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Ishnaan & Kangha
Posted by: Singh. (IP Logged)
Date: September 08, 2009 09:39AM

Is it necessary to do ishnaan of the body twice a day, once at Amritvela, and then before the evening nitnem of Rehras and other banis?

I have met a couple of Gursikhs who follow this, I wonder whether the Snghs at Tapoban Sahib also do this.

Also regarding kangha dono vakhat kar...The first time Kangha is to be done after Amritvela after doing kes harey (dry), second time would be before evening nitnem (rehras etc) & not before bed time, is this correct aswell?


Re: Ishnaan & Kangha
Posted by: 13khalsa (IP Logged)
Date: September 09, 2009 07:52AM

No it is not necessary to do ishnaan twice a day. However there are two main reasons why you might need to have an ishnaan again.

The first is if you need to go to the toilet again to empty your stomach. Normally you would do this in the morning before your ishnaan and if you eat sensibly then you shouldn’t need to go again. You might get caught out if you’re not feeling well or have eaten something dodgy. Then in order for you to stay tyar bar tyar you will need to go and do ishnaan again.

The second and the most important reason you have an ishnaan is for Savdantha(Alertness). If it has a been a long day or if you have gone back to sleep again after amritvela then it is recommended that you have another ishnaan if you have to carry out any seva i.e. Amrit Sanchar seva, Guru Granth Sahib jee seva, Degh Seva, etc. That’s why you will see GurSikhs who have Guru Jee’s Saroop at home having to do ishnaan twice normally.

However having said that it is never a bad idea to have another ishnaan. Any one that does Gurmat Ishnaan while doing Naam Abyass knows the benefits, it brings out the sweetness and you feel lifted.

On your point about the kanga, the rule is to have kanga done twice a day. If have another ishnaan then that will happen naturally. Doing kanga also brings about some savdantha as you feel relaxed. So the ideal time to do this would before you recite Gurbanee and that’s why most GurSikhs will do this before Rehras. However the routine will depend on your work(late shifts) or if you are away from home i.e travelling etc. Kanga time will vary accordingly.


Re: Ishnaan & Kangha
Posted by: Singh. (IP Logged)
Date: September 09, 2009 02:08PM


Thanks for the reply. It makes sense. When having ishnan for the 2nd time is it important to do skesh ishnan again (kesi ishnaan)? (before paath or Guru sahibs seva)?


Re: Ishnaan & Kangha
Posted by: 13khalsa (IP Logged)
Date: September 10, 2009 03:30AM

Yes, it can only be clasified as Gurmat Ishnaan if Kesh are washed. This is the most important part of the body, its where the Dasam Duar resides.


Re: Ishnaan & Kangha
Posted by: Akaalee (IP Logged)
Date: September 11, 2009 04:27AM

Just to add to the points already made.

Further reasons why you may need to have another Ishnaan before doing any seva is if you've been in an envoirment where people have been smoking.

There is also an incident recorded in Rangley Sajan in the account of the ghost and the Akhand Paath that highlights another reason why you may need to have an ishnaan again. However this overlaps with the sleep factor mentioned in the earlier post but adds the point about Kaam.


Re: Ishnaan & Kangha
Posted by: Jarnail Singh "Arshi" Gyani (IP Logged)
Date: September 15, 2009 08:04AM

Ishnaan should be done before rehrass especially if one has paraksh of Guur Ji at home. Samapati and sukhasan will have to be performed..so its better if ishnaan is done, kangha done and dastaar sajaa afresh. From Amrtivela to eveneing is a long day....its common sense that we do ishnaan before we attend Guru jis Presence.


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