ਰਹਿਣੀਰਹੈਸੋਈਸਿਖਮੇਰਾ॥ ਓੁਹਸਾਹਿਬਮੈਉਸਕਾਚੇਰਾ॥

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Re: Inspirational GurSikhs
Posted by: admin (IP Logged)
Date: August 30, 2009 08:50AM

Author: Profressor Gurmukh Singh
Published in Soora – April 1995
Translated by Admin: www.tapoban.org

Master Sunder Singh jee Jalandhar

Master Sunder Singh jee could be seen at the AKJ’s Guru Nanak Dev Gurpurab, Jalandhar Smaagam sitting in attendance of Guru Granth Sahib jee, either doing chaur or in deep meditation.

Master jee was born in 1897 to Baba Nihal Singh jee in Shaykoopura (Pakistan). After obtaining a degree in teaching, he took the position of head master at JaRaanvala Primary School in Lyallpur. Even after he retired in 1952, he continued to be called Master jee by the Sangat.
Master jee had received amrit in childhood and so when he went to his job in JaRaanvala, the Village council saw him and his lifestyle and complained to the District Board Officer, “Why have you sent a Sikh (Singh Sabha member) to our village?” In those days the mahants, Nimralas and Udasis had all made a fuss that the Singh Sabha were bent upon destroying the Sikh faith. They complained that the Singh Sabha would initiate so-called low castes with Amrit and include them in the Panth. In those days, amritdhaarees were generally called “Sikhs” In some places it is still this way.

Soon however the village people changed their mind after seeing Master jee’s purity of conduct. Master jee would encourage his staff and the students to work hard and as a result his school began to achieve excellent academic results. The students that came in contact with Master jee all became good Gursikhs.

Master jee’s own children relate how once they grew up a little, Master jee would wake up at 1AM. He would wrap himself in shawl or a blanket and then turn his attention to the Guru’s feet. For the next four or five hours he would be lost in meditation. No one knew why he spent so long in this state. Once, a very close sister in the Sangat asked Master jee “in such a long meditation, what do you read? Our nitnem paat is finished in an hour an hour and a half….”

Master jee replied, “When I read BaaNee, my stubborn mind leaves the presence of Guru Sahib and goes about in different thoughts. When it returns, I commence the paat from where it had stopped. Because of this, it takes me such a long time.”

Master jee would never share his inner experiences. From this, we learn that Master jee was firm in his believe that the paat of Nitnem should be done with the consciousness attached to the feet of the Guru, and in his presence. If Nitnem is not done with consciousness, it is only a physical act.
Master jee would listen to entire ran sabaees while sitting in the attendance of Guru Sahib. His face would glow red. Once, while speaking to a very close friend, Master jee hesitatingly said that it is difficult to stay focused on outside keertan for long periods, keertan can also be heard inside. These are inner spiritual experiences that Gursikhs always refrain from speaking about.

Old Singhs in the Jatha say that Bhai Sahib Randheer Singh used to listen to divine keertan and then coloured in those spiritual waves, used to do keertan himself. The raags all used to stand in his attendance with folded hands.

The point is, that in a Gursikh’s life, by the grace of the Guru, that time does come when they may be engrossed in naam or keertan for many hours at a time. It is the Guru’s grace that Master jee stayed in this spiritual state till his final breaths.

Besides taking care of his own family, Master jee also took responsibility for caring for his widowed sister’s family shortly after taking his job as head master. He accepted the will of the Lord as sweet. For his entire life he spoke very sweetly and with humility. Never did he speak bitterly. Neither anger nor ego could affect his life. He spoke very little.

After Partition, Master jee moved to Jalandhar. He had been going to AKJ smaagams even before Partition and had become close with Bhai Sahib Randheer Singh jee. When he came to Jalandhar, he along with his two daughters began a keertan program every Sunday at various homes. Slowly people joined the congregation. He then requested Bhai Sahib to have the yearly smaagam for Guru Nanak Dev jee’s Gurpurab at Jalandhar. It had been Master jee’s desire that if not daily, then weekly AKJ smaagams should take place in Jalandhar. Soon keertanee Singhs and Singhnees were sent to help him.

