Amrit wela
Posted by: Pwalla! (IP Logged)
Date: December 25, 2009 10:30AM
Waheguroo Ji ka Khalsa, Waheguroo Ji Ki Fateh,
I dont know if this has been discussed before and if it has please direct me to the tread.
Just a few questions about amritwela I would like to know from the Tapoban Canada Singhs. I was looking at another website nd saw n inspirtional.
He writes: As per the famous salok of Siri Guru Ramdaas jee Maharaj, listed above, the following should be done at Amritvela:
1) Recitation of Naam as soon as one gets up.
2) Gurmat Ishnaan of whole of the body including the hair. While doing Ishnaan one must do paath of Gurbani, Mool Mantra or Naam Abhyaas.
3) Nitnem of 5 Baanis should begin after Ishnaan is done and not while doing Ishnaan.
4) Nitnem of 5 baanis is of utmost importance and should be done at amritvela.
5) Naam Abhyaas can be done alone too but to have maximum benefit, it should be done along with Siri Sukhmani Sahib (reference from Bhai Sahib’s writing coming later in this article).
6) After concluding Naam Abhyaas, one should go to Gurdwara Sahib or where ever one can have darshan of Siri Guru Granth Sahib jee and do kirtan of Siri Asa kee Vaar. The amritvela should conclude with Siri Asa kee Vaar and if possible with Karah Parshad.
7) Then during the day, doing all tasks, one should continue doing Naam Abhyaas.
8) Such Gursikh who does Naam Abhyaas all the time through every breath is very dear to Guru Sahib.
I want to take your attention to point 3), in point three it talks about doing nitnem after ishnaan. This confused me as we in England do abhiyaas after ishnaan for around 2 hours and after this we are advised to do nitnem. So can some gursikh from Tapoban please shed some light on this issue, does gurbani or Gurdaas jis vaars tell us that we should do nitnem after ishnaan, but do we then do abiyaas after this. I know Tapoban Singh do abhiyaas alone at amritwela as I have been gifted the gift of doing amritwela with them in the past.
After it talks about doing abhiyaas with Sukhmani Sahib for full benefit, this is taken from Bhai Sahib Randhir Singhs book as well:
Loose Translation: The best way to be saved from this (avoid dull concentration) is to do Naam Abhyaas and Gurbani Paath together. And especially to do Abhyaas (recitation with love) of Siri Sukhmani Sahib along with Naam Abhyaas is extremely beneficial. Using the whip or lash of love of the beloved one (whose Naam we chant), Gurbani keeps one alert towards Naam Abhyaas and by praising the greatness of Naam again and again, it increases the love of Naam in the mind of the seeker. This love is the way to get concentration. This love alone is the medicine that takes one’s concentration high. And this love alone is the medicine to kill thoughts or bad thoughts (that keep coming in mind when one tries to concentrate). What else to say, this love alone is the greatest way to do Naam Abhyaas.
Now in this we read that we should do Sukmani Sahib with Abhiyaas at amritwela for full benefit, I know Bhai Sahib Surat Singh Pooran Ji use to do this, but how is this possible to do alone if my surti and jeevan is not on that level to concentrate on abhiyaas while reading Sukmani Sahib. I can see how Bhai Sahib could say this as his avastha was very high but mines not. Was Bhai sahib talking about doing this method through sangat or can some one add more from his book etc. Unless we listen to sukmani sahib through a mp3 this can be done but I doubt bhai sahib had a mp3. Please we as gursikhs should be doing things practically and not the lazy way through a mp3 player.
This points confused me so I would love it if Gurmukhs can shed some more light as they are more vadhvaan then me.
Thank you this would help me a lot...
Waheguroo Ji ka Khalsa, Waheguroo Ji ki Fateh
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/25/2009 02:28PM by admin.
Re: Amrit wela
Posted by: IApple (IP Logged)
Date: December 27, 2009 05:05AM
One has to give up TV,Games,Movies to help in increasing dhiaan
Sukhmani Sahib was and is still essential to do everyday for gursikhs
Also eating only from amritdharees will definatley help this is a neglected rehat.
Bhai Randheer Singh states from Bhai Jodh Singh Delhi's book that there is big paaras kaala when you do abhyass and sarbloh bibek
Naam Abhyass and Banee together keep the mind colored and focused.
