
Akal Purakh Kee Rachha Hamnai, SarbLoh Dee Racchia Hamanai

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Posted by: mpsingh86 (IP Logged)
Date: February 11, 2010 04:10AM

Hello Sangat ji,

Just wanted to know, In all the pics of Guru Gobind singh ji and Chote Sahib Zadey and Mata Gujri ji, All are wearing Kamarkasas(Blue Color Cloth around their Waist). Even in Suraj Prakash Katha by Bhai Santokh SIngh ji mentions that Guru Gobind SIngh ji made it complusory 'Who Ever wants my darshan should be complete sikh(in terms of Rehni,Behni,Sehni), Should be ShashterDhari , Wearing Complete Uniform with Kamarkasa. Also it mentions that During Amrit Sanchar , 5 pyarey wore kamarkasa and then gave Amrit to the Disciple

Then why did SGPC didnot make it complusory for Sikhs to wear Kamrkasa. Instead today SIKH(not all but few) will question ANother sikh(wearing Kamarkasa) ;' Bhai SIngha, Eh Pati keri Bani ah tu apne Lak nu'(what clothe(Pati) are u wearing around your waist(Lak), Any Spine Problems'.


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