Master jee, his two daughters and the neighbor’s daughter used to leave at amrit vela with the instruments and arrived first at the smaagam venue to begin the keertan on-time. The tabla player also lived close by to them and used to drive a rickshaw. Using two rickshaws, they used to leave their home at 4AM. The Sangat would also begin to arrive early at Amrit Vela. In this way, Master jee made Jalandhar a center for akhand keertan. Kartarpur, Dyaalpur, Kapoorthala, Kakee Pind all became attached to this center and all the keertanees that do seva there learned keertan in Jalandhar. Master jee was the Jathedar of the Jalandhar area until his final days.

Master jee was respected for his farsightedness and Gursikh lefstyle. Even outside of Sikh society, he was respected. Master jee helped many poor Gursikh children get jobs and Punjab & Sindh Bank. Never once did he express and ego over being Jathedar for over 30 years. At the yearly smaagams, when all the other sevaadaars would leave their seva after the conclusion of the smaagam, Master jee would continue to look after the instruments and other things till the very end.

In mid-October 1977, Col. Daljeet Singh and Bibi Harsharan Kaur jee’s daughter was to be married and three continuous akhand paath sahibs had been scheduled at their home in Mithaapur. Master jee at the age of 80, without any eyeglasses, completed 2 hour rauls. Two paaths had concluded and the third was to conclude on the day of the marriage at 6AM. I arrived the night before the marriage. My bedding and Master jee’s were together in the open courtyard. Around 1AM Master jee rose for his 2AM raul and went to gather his clothes to bathe. Suddenly Master jee had a heart attack. He was in a lot of pain and was repeating “Vahiguru, Vahiguru”. It was apparent he was in much discomfort. I also awoke. I put my shawl over him. He said to me, “go get a bottle of medicine from my suitcase inside and put the medicine in my mouth”. I did as he asked but the pain continued to increase.

I woke up Col. Sahib and Bhain jee and told them what had happened. Col Sahib went to Model Town to fetch a Doctor in his car. All the Singhs, (10-12 of them) went to Master jee’s bed and began to repeat Guru Guru. Bhain Harsharan Kaur took Master jee’s head and put it in her lap and said “Father, you must perform the marriage of our daughter! Is this any time to leave us?” Master jee replied, “Oh silly one, what better time is there than this? It is Amrit vela, Singhs are all around me meditating on naam, Guru Sahib’s call has come and Singhs have come to take me. Please forgive all my mistakes and faults.”
Bhain jee was lost in sadness and didn’t know what she was saying. The Doctor arrived and gave an injection. The Doctor said, “This is a very serious attack, if his condition improves in the next five minutes, he may be saved, otherwise I have no hope.”

As we watched, Master jee joined his hands together and in full awareness gave everyone a Fateh and took his place at the feet of the Guru.

I realized here that a devotee’s death is a new life which is passed in the feet of the Guru.

Master jee’s remains were taken to his home in Sraaj Ganj at 4 AM with respect. Once the day rose, the daughter’s marriage took place. After the marriage, the entire Sangat took part in the cremation.


Re: Inspirational GurSikhs
Posted by: admin (IP Logged)
Date: August 30, 2009 08:52AM

Bhai Sahib Bhai Darshan Singh jee Delhi
By Principal Gurmukh Singh in Soora Dec. 1995
Translated by www.tapoban.org Admin

Delhi’s Singhs used to call him Daar Jee. For the children at home he was of course Daar Jee but the Sangat also referred to him as such out of respect.

Daar Jee was born in 1907 in Gujranvala Pakistan in a very simple family. Khalsa College Gujranvala was a very well respected school at the time and perhaps second only to Khalsa College Amritsar. The principal at the time was Sd. Teja Singh jee, who later became renown as Sant Teja Singh jee. The College opened around 1908 after the Chief Khalsa Divan, Amritsar’s Educational Conference. The Khalsa Schools all had Gurdvaras in which the students daily went for divans. The elders who studied in Khalsa Schools know how Sikh history was taught and the lessons of Gurbani were firmly implanted. Before graduating from the tenth grade, students were also initiated with Amrit.

So, when our Daar jee left Khalsa school in 1923/24, he was already amritdhaaree. His household situation did not allow him to study further and for this reason he took up employment at the Punjab and Sindh Bank. For some time he worked at a clerical job and then later he found a better job. He became the stenographer for the Gujranvala Sessional Judge. In those days, only the English would become judges and because of this, Daar jee worked for quite some time with English officers. This experience allowed him to secure a big post later on in life. At these two places, Daar jee worked for 16-17 years.

