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Gurmat Bibek
Posted by: IApple (IP Logged)
Date: January 31, 2010 09:05AM

Translated By Sikh Digest Sevadaars

Bhai Sahib Bhai Randheer Singh
Gurmat Bibek Part One

1.What Does It Mean To Observe Gurmat Bibek?

Bibek literally means to use discerning intellect. In the context of Gurmat, the foremost distinguished intellect is to live in accordance with Hukams of Satguru. Although only the rarest of rare Sikhs is able to fully submit to each and every Hukam of Satguru, it is the duty of every Sikh to make efforts to do so.

2.How does Gurmat Bibek help a Sikh?

The essence of Gurmat Bibek is to imbibe Naam at all times in the heart. Naam is the One Hukam that is central to all other Hukams of Satguru. These other Hukams, Rehat of a Gursikh, are only to help in continual engaging in Naam.

3.Doesn’t one get Naam from Punj Pyaare at Amrit Sanchaar? Then what fore are the other Hukams of Gurmat Bibek? Wouldn’t they be distractions from the One Hukam?

There are very few fortunate individuals who get to the stage of continous-unhindered Naam Abhyaas immediately after Amrit Sanchaar but they too have to follow all the other supporting Gur-Hukams to retain the bliss. In fact, Bibek just comes naturally to them. The majority of us, however, have to follow all Gur-Hukams to gradually earn the Essence of Naam. Bibek practice brings about a host of benefits effortlessly. It is our straying mind that leads us away from Naam. All thoughts that come to a Bibekee Gursikh are for meeting ਪ੍ਰੀਤਮਾ (Beloved) and progress along Gurmat lines. Thus, Bibek keeps the mind in check. One must be very careful, however in following the supporting Gur-Hukams so as to not forget the One Hukam – Naam. They should never replace Naam as it the principal pursuit of a Gursikh.

4.If the other Hukams are only to support a Sikh to earn the One and Only Hukam, can the Sikh disregard these after attaining the stage of swaas-swaas Naam?

On who gives up some Gur-Hukams after reaching the ultimate stage is only being ungrateful for their help in getting there and is misleading others, Gursikhs – ਸੁਹਾਗਣਾਂ (wives) enjoy obeying the Hukams of their Guroo-Akal-Purakh-Husband all along. They get unique ਰਸੁ (elixir) from following his ਭਾਣਾ (Will).

5.What is the single most important act that brings about Naam?

The most important act, as per Gurmat Bibek, is to sing Har-Keertan. There is no higher knowledge, philosophy or practice than Har-Keertan. Even while doing Har-Keertan the dhunee (Sound) of Naam continues unabated. Only that thought is highest that brings about singing of Har-Gunn – Gurbanee. Such thought only comes through SatSangat when ਰੰਗਿ (hue) of Gurmat gets instilled. Only those Bibekee Gursikhs will get to be thus blessed who practice the Hukam of doing Keertan. Without practice of this ਸਿਫਤਿ ਸਾਲਾਹ (Har-Keertan) one cannot have Bibek as Gurmat. The highest Gurmat-Karam without a parallel is Har-Keertan. All heavenly pleasures come easily to one immersed in Har-Keertan. Gurmukhs who thus taste the sweet rsu of Gurbanee also get the Ones Divine Vision.

6.Wouldn’t everyone who does Har-Keertan get ਰਸੁ?

Even though anyone who comes in touch with Gurbanee gets blessed, the Pleasure that Bibekee Gursikhs, with ਜੀਵਨ ਕਣੀ: Naam in their hearts, enjoy is indescribable. In fact, anyone who does Gurbanee Path gets drops of Amrit trickle within. But only those blessed ones experience it who are dealers of Amrit in their daily life, Gurmat Bibekees. Those who experience Amrit once engage themselves in earning it again and again and thus dwell in Amrit Ras to ultimately recognize the One Akaal Purakh. Such love-drenched Gurmat Bibekees never turn away from Guru’s Hukams.

7.What is another important part of Gurmat Bibek?