Nothing happens overnight or with a few abhyass sessions, you have to break your back to get somewhere. Only through Gur Prasaad is it possible
Re: Amrit wela
Posted by: Takhat Singh (IP Logged)
Date: December 28, 2009 06:13PM
Amrit Vela is a personal thing and different Singhs have slightly different approaches. Generally speaking, most Singhs will wake up and do ishnan while japping naam. Then will do naam abhyaas, followed by nitnem.
That having been said, there are also a number of Singhs who choose to do nitnem before naam abhyaas.
Doing Sukhmani Sahib and naam abhyaas together is also something some Singhs do. Sukhmani Sahib is inspriation for naam abhyaas. Some Gursikhs have enough ability to do paath in their surti while doing naam abhyaas or while doing Sukhmani Sahib can still do simran. I think you have to do what works for you. The point is to jap naam with love. However you do it and whatever is comfortable is 'right'.
Re: Amrit wela
Posted by: Amardeep Singh (IP Logged)
Date: December 29, 2009 03:25AM
I think it means that we should not start doing Nitnem during Ishnaan. Doing it afterwards does not necessarily mean right afterwards and before Naam Simran. It seems to simply mean do not do it during Ishnaan. It's NOT saying do Ishnaan first, then nitnem, then Naam Simran nor is it saying do Nitnem before Naam Simran.
Pwalla! Wrote:
3) Nitnem of 5 Baanis should begin after Ishnaan is done and not while doing Ishnaan.
... I want to take your attention to point 3), in point three it talks about doing nitnem after ishnaan. This confused me as we in England do abhiyaas after ishnaan for around 2 hours and after this we are advised to do nitnem. So can some gursikh from Tapoban please shed some light on this issue, does gurbani or Gurdaas jis vaars tell us that we should do nitnem after ishnaan, but do we then do abiyaas after this. I know Tapoban Singh do abhiyaas alone at amritwela as I have been gifted the gift of doing amritwela with them in the past.
Re: Amrit wela
Posted by: ਸਿੰਘ (IP Logged)
Date: December 30, 2009 07:45AM
Expanding on what Takhat Singh has said, there is no real right or wrong action, what we do is all dependant on where we are in terms of our Naam abyass. If we look at those lines of Bhai Sahib’s which are stated in isolation then we might derive a different conclusion. However if we look at what else Bhai Sahib has written then you can get a better idea of how maybe to do things.
Bhai has mentioned to do Gurbanee and Naam together, he has not said that Naam abyaas should be stopped. For most including myself this is a very difficult task to do. It becomes easier when Naam is flowing effortlessly, until then we can only try to do it in Surthee individually along with Naam Abyaas. This too is not easy to do. What does a Gareeb like me have compared to someone rich in Naam like Bhai Sahib. Some of us can’t even be a millionth of what he is so we have to start with the basics.
Bhai Sahib has clearly stated in his writings that the Naam Abyaas done at amritvela is the key to Aat pehar automatic Naam abyaas. The trigger has to be continuous non stop Naam abyass. So this Naam abyass is the priority, as when this becomes effortless doing Gurbanee along side it becomes easier. Then depending on what level you are at you can introduce Gurbanee to go along with this continuous abyass. Gurbanee will control the mind from wandering, it will touch all the senses and it will activate all the emotions. That’s why Bhai Sahib has written that the ideal environments for doing Naam abyaas are during Keertan and Akhand paaths.
I’ve done abyass with many different GurSikhs and some like to recite Gurbanee pangteea to fuel the Naam Abyass and keep the mind from drifting. This is a good thing but if you were to listen to continuous Gurbanee then the Naam Abyaas has to be done quietly. At some point and usually at the start, it is good to do abyass loudly so to start the circulation but I suppose this might not be so necessary when your Abyaas is Aatey Pehar.
There is also great memha in doing Naam Abyaas in sangat, this sangatee abyass also helps the concentration if done in chorus. Only fortunate ones get the opportunity to do Naam abyaas in sangat.
So back to what I said, everything is relative to your self and circumstances and there is no right or wrong. Guru Jee will ultimately show us the True way if it is within our Bhag. Some things you just have work and try yourself.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/30/2009 07:49AM by admin.