Daar jee went about like any ordinary person. The period between 1921 to 1925 was very important in Sikh history as historic Gurudvaras were liberated and many Singhs either went to jail or were martyred. Perhaps because of the nature of his job, Daar jee could not participate in this movement, but he had complete sympathy for it. From 1924 to 1940 Daar jee came in contact with the followers of Sant Baba Nand Singh jee Kaleranvaalay and he followed their rehit and lifestyle and adopted their method of worshipping Sree Guru Granth Sahib jee. He did parkaash of Guru Sahib within his own house and engrossed himself in devotion.

In 1942 the British opened an Eastern Group Supply Council office in Shimla. Bhai Sahib took a job as an assistant. In those days Bhai Sahib Bhai Randheer Singh jee and his companions were in Shimla for the summer months for a keertan smaagam. Bhai Soorat Singh jee Pooran jee was also there in those days. Meeting Pooran jee was a natural occurance. Pooran jee was in contact with Bhai Sahib Randheer Singh from 1938 in Lahore. When in 1942 Daar jee met Bhai Sahib, the influence of dera-culture upon him turned into the influence of Khalsa rehit. He received naam along with his family and the women began to wear keskees.

Daar jee was already coloured in divine colours, but in the company of Bhai Sahib, the colours became even deeper. In Keertan, Daar jee would play the bells and sing with the keertanees for hours.He would listen to ran sabaaee keertans in one sitting, from start to finish. Usually, a cream coloured dastaar was seen swaying behind the tabla player at every smaagam.

Pooran jee tells us that he was transferred to Delhi in 1943 and the following year, Daar jee was also transferred to the Agriculture Ministry in Delhi. In Delhi, Bhai Sahib with the help of Bhai Ajeet Singh arranged for Bhai Sahib Randheer Singh to do keertan at Guru Tegh Bahadur jee’s Shaheedee purab in Gurdvara Sees Gunj Sahib in 1944. This was the AKJ’s first smaagam in Delhi and it has now been over a half century that the Dusehra smaagam has taken place in Delhi.

In 1945, Satguru jee blessed Daar jee even more. Many candidates for the post of Assistant Regioanl Food Commissioner had arrived in Delhi and Daar jee was working as a clerk in this department. The other candidates had more education than Daar jee, but Daar jee applied anyway. Before the interview, Daar jee asked Pooran jee should I go to my interview with my beard open or should I tie it? Daar jee had left his beard open since meeting Bhai Sahib. Pooran jee suggested that he go in his Khalsa form after performing an ardaas. Guru Sahib himself would help.

Daar jee performed the ardaas and went to the interview in Khalsa form. The English office saw the impressive appearance of Daar jee and gave him the job. After becoming an officer in 1945, Daar jee was transferred to Karachi where he stayed till partition. He then returned to Delhi, where he stayed for six years.

Daar jee did not remain stationary in Delhi. He made a program with Bhai Sahib and at every week long break at Dusshera, he organized a smaagam. In Delhi, many Gursikhs were prepared: Master Harbans Singh, Bhai Avtar Singh, Bhai Darshan Singh Dilruba, etc.

Daar jee along with three or four other close companions used to secretly organize Sree Akhand Paath Saahibs within their homes and enjoyed their Rauls thoroughly. Like this, the Singhs stayed always immersed in BaaNee. Daar jee encouraged many others to become keertanees and helped the needy find jobs and encouraged them to receive amrit. After a brief posting in Bombay, Daar jee returned to Delhi where he retired and stayed in the Sangat.

Daar jee finished his journey on earth by repeating Guru Guru on June 16th, 1995 at the age of 88.


Re: Inspirational GurSikhs
Posted by: admin (IP Logged)
Date: August 31, 2009 09:21AM

Bhai Jeevan Singh jee's 1978 Canada Tour & Controversy
From Soora Feb 1979
Translated by Admin www.tapoban.org


Bhai Sahib Jeevan Singh jee was one of the first Gursikhs who did parchaar of tat-Gurmat in Canada and helped bring people into a Sikh way of life. In 1978, Bhai Sahib visited Toronto and a controversy erupted when he refused to take parshaad or langar in the Gurdvara. Khalsa Samaachaar newspaper and Toronto's "Pardesi Punjab" condemned Bhai Sahib for this. Bhai Sahib was then a Hazooree Ragee at Patna Sahib and the accusation was levelled that Bhai Sahib does not eat Karah Parshaad nor takes Langar. It was also said that Bhai Sahib was doing "different" amrit sinchaars which were not normally done in the Panth i.e. insisting on keskee as kakaar and doing naam driR.