Gurbanee Nitnem is solid pillar of Gurmat-Bibek. A lot of people do practice Nitnem, for they have not realized the ਪਾਰਸ ਕਲਾ (inducing-power) of Gurbanee. Gurmat-Bibekee Singhs consider their loving devotional act of Nitnem to be more important than any other of their daily chores. The daily serving of Gurbanee initiates swaas-swaas Simran so as to sew it into the heart, to have ਬਚਨ ਜੀਅ ਨਾਲੇ (Gurbanee abiding in ones soul). The best reward of having Gur-Shabad entrenched in heart is that ones remains immersed in ਹਰਿ-ਰੰਗਿ without break and ਲਾਲਨ is found form within. The true seva for Gurmukhs is to drink the Great Ras of Naam continuously. Gursikhs should also make doing Keertan part of their Nitnem. It banishes all shortcomings.

8.Gurbanee teaches us that the reason for all that ails is ਹੳਮੈ (Ego)
How does Gurmat Bibek help in this regard?

Gurmat Bibek is about Naam. Those who relish Naam Have conquered ਹੳਮੈ
and truly recognize themselves to be subservient to all.

9.But not everyone who starts on this path begins to relish Naam?

Gurbanee makes it certain that we must recite Naam ceaselessly all our lives, Initially, while one hasn’t tasted the Ras of Naam one should keep doing Simran as a Hukam , even if with ਹਠ (self effort). Once rass comes, then as we Simar Naam the ras keeps working and the eagerness to continue doing so ever increases.

10.Are there any techniques to help during the ਹਠ stage when one’s mind is not yet under control?

In Kalug (Dark Age) there is no better technique than sitting in SatSang for Akhand Paaths or Akhand Keertan (Akhand meaning unbroken/continuous). The only cure for runaway thoughts is such SatSang.

11.How do you classify the ‘other hukams’?

One simple classification is ‘To-Do’ and ‘Not-To-Do’. There are several Shabads in Gurbanee that list these and in each the central focus is always Naam. Thus, these other Hukams are clearly specified as supporting Hukams. For example, Naam-induced humble living and uttering sweet-words for all are two key ‘To-Do’ hukams. At the same time, egoistic show and slander are big items on the ‘Not-To-Do’ list.


Re: Gurmat Bibek
Posted by: IApple (IP Logged)
Date: February 11, 2010 06:21AM

Translated By Sikh Digest Sevadaars

Bhai Sahib Bhai Randheer Singh
Gurmat Bibek Part Two

1. So What Does A Day Of A Gursikh Following Gurmat Bibek Look Like?

The daily routine of a Gursikh is laid out eloquently by Satguru Ramdass Jee in Siree Guru Granth Sahib Jee on Ang 305. The day starts with practice of Naam Simran. To do this, the Gursikh first takes the initiative to bathe in “Amritsar”. Then the Gursikh recites Paath of Nitnem as prescribed by Satguru. Doing this all sins and faults get erased. As the sun rises, the Gursikh goes to the Darbar of Siree Guru Granth Sahib Jee and immerses into the deep and soothing melody of Gurbanee Keertan. Later in the day, the Gursikh keeps doing Naam Simran with each breath while performing the worldly duties.

2. Getting into specifics, what time should one get up in the morning?

The hukam is to get up when there is still 1.25 Pehars of night remaining (This translates to around 2am). Satguru equates the one who sleeps through Amritvela with a dead body. So, those who do endeavour to wake at this heavenly hour are not being ਸਿਰੜੀ (as some like to label). They are just being Gursikh.

3. What about bathing in Amritsar? How can a person half way across the globe manage to accomplish that?

Very fortunate are those who are able to physically go to Siree Darbar Sahib, Amritsar, every morning for Amritvela dip in the Sarovar. However, a Sikh anywhere in the world enjoys the same bliss by following Gurmat Bibek procedure of ‘ishnaan’. For one, the time of Amritvela is very conducive: second, the mind of the Sikh is attuned to Amrit Naam & Gurbanee while doing Ishnaan: thirdly, due to the effect of this Amrit tuned mind the filth & duality due to Maya gets blown away & then the Sikh feels the shower of Amrit that is forever pouring.

4.So, this would be an Ishnaan of both body & mind.

Completely! Ishnaan of mind is to cleanse it of all bad thoughts and attune it to Amrit Naam. One caution is that sometimes when the mind becomes still, a dulling bliss descends that actually hampers further spiritual progress. The best cure this is to, from the very beginning, engage the mind in doing Naam & Gurbanee Abhyass (Practice) together. The Paath of Sukhmanee Sahib is especially beneficial with Naam Simran. Gurbanee evokes love for Naam and it is this love that takes the Surtee (Mind) to greater heights.

