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Gurmat on Ninda
Posted by: tapoban (IP Logged)
Date: July 21, 2009 05:08AM

Gurmat Gems on Slander & Hatred
By G. Udham Singh in Gurmat Sidhant Saagar
Translated by Admin www.tapoban.org

• Slander reduces the individual's own respect and kills feelings of brotherhood.

• Unjustly slandering someone is such a serious and massive offence that there can be no recourse for it

• In the world, any patient suffering from a disease can be treated, but there is no treatment from a slanderer

• Spreading information about someone's good or bad qualities without investigating for one's self is idiocy.

• That person that slanders the Guru's beloveds has his face blackened in this world and the next

• If you see a person with a fault, rather than slandering him before others, it is much better to educate him.

• To slander others to hide one's own faults is a very lowly and disgusting sin.

• To see and dwell on someone's faults is very easy, but to see faults and understand them is very diffcult.

• Almost everyone at some time does ninda, but to slander someone innocent or to do so with evil intent is a
• maha-paap.

• There are four types of ninda which are not sinful: that of a fake, that of someone opposed to the Guru, that of the ruler and one's own ninda.

• Someone who unjustly slanders and opposes others will never see happiness or peace.

• Just like a dog's tail can never be straightened, a nindak too will never leave his habit.

• If you give milk to a snake, it still strikes and spews venom. In the same way, if you do good to a nindak, he will still do bad to you.

• It is not wrong to join the ninda of those who are opposed to the Panth

• There is no person in existence who has not been slandered or wronged in some way.

• Only a true Soorbeer (warrior) can hear his own slander and remain uneffected

• To forget someone's good qualities and to look only at the bad is to be even worse than the ant who sorts through the dirt to find the sand.

• The mighty and wealthy may be able to crush the poor and meek, but they cannot crush Vahiguru's justice.

• The Jealous and hateful receive this punishment that their minds are never at peace.

• To cure the diseases of both the mind and body, the greatest medicine is to remain free of hatred and always remember Vahiguru

• Do not reply to the evil with evil. If you throw a rock at filth, it will only end up splattering on you.

• If the individual remains calm and peaceful after hearing hateful words, then the effect will reverse on to the
hateful individuals who spoke them.

• Having hatred towards others is the root of all bodily ills.


Re: Gurmat on Ninda
Posted by: Jarnail Singh "Arshi" Gyani (IP Logged)
Date: September 17, 2009 10:49PM

AGREE 100% absolutley with Bhai Sahib jee.
Ninda is an offshoot of the KRODH and HANKAAR that is within us...our Hankaar leads to Krodh..and then towards NINDA...so the more we indulge..the deeper we sink..the five robbers WIN hands down...
and YES..Bodily ills..isnt it Farid Ji who ahs so eloquently said this Gussa Mann na Handhaiyeah...now eve the medicla doctor will tell you..You have High Blood Pressure..DONT GET ANGRY..it cna bring on a Heart attack..GUSSAH..mann na handhayeah..Anger, Krodh is bad for the mann and the heart..so clear connection.
Other diseases also attack an angry krodhee person..and if he is not careful..he will also end up behind bars..or even Hang for a murder etc...in fact no one likes a krodhee person...full of hatred, jelaousy..bad mouthing others...

jrnYl isMG igAwnI "ArSI"


Re: Gurmat on Ninda
Posted by: bemukh (IP Logged)
Date: November 07, 2009 09:14PM

Sat Sri akaal Admin g
Waheguru g da khalsa vaheguru g di fateh.

I agree that 'Ninda' is worst and it is very evident from gurbani and it is in line with what u translated.

But Admin g i have one small query if u or any tapoban singh can answer?

Ninda is bad. why had bhagat Kabeer ji in Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji wanted to get slander(nindya) from people?
" Nindo nindo Lok nindo?"
" Nindek mere kapre dhoyee"

Kind throw some more light.


Re: Gurmat on Ninda
Posted by: kulbir singh (IP Logged)
Date: November 13, 2009 08:23AM

An excellent question from 'Bemukh' jee. It really makes you think. Why did Bhagat Kabir jee want to get slandered? Here is what comes to the mind but these are just conjectures:

1) Ninda keeps one's haume in check. When only Ustat (praise) happens, there is a chance that one's haume would get inflated. True seekers of Vaheguru care not about Ustat or Ninda. They know that both of these actions are happening in this false world and for this reason have no bearing on the actuality of things.

2) Ninda makes one vigilant and one is more careful of making mistakes.

3) Ninda happens because of some bad Karma. Ninda is a cheap way of burning one's bad Karma. This world is a false place i.e. not real. The slandering that occurs here has no bearing in the real place i.e. the Dargah. 'Nindak hamre kapre dhoye' literally means that the Nindak at the cost of incurring sins, washes away our sins.

4) Many times, when the nindak crosses limits, the Gurmukhs take refuge in the Naam of Vaheguru. It prompts them to japp Naam with more vigour. So Ninda being a form of dukh (sorrow), acts as the fuel to burn the lamp of Naam. Gurbani says: ਨਿੰਦਕੁ ਗੁਰ ਕਿਰਪਾ ਤੇ ਹਾਟਿਓ ॥ ਪਾਰਬ੍ਰਹਮ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਭਏ ਦਇਆਲਾ ਸਿਵ ਕੈ ਬਾਣਿ ਸਿਰੁ ਕਾਟਿਓ ॥੧॥ Nindak stops with the kirpa of Guru Sahib when Vaheguru cuts off the bad habit of the Nindak of doing Ninda.

This above is what comes to mind. There could be more reasons too that other Gurmukhs should post. What was in the Sarbag (immortal) mind of Bhagat jee, only they know. We are making guesses only.

Kulbir Singh


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