Q 6. 12. What is correct name for Sri Asa Di Vaar / Sri Asa Ki Vaar? Is this a controversial topic?
According to my understanding the correct term is neither Asaa Kee Vaar or Asaa Dee Vaar it is ਆਸਾਮਹਲਾ ੧ ਵਾਰ this is the way it is written in Gurbanee and also the way it is written in the Tathkara of old Guru Granth Sahib’s Birs which I have seen. In some only ਆਸਾਮਹਲਾਵਾਰ is written in the Tathkara. ਆਸਾਮਹਲਾ ੧ ਵਾਰ is the term that Master Jaswant Singh has used in his Lareedaar Pothi.
So it doesn’t really matter if you say Asaa Dee Vaar or Asaa Kee Vaar both do not appear in Gurbanee.
However Asaa Kee Vaar is the term I can recall that has been used in old literature of the 18th century. Asaa Kee Vaar also appears in the Sree Guru Granth Sahib Jee that I have at home in its Tatkara.
The phrase Asaa Dee Vaar too has been used widely within the Panth and even Bhai Sahib Randhir Singh Jee has used this phrase in his books.
Below is the term that appears in the Tatkara of an Old Guru Granth Sahib Bir
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