fear us. So, they do what they want, just like what happened in 1978. WHY? because WE LET THEM GET AWAY WITH THE SMALL THINGS WHICH LEAD UP TO THE BIGGER THINGS!

It will only get worse; it always starts with the small steps, the small things that Muslims wouldn't ever let anyone get away with.

This movie hasn't come out yet; there must be something we can do to put a stop to it. Don't we have Sikh Organisations that can help with this sort of thing?

Finally, don't act as if there is nothing to worry about, because one day there will be - because we brush it off as if its nothing to worry about, so that BOLLYWOOD AND THE REST OF THE WORLD CAN PORTRAY GURU JI'S fOUNDING AND IMAGE HOWEVER THEY WANT!


Re: Bollywood Movie: Singh is King
Posted by: kulbir singh (IP Logged)
Date: October 30, 2007 01:44PM

The picture is disgusting because the hero has no beard. Also, I hope they don't show Sikhs as gangsters because Sikhs are not gangsters.

Kulbir Singh


Re: Bollywood Movie: Singh is King
Posted by: malton (IP Logged)
Date: November 09, 2007 11:32AM

this is not surpising to see. the definition of singh has now evolved so that even a trimmed dhari is considered a singh. there are posters of it, and even album covers displaying this

how do we tell other people what not to do, when our own people dont care?

punjab still has morals and values beyond the west, but the west is slowly infultrating these morals and values that define us. its an uphill battle, the best thing is to set a good example, and to educate as much as we can.


Re: Bollywood Movie: Singh is King
Posted by: hopeless (IP Logged)
Date: November 13, 2007 07:46AM

well this is storyline of the movie .........Watch out for Singh is King coming Summer 2008.The story is about a small town Sikh boy who because of circumstances becomes a sinister under-world gangster....... so called sikhs who pay to watch this movie should be ashamed of their ignorance.


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