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Akal Purakh Kee Rachha Hamnai, SarbLoh Dee Racchia Hamanai

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Brahm Kavich and...
Posted by: Abhiyaasee (IP Logged)
Date: December 22, 2009 01:13PM

Is there any Guru ka Laal who recites Sri Brahm Kavich or Sri Bhagauti Astotr? COuld you please let daas know more about these Banis and their mahatam?

Thank you.


Re: Brahm Kavich and...
Posted by: Abhiyaasee (IP Logged)
Date: December 28, 2009 06:26AM

no? :-)


Re: Brahm Kavich and...
Posted by: dhanasree (IP Logged)
Date: December 28, 2009 09:14AM

vaheguroo jee ka khalsa
vaheguroo jee kee fateh

jeeo, daas has read bram kavitch a few times, with maharaj jees kirpa, bt am yet to add it fully to nitnem
giyanee thakhur singh mentions it in his katha, wuld be better than daas telling aap jee, see gurmatveechar.com go to
katha / Present Day Katha / Giani Thakur Singh (Patiala wale) / Katha Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji / CD 01 /Ang0013-0013-Sohela-0005-Karo Benantee Suno Mere Meeta-Part1

unfortunately daas cnt help with sri bhagauti astotr

bt will try to ask a gursikh who probably knows :)

bhul chuck maaf karna

vaheguroo jee ka khalsa
vaheguroo jee kee fateh!


Re: Brahm Kavich and...
Posted by: TarnveerSingh (IP Logged)
Date: December 28, 2009 02:11PM


Abhiyaasee Jee, with Guru Sahib's kirpaa, daas added Sri Bhagautee Ustotr to nitnem some time ago. This baanee of Dasmesh Pitaa Jee is actually quite short, and the rhythm/feel of it is amazing. Though my knowledge of the deep meanings is limited, it is essentially another baanee which describes the qualities and greatness of Akaal Purakh Vaaheguroo as embodied by Sri Bhagautee (Sarbloh Khandaa/shastar, not Durgaa). It is available in Khalsa Sundar Gutkaa, printed by Buddha Dal. You will see many similarities between the style of this baanee and Shastar Naam Maalaa and Ugardantee, and even Chandee Dee Vaar.

Tarnveer Singh


Re: Brahm Kavich and...
Posted by: Abhiyaasee (IP Logged)
Date: December 29, 2009 06:00AM

YEs veerjee daas has got the buddha dal gutka sahib. thnx for ur replyjeeo. BUt dhanasree ji, should brahm kavich be done at night or anytime??? thnx very mucgh


Re: Brahm Kavich and...
Posted by: Abhiyaasee (IP Logged)
Date: December 29, 2009 06:14AM

OK dhanarsree jee, got the answer of the time of it.


Re: Brahm Kavich and...
Posted by: Abhiyaasee (IP Logged)
Date: December 30, 2009 07:09AM

Daas will just sum up about these two baanis for sangat that didn't listen to the katzha link above.

Sri Brahm Kavich: should be done 32 times at amrit vela. A Singh from Singapore did it in the night. when he woke up 2:30 in the morning he thought "aih baani mera ki svaaru? HOw should this Baani help me???" So SHaheed SInghs stood beside him from four directions and said "shankaa kardaa hai? then one Singh said just touch your body when he touched heis body was of steel. Then the Shaheed Singh said that's why the name is Brahm kAvach(whatever that means). then the singaporeee singh asked when to recite this baani. the singh replied: now, at this time at amrit vela.
So that was alittle incident. then afterwards that singh phoned and thanked giani thakur singh g for telling him about this baani. cause giani ji faxed this baani from canada to singapore.
Daas doesn't know much about sri bhagauti astotr. BUt as soon as daas knows more i'll write it down in this thread. and if BHai tarnveer singh ji knows more or finds out more then please u do this seva.

Both baanis are in Khalsa sundar Gutka of buddha dal. Brahm kavich is 2 pages long and bhagauti astotr maybe 4 or 5 pages.
These baanis are not in sri dasm granth sahiib ji cause these baanis were kept gupt. not everyone does kamai of these baanis.


Re: Brahm Kavich and...
Posted by: dhanasree (IP Logged)
Date: December 31, 2009 02:58AM

vaheguroo jee at the end of bhagaui astotr, in your pothee sahib is there a reference to a panna from panth parkaash?


Re: Brahm Kavich and...
Posted by: Abhiyaasee (IP Logged)
Date: January 01, 2010 05:31AM



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