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Nitnem and Rainsubaaee
Posted by: Sukhdeep SIngh (IP Logged)
Date: December 13, 2009 02:03PM

When does one do Kirtan Sohila and Panj Baneeaa Paat during a Rainsubaee. I have tried different things which did not seem right to me.


Re: Nitnem and Rainsubaaee
Posted by: IApple (IP Logged)
Date: December 14, 2009 02:29AM

One does not do keertan sohila or panj baneeaa da paat DURING a rensbhaee,
Keertan Rensbhaees are for focusing on Gurbanee Keertan Only.

One should do there Nitnem after the Rensbhaee and maybe do there Keertan Sohila before going to the rensbhaee, Some gursikhs have told me to do 2 Sohila De Paath after the rensbhaee.


Re: Nitnem and Rainsubaaee
Posted by: Abhiyaasee (IP Logged)
Date: December 14, 2009 06:36AM

All singhs daas knows told me Kirtan Sohila is for before the sleep/rest. so nitnem after smapti of rainsbai and sohila sahib before going for a sleep even if it's 6 am.


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