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Bhai Atma Singh Panjokhra Sahib wale
Posted by: Singh. (IP Logged)
Date: October 31, 2009 10:17AM

Would the Sangat please share incidents from the life of Bhai Atma Singh panjokhra sahib waley.

Bhai Sahib was a staunchly against Keertan from a Pothi and was a Pakka Sarablohia Singh.

When did Bhai sahib pass away? Its a shame that he was isolated/ostracised by the Jatha later in his life.

Admin note : Edited title

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/31/2009 03:07PM by admin.


Re: Bhai Atma Singh Panjokhra Sahib wale
Posted by: Singh. (IP Logged)
Date: November 02, 2009 02:15PM

Let me get the ball rolling so everyone can contribute what they know about Bhai Sahib..Bhai Atma Singh was very close with Bhai Sahib Randhir Singh and also had the full Guru Granth Sahib Kantth. (off by heart).

Bhai Sahib was dead against doing keertan from Pothiaa on Vaajey. Infact, Bhai Sahibs nickname was 'Pothi Jee' because of the amount of Baani he had kantth.

Sangat would appreciate it if Admin could compile some information on the jeevani of an amazing soul.


Re: Bhai Atma Singh Panjokhra Sahib wale
Posted by: Sardar Singh (IP Logged)
Date: November 03, 2009 12:13PM

I have met some Gursikhs who were close to Bhai Atma Singh. Bhai Atma Singh's temprament was that he sometimes would say something in agitation however he would always after a few moments become calm and would always ask for forgiveness from whoever he was speaking with.

Bhai Atma Singh was ostracized from the mainstream Jatha due to his strict beliefs, particularly about the placing of Pothis on vaja. I have seen a Soora in which Bhai Atma Singh was officially rebuked for his views. When Bhai Sahib left for Gurpuri in the 90s, there was a brief mention in Soora but he was not given even a fraction of the recognition he deserved.


Re: Bhai Atma Singh Panjokhra Sahib wale
Posted by: Singh. (IP Logged)
Date: November 19, 2009 06:02AM

Veer Kulbir Singh

now you are back writing on this forum, benti if you could compile a short jeevani of this Gurnukh pyaara Baba Atma Singh Panjokhra sahib waley.


Re: Bhai Atma Singh Panjokhra Sahib wale
Posted by: kulbir singh (IP Logged)
Date: November 21, 2009 08:24AM

I am working on Bhai Sahib Atma Singh jee's brief life sketch and will soon post it on this site.

Kulbir Singh


Re: Bhai Atma Singh Panjokhra Sahib wale
Posted by: Singh. (IP Logged)
Date: December 08, 2009 04:31AM

Veer ji,
any update on the jeevani of bhai atma singh?


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