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Ek Baba Nanak Si
Posted by: Khalsaspirit (IP Logged)
Date: December 02, 2009 05:32PM

Waheguru ji ka khalsa
Waheguru ji ki fateh

Khalsa jio,

Seems like controversy is escalating on this Dhaarmik song. A Nihung Dal is also supporting Ek Baba Nanak Si. This Nihung Singh ji is so true in this video on today's situation. Bhai Ranjit Singh Dhadrianwale should have avoided this controversy at first place.

Guru Mehar Karay

Waheguru ji ka khalsa
Waheguru ji ki fateh


Re: Ek Baba Nanak Si
Posted by: mpsingh86 (IP Logged)
Date: December 07, 2009 05:00AM

If person like non-Keshdari sikh can have a Car, why not Sant, Mahtama's like Sant Ranjit SIngh ji Dhadriawale, Bhai Gurikbal Singh ji, or other Sant Mahatamas.i think they should be given Higher place in our Hearts for their Efforts and Hard work to Make Non Sikhs into Sikhs.

Why to object when we donot have those eyes to see whther he is a real saint or fake.

Sab Gobind hai, Sab Gobind Hay, Gobind Bin nahi koi.why Bhagat Kabeer ji ran after a Dog with Chappati(mixed with Ghee) bcz Kabeerji had those eyes to see god in all the creation.

God Resides in Babu mann and Sant ranjit singh ji Dhadrainwale also and in entire creation.

Ultimately- Dekh Mardaneya Rang Kartar de


Re: Ek Baba Nanak Si
Posted by: Akaalee (IP Logged)
Date: December 07, 2009 09:16AM

I think people who do prachar have to be role models. So therefore they should be open to more scrutiny than others. If people who are leading do not set the right example then what will their followers do? Having said that no one is perfect and doing prachar is very difficult only truth living Gursikhs can do this and they are very rare to find.

However Bhai Ranjit Singh Dhadrianwale and the other Babe made a good stand on Saturday in Ludhiana. I just hope that some people don’t try to take political mileage from such an event. Sometimes the emotions of innocent Guru loving Gursikhs are hijacked and it is always these GurSikhs who suffer the most. Leaders soon forget their sacrifices.


Re: Ek Baba Nanak Si
Posted by: isinghd (IP Logged)
Date: December 07, 2009 01:32PM

Please search for replies to both Tarsem Singh Moranwaali and Ranjit Singh Dhadriaanwaala on youtube by Gurbax Singh.


Re: Ek Baba Nanak Si
Posted by: Sukhdeep SIngh (IP Logged)
Date: December 07, 2009 03:02PM

I do think Bhai Sahib is a good parcharik Even though I dont agree with everything Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji has done or said in the past. After all he is human and humans make mistakes, especially young ones.

Bhai Sahib has been the one of the most effective Parchariks in Punjab and aboard and has brought many people back into the panth especially young people. Organizations like the RSS do not like this so they try to do things that will prevent Bhai Sahib from being effective. One tactic might include hiring pop singers that attract the youth?

Parchariks really shouldnt allow people like the RSS to ruin their reputation. If Gurmat Parchariks are saying in their Katha to not be greedy and care about fancy things ( cars, houses, clothes, etc) then they too must follow their own advice and live a simple life.

I dont understand when Giani Thakur SIngh was caught socializing with the RSS he did not face the same scrutiny as Bhai Ranjit SIngh Ji?


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