5. Regarding Ishnaan of Body, Does that have to include Kes?

Why Not? Are Kes not part of the body? Infact they are the principal member. Hukam is on every Sikh to do full Ishnaan everyday. It is defiance to exclude Kes from the Ishnaan.

6. Isn’t That Hard?

It is so enjoyable! Gursikhs who are practioners of this Rehat know this & just cannot have an Ishnaan without including the Kes. There are some things to keep in mind regarding care for Kes to keep them clean & soft. Every third or fourth day, pure oil should be applied. Never let them get smelly. The discipline for this is to not tie Dastar while Kes are still damp. Also, a Sikh is ordained to comb the Kes twice a day.

7. Bhai Sahib, sometimes one just doesn’t have enough time to aerate the Kes.

Those who enjoy the discipline of getting up while 1.25 pehar of night are still remaining don’t face this problem. Sitting in open air they meditate of Naam & Banee & aerify the Kes. We can sit with loose hair while doing Naam Abhyass or Banee recitation without a Pothee. Those who have heavy hair & still have dampness after 3hr Abhyass, should tie a Dastar of ‘Kuddar’. This Dumala will soak up the remaining dampness in short while. (Solutions can be found for problems that come in the way of following such Hukams.) Gursikhs living in severe cold terrains continue to maintain their discipline of Bibek Ishnaan. (We can learn tips from each other rather than give up such Bibek.)

8. So, this is Ishnaan Bibek. People usually talk about Daan alongside Ishnaan. How does the Bibek of Daan help in Naam Simran?

Gurmat Daan is to put everything of your self – Physically, Materially into the service of Satguru, service of Panth, Service of Dannee Gursikhs, with sincere realization that everything belongs to Satguru, do not entertain even a iota of Ego while sacrificing their whole for Satguru. They do so in Humble service. They get a unique Spiritual Bliss in doing this service of giving up their selves. As this spirit of Seva (service) increases so does Spiritual Bliss. This way, Daan just like Ishnaan takes the spirit into ever rising Naam-Ecstasy. Infact, such Bibek of Gurmat-Daan is even more important than the Bibek of Gurmat Ishnaan.

9. Sounds like giving away in charity is an easier way to grow spiritually.

(Hardly) To become magnanimous as per Gurmat is an Ultimate Stage of a Danee Gursikh. To get there one must 1) Get rid of the 5 evils, 2) Shed self formed beliefs & 3) Do Seva in complete Humility. Only Gursikhs seeped in such Humble Service are truly magnanimous. Giving Dasvandh 10% is mandatory for every Gursikh. Some go beyond that & give much more in charity, but it is never with a feeling of being a ‘giver’.

10. What about the Daan of time to preach & spread the Guru’s Word?

The person who has sacrificed his/her whole or in other words lives after dying is the Gurmukh ParUpkaree (Magnanimous Gurmukh). One who hasn’t done so, one who hasn’t fixed their own mind, whose mind is not attuned fully to Guru’s Word, what can he/she preach to others about Guru’s Word?. Gurmukh Par-UpKaarees do not have to lecture anyone. Their mere sight is enough to incite love for Gursikhee in others. Their exemplary life becomes an aura that spreads it sweet fragrance to all that come in touch.

11. Tell us more about the life style of a Gurmat Bibekee

To help with earning the Naam Profit, Gurbanee tells us about several essential Bibek-acts. From one Shabad on Ang 36, we learn the Hukam of living a social, domestic (Grehast) life while not getting attached, It further advised that living should be based on Truth & be of restraint. The Shabad reiterates that the battle is to win the mind through regular occupation in Naam Simran. This occupation is to be in the company of Gursikhs for gaining the Special Bliss. This is the path to Raaj-Jog.

12. But the stresses & strains of domestic life make it difficult to engage in Naam

Following the Guru- Hukams, Gurmat Bibekees get naturally endowed with such qualities as being humble, not have animosity or bickering with anyone, not keeping accounts of other’s doings, that domestic life becomes an ideal nurturer of True Love.


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