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Baba Surjit Singh Ji presented himself before magistrates
Posted by: Jatha Nihang Singha (IP Logged)
Date: March 06, 2010 02:01AM

Following the peace talks between the factions of Budha Dal, Panth Patshah Jathedar Baba Surjit Singh Ji 96 crori presented himself before magistrates’ yesterday evening in order to clear his name from the criminal cases which he has been falsely associated with.

Sikh Jathebandia and Sangata have rallied to provide the upmost support to the chosen leader of Budha Dal and to ensure that Baba Surjit Singh receives no ill treatment while in police custody. It is hoped that timely resolvement of the cases will ensure allowing for the Budha Dal to flourish under the guidance of its General. Jathedar Baba Surjit Singh Ji has spent the last majority of his life serving the Panth and it is now the Panth’s time to serve him.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/07/2010 02:55PM by admin.


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