ਪ੍ਰਥਮਰਹਿਤਯਹਿਜਾਨਖੰਡੇਕੀਪਾਹੁਲਛਕੇ॥ ਸੋਈਸਿੰਘਪ੍ਰਧਾਨਅਵਰਨਪਾਹੁਲਜੋਲਏ॥

Akal Purakh Kee Rachha Hamnai, SarbLoh Dee Racchia Hamanai

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Posted by: NiranjanSingh (IP Logged)
Date: November 17, 2009 12:07PM

Details on : [www.panthic.org]



Posted by: kulbir singh (IP Logged)
Date: November 18, 2009 07:42AM

What difference will it make to these kinds of people? I think these people have already made up their mind and are willing to get excommunicated from Panth. They think they are imitating the great Sardar Gurmukh Singh of Singh Sabha Lehar but nothing could be further from truth. Kala Afghana got excommunicated and so did the editor of Spokesman. Then Ghagga got excommunicated and now if Ragi Darshan Singh gets excommunicated, I believe, he is not going to care. The reason is that today the Sikhs have become dhillay (relaxed) and are not following the hukamnamas as Sikhs in the past used to.

In the 1970s, Giani Bhag Singh Ambala was excommunicated from Panth for this very reason i.e. his opposition of Dasam Granth. Once he was excommunicated, such unity was displayed by Panth that soon his senses returned and he got pesh and sought forgiveness. Now the problem is that even after excommunication, many ignorant Sikhs continue to keep relation with these people. For this reason the Hukamnama does not bring the desired effect. Nevertheless, divine hand will work and will bring the results.

Ragi Darshan Singh has definitely committed a blunder by suggesting that the male character in the Anoop Kaur Charritter is Siri Guru Gobind Singh jee. Obviously, he has not read the Charitropakhyan from the beginning. If he had read, he would have known that this is Mantri-Bhoop Sambaade i.e. conversation between the minister and the king and not a story about Siri Guru jee. He will definitely have to admit his mistake and if he remains defiant, he will be excommunicated. I just hope the 5 Singh Sahibaan don’t get wrong political pressure.

Panth gave his so much respect during the 1980s. He gave some memorable speeches and through his kirtan-katha, he raised his voice against the injustices of the Indian Govt. At that time, he sang shabads from Dasam Granth but I don't understand what has happened to him now. By unnecessarily opposing Dasam Granth baani and even going to the point of questioning Nitnem and Amrit Sinchaar baanis, I think he has lost all the respect he had gained previously.

Kulbir Singh


Posted by: Sukhdeep SIngh (IP Logged)
Date: November 19, 2009 04:03PM

I think people dont care for the Khalsa Legal system because of its current set up. Generally epople do not really trust the Akal Takht because its ran by puppet politicians instead of divine order. Also, many SIkhs do not seem to really care for politics; thus these puppet politicians can continue to stay in power without the majority questioning their motives. We have gone astray because we are no longer Governed by the divine Guidance of Guru Sahib.

In the past Panj Pyaarey always governed the affairs of the Quam. But it seems like this important duty and function of the Panj Pyaarey has been completely neglected. Many people are under the impression that Panj Pyaarey only give AMrit and this is the only function, but this is far from the truth. Governance should be soley conducted by Panj Pyaarey who are the embodiment of Guru Sahib. This was always the system of Sikh law in the past; Gursikhs were been selected from the sangat because of their high ethics and spiritual disposition. This way more people get involved in panthic affiars and participation in panthic seva. Everybody has a chance to participate in Governance depending on their conductand dedication to Guru Sahib. This is a perfect moral-democratic system, but unfortunately I have not seen a single pind in Punjab that has implemented this Gurmat Legal System.

I think only when the Akal Takht is governed by the Panj Pyaarey will Guru Sahib serve and uplift the panth.

rehinee rehai soee sikh maeraa
ouh thaakur mai ous kaa chaeraa


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