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Advice needed on keeping Sarbloh Bibek
Posted by: tapoban (IP Logged)
Date: December 28, 2009 06:51AM

I have moved 'Aalas Moorak's question on to this new thread.

Re: Shaheedan Misl - The Sarblohee Jatha Posted by: Aalas Moorakh
Date: December 24, 2009 05:32AM

This is a very inspiring post.

Has anyone got any advice on how to become sarblohi step by step, or would you suggest diving right into it?

Im struggling to be just bibek. I dont know how to cook much and my diets rubbish (i dont like eating fruit).

Also none of my family members have been blessed with amrit-naam yet.

Any tips and advice would be much appreciated.


Re: Advice needed on keeping Sarbloh Bibek
Posted by: Aalas Moorakh (IP Logged)
Date: December 28, 2009 10:25AM

Thanks for creating a seperate thread about this topic, I'll remember not to post on stickys in future :D


Re: Advice needed on keeping Sarbloh Bibek
Posted by: 13khalsa (IP Logged)
Date: December 28, 2009 02:47PM

It’s nice to see you wanting to keep Sarbloh Bibek Rehat of Guru Sahib Aalas Moorakh jee. I know a lot of other Gursikhs would like to keep this rehat too, the only issue is it is not easy to keep if your circumstances make it difficult. It does not suit the life style of some. The rehat is tough but the rewards make it worth while.

If you can change your lifestyle to suit the rehat then it will cut out a lot of your distractions in life, you will have taken a big step in killing yourself and bringing yourself nearer to Akaal Purkh.

From what you’ve written it’s going to be an uphill task. All I can suggest is do an ardas and let things take its course.

Inside you will know if this rehat is destined for your jeevan. You will have a link with Sarbloh like a magnet to metal. This relationship will create your sanjog, you will overcome barriers because you will have to become like what it is.

I like yourself was in a difficult situation, when I first started off. It was not until I got married that I could keep this rehat properly. Finding or having a spouse who is willing to keep this rehat is vital or otherwise it will not work.

I started my Bibek gradually and this may be the way you want to do things. There are however a lot of Gursikhs who have done this on their own and they are praise worthy.
Although I think things would have been different if the Panj had given a Hukam to keep Sarbloh/Bibek for me, I was just unfortunate not to have had that push. I had to learn things the hard way.

Anyway good luck in what ever you decide, but i think the answers you seek will be found inside you and not on this or any other website. If your karams are right you will enjoy the journey!


Re: Advice needed on keeping Sarbloh Bibek
Posted by: Aalas Moorakh (IP Logged)
Date: December 28, 2009 03:41PM

Thanks Veerji.


Re: Advice needed on keeping Sarbloh Bibek
Posted by: ... (IP Logged)
Date: December 29, 2009 07:47AM

i have questioned several sarbloh bibeki gurmukhs regarding this rehat, and they advised me to keep hardcore bibek for a year before adopting sarbloh bibek. so for a whole year, no processed foods are to be eaten and only eat from amritdhari rehitvaan gursikhs. if someone has stayed firm for a whole year in this bibek, then it suggests that they may be ready to adopt sarbloh bibek.


Re: Advice needed on keeping Sarbloh Bibek
Posted by: Aalas Moorakh (IP Logged)
Date: December 29, 2009 08:48AM

Yea, that sounds like a good plan. Not eating processed foods is the first step for me.


Re: Advice needed on keeping Sarbloh Bibek
Posted by: sss (IP Logged)
Date: December 30, 2009 03:37PM

My first step was to stop eating out, i.e. Pizza Hut, McDonalds, school and work cafeteria, chippies etc. I make the majority of food myself now. I also slowly cut out chocolates and crisps as I felt junk food sort of made me feel lazy.

Something which you said Aalas was that you can't cook. I don't know how old you are but I learned to cook daal and roti from my mum and that has helped me exponentially. It sort of boosted my confidence and independence so if you can learn from someone, do.

I am having difficulty understanding to what extent this rehat can be adopted in the West. Do practicers of this rehat use tupperware and do they have a sarbloh rolling pin for rotis? I'm probz being pedantic but I want to make sure that I don't adopt this rehat half-heartedly.

I'm heading off to India soon and my next step is to get Sarbloh bartan to start cooking and eating from, it would be good to get a list of stuff to buy up on this.

Finally, I think it depends where you are geographically which determines whether you can dive right in or take it slow. There aren't any sarbloh sikhs where I am so it's harder to get advice and stuff...which is why this is a good thread.


Re: Advice needed on keeping Sarbloh Bibek
Posted by: Aalas Moorakh (IP Logged)
Date: December 31, 2009 03:48AM

Im 28yrs old, I could come out with a million excuses of why I cant cook but thats what they are EXCUSES! Never too late to learn. There are a few Singhs who are sarbloh bibeki in my area, but the good thing is that a lot more singhs want to adopt this rehat.


Re: Advice needed on keeping Sarbloh Bibek
Posted by: Sunsingh (IP Logged)
Date: January 17, 2010 12:52PM

how shiny does the karahee have to be before it's ready for first use? the one i bought is mostly black, with some dull steel grey colour showing at some parts. do i need to scrub all the black away before it's ready for cooking??

Also, some websites mention 'seasoning' sarbloh by cooking oils in it. Will it damage the sarbloh or cause any harm if this process is not done?


Re: Advice needed on keeping Sarbloh Bibek
Posted by: 13khalsa (IP Logged)
Date: January 17, 2010 01:43PM

The karahee does not need to have a perfect shine, you just need to make sure theres no rust on it.
I don't think you need to season the karahee but if its done then its not going to cause any harm.

I think ghee is better than some other oils for cooking though.


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