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why does the indian govt want to destroy sikhs
Posted by: virk30 (IP Logged)
Date: December 19, 2009 01:47PM

why does the congress party of india want to destroy sikhs

and why does the bjp want to destroy sikhs


Re: why does the indian govt want to destroy sikhs
Posted by: mpsingh86 (IP Logged)
Date: December 20, 2009 03:29AM

They know in coming times, Sikhs shall rule the world. and they do not want this to happen.

But as Krishan Avtaar took birth even though Kans killed babies thinking he won't allow Krishan to take birth on earth.

But ultimately,

Roos, Cheen,German,Japan sab kerenge Amrit Paan


Re: why does the indian govt want to destroy sikhs
Posted by: 13khalsa (IP Logged)
Date: December 20, 2009 03:41PM

I think the word destroy is a very extreme view on the intentions of the Congress and BJP towards the Sikhs. There is no doubt that these institutions would prefer Sikhs to be weak, dived and powerless. If the Sikhs were anything else it would become cause for concern as this would inevitably lead to some sort of Sikh autonomy.

These institutes especially the BJP believe Sikhs are a part of Hinduism. So indirectly their intentions are to destroy/dilute the ideology of the Sikhs.

However I think as Sikhs we sometimes tend to blame external elements too easily. Most of our problems are self convicted. We sometimes do not realise the real enemy, our Mann. It is only when we as a nation come under Gurmat that we will realise our destiny.


Re: why does the indian govt want to destroy sikhs
Posted by: Aalas Moorakh (IP Logged)
Date: December 22, 2009 01:40PM

Think about Khalsa raaj in Panjab or anywhere else in the world.

No gambling, no tobacco, no alcohol etc (these are just a few of the things). Which Government (whose only focus is on money) could afford to let this kind of rule?

I wonder how much Panjab generates from just the three things ive mentioned?!?!


Re: why does the indian govt want to destroy sikhs
Posted by: scimitar (IP Logged)
Date: December 23, 2009 04:16AM

aint there no way punjabi farmers can deal directly with Western Corp Giants like Sainsburys Tescos Asdas?? Cut middle man out n take advantage of Currency rate like "fair Trade" agreement some african farmers have with western Corps..

n the money that gos to SGPC is it accounted for? if not why dont the sikhs lobby for that??

I was told in Jullander some merchants have resorted to recycling Metal/plastics from other parts of the world and are doing well.. Is there anything like that can happen in other parts of punjab?

look for growth areas...n whats the score with punjabi youth?? if we have a large num of our khetti vaari committing suicide what the hell r our youth doing on drugs?? where does that money come from to purchase narcotics? i probably have 5 drug dealers down my rd their not pushing anything into my throat... sometimes we have to b responsible

and maybe punjab needs a Third front that is balanced rational in protecting the rights of Punjabis sikhs hindus muslims altogether...n then slowly disbanding orgs that r disruptive to harmony (SS RSS Bjp akali dals ) as Punjabis/minorities put the state first...akali dal had a beautiful birth but now its mashed up!

its sad to see punjab divided so many times and sub divided further into tribes regions political allegiences..all the shine has been taken away..politics that r factional will take punjab backwards...


Re: why does the indian govt want to destroy sikhs
Posted by: scimitar (IP Logged)
Date: December 23, 2009 04:26AM

punjab has a lot of heat/ construct giant solar power panels generate electricity n then use or sell it..

in parts of pakistan on the borders peopl who were once unemmployed had no money no shelter today have jobs thanks to joint ventures with american and australian entrepreneurs tapping into the traditional embroidery trade in the region... n then transporting to the Western world mats/dresses/carpets/shoes with unique designs

if they can do it whats stopping punjab? punjabis r famed for desi massala teas y dont we make our own herbal brands like the 3ho did? theres gotto b loads that punjab can offer..


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