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Book written by Jarnail Singh against injustice of 1984
Posted by: dasandass (IP Logged)
Date: September 02, 2009 09:51AM

Waheguru ji ka khalsa, waheguru ji ka fateh

Sardar Jarnail Singh (who hurled the shoe at Indian Home Minister against 1984 Sikh Riots injustice and nomination of Jagdish Tytler in election as MP) has written a book on various aspects, issue and circumstances that had been faced by Sikh panth since 1984, what happened to sikh families affected by 1984 riots, how they struggled, how govt. reacted, how the inquiry commission were pressurized, how the Sikh panth lacked the spirit to fight against this injustice, how human rights were violated, how various evidences were tempered and various eye witnesses were threatened and forced to stay quiet.

Further this book gives an insight of an 11 year old (the then Jarnail Singh) boy's thinking as to how he witnesses all the changing environment since then and after being into journalism how he got the conviction to take step against injustice when probably all the sikh panth seems to have lost all the hopes of getting a justice.

This book by sikh journalist who having his vast experience in journalism has researched a lot this issue and some where has got first hand info to some evidences has attempted to write a book to through light on Sikh history related to 1984 issue so that young generation can imagine the genocide of 5000 sikhs and situations, circumstances and struggle faced by our previous generation.

Those who have some concerns on this 1984 injustice issue, can contact Sardar Jarnail Singh as he needs a lot of support in many terms these days (already fired out by newspaper employer, family survival issue and then this book project involving so much cost with just having one vision that he will try to educate a common sikh man on 1984 injustice and sikh history so that sikhs will not forget their bloodbath history and sacrifices and)

The sikh Sangat residing outside India can help Sardar Jarnail Singh in subsidising this book to have its reach to a common sikh person. It is not a book which will give monetary benefit to Veerji (Imagine a sikh who is grappling with problems of surviving his family without having any job in hand still makes an attempt for panthic cause).

Sardar Jarnail Singh +919999220024.

D-167 Lajpat Nagar-1,

New Delhi – 110024, india



Dass has already appealed to sikh sangat on following link:



Re: Book written by Jarnail Singh against injustice of 1984
Posted by: dasandass (IP Logged)
Date: September 09, 2009 12:20PM

See the following link video being stunning speech made by Jarnail Singh (the shoe hurler) at Faridabad Kirtan Programme



Please see and respond to Jarnail Singh efforts


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