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Hindu principal insults dastar wearing sikh girl
Posted by: sarbloh_protection (IP Logged)
Date: January 04, 2010 02:50AM

A very sad incident happened some time back. The Baba Isher Singh School located in Bhai Randhir Singh Nagar, Ludhiana, Punjab appointed a Hindu Principal by the name of Mrs. Kundra. There was a dastaar wearing sikh girl in 8th grade. Mrs. Kundra told this girl to stop wearing the dastaar and told her " You look neither a boy nor a girl, you look somewhere in between". She tried to mock the girl. The girl told this to her parents who wanted an apology from the Principal but Mrs. Kundra refused to apologize and even the school authority remained silent and could not get an apology.
The question to ask is Why did a Sikh school have a Hindu principal ? Couldnt they find a gursikh lady for the Principal post ?
The sikh institutions have really got corrupted in this dark age of Kaliyug and its all about money, donations.


Re: Hindu principal insults dastar wearing sikh girl
Posted by: scimitar (IP Logged)
Date: January 04, 2010 08:36AM

if Bibi Kumari 1) adopted sikhi 2) understood sikh history rehetnamas 3) meditated on gurbani and Naam

then she would be in a position to enter a Sikh School in responsibilidy to guide small children who need honslah and himmat to become the Pillars of tomorow thru their Convictions

In the Uk They have a Database of Offenders who have to stay away from Children.. In My eyes Kumari is an offender and should face an Enquiry baed upon whats said in Post above..

I hope in Future all (especially religious schools) strive to keep such a Database for the protection of children and stop RSS/Radaswami/etc infilitrating Sikh Instituitions. maybe Have a Joint Sikh Body that Governs new Standards of Teachers in Punjabi Sikh Schools that must have spiritual education of sikhi be amritdhari and then the worldly education in order to serve the Future.


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