Here's what the Soora magazine had to say about the entire issue:


Respected Sardaar Jeeo (editor of Khalsa Samaachaar),

We are astonished to see that a learned man like you, without knowing the truth, in Khalsa Samachaar's December 28, 1978 issue published the news that Bhai Jeevan Singh's not accepting Parshaad and Langar is against Gurmat.

Before publishing this, did you even try to find out why Bhai Jeevan Singh jee, while preaching in Canada does not accept parshaad in those people's langar?

According to the Gurmat Rehit Maryada, the langar prepared by a patit or non-amritdhaaree is not acceptable and this food cannot be called "Guru Kaa Langar".

In "Nirguneearaa" 1977, Prof. Pooran Singh jee writes in the article "Satguru's Divine Langar":

"In the Baba's langar, there is not un-touchability over caste and class, but this langar is hidden from plain view. This is the langar of an Emperor. Not just anybody (Lundee Buchee) can come here… "ਤਿਥੈਜੋਧਮਹਾਬਲਸੂਰ ॥" Guru's totally prepared Singhs who are tyaar-bar-tyaar, are the Soldiers (workers) here" etc.

The meaning of this writing is that in the Pangat (area where langar is eaten) there is no caste or class distinction or discrimination, but in preparing the langar, it is the Guru's specific maryada that not just anyone can prepare the langar. For this task, it is necessary to be "guru vala" or amritdhaaree.

That is the Guru's Langar where the food's preparers and servers are Guru's Singhs.

"ਵੇਦੀਨਾਕੀਦੋਸਤੀਵੇਦੀਨਾਕਾਖਾਣੁ ॥"

i.e. according to the Guru's orders eating the food of those without the Faith is restricted in Gurmat. According to the Sikh Rehit Maryada, a Sikh should have food and social relations with other Sikhs only.

We've found out that Bhai Jeevan Singh jee in last year's Canada tour did keertan in a Gurdvara. After the keertan, that Gurdvara's Committee President was about to give Bhai Sahib a Siropa. That President was a Patit Sikh with no kesh or beard. Bhai Sahib in the Deevan said "Daas cannot accept a Siropa from the hands of a Patit Sikh, so please forgive Daas for this."

The disease of Patit-ism is very big in Canada and many Gurdvara organisers are Patits. In this situation, if Bhai Jeevan Singh jee refused to eat the parshaad of a Patit individual, then this is following the Guru's orders. Is it a crime to remain steadfast in Gurmat Rehit and obey the Guru's orders?

If our other preachers and ragis in an attitude of greed go to those countries and eat the food of these sharabee-kababee (meat/liquor consuming) patit individuals, it does not mean that one should start pointless propaganda against such a person who remains firm in Gurmat maryada and refuses to eat this food. We can expect this from the patit individuals but it's beyond our understanding when a Panthic Newspaper does this propoganda.

It's regrettable you haven't bothered to know the truth about how Bhai Jeevan Singh has gone there without any greed and is humbly preaching Gursikhi. So we request you try to find out the reality and make the Sangat aware of this reality and Gurmat.

Soora Parivar

Despite all the controversy and pressure, Bhai Jeevan Singh jee remained firm in his bibek, and took a stand, even where it alienated some people who refused to accept or understand Gurmat. This episode teaches us that no matter what, we must take a stand when it comes to following the rehit of Guru Sahib.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/14/2010 07:08AM by admin.


Re: Inspirational GurSikhs
Posted by: admin (IP Logged)
Date: September 02, 2009 07:50AM

Dr. Sahib's Jeevanee is truly amazing. Baoo Mul Singh jee used to say that he was the equal of 100 Sants

Gurmukh Jeevan of Dr. Surinder Singh jee
Taken from Soora, August & September 2001
Translated by Admin www.tapoban.org



Dr. Surinder Singh jee was the son of Subedar Harbachan Singh and mother Tej Kaur. Subedar Harbachan Singh jee was a Gursikh friend of Bhai Sahib Randheer Singh jee whom he wrote about in the book Ranglay Sajjan. Heera Harbachan Singh jee, when Dr. Sahib was born, was living in Chakk Number 12 in District Montgommery. Subedar Harbachan Singh and Baoo Mul Singh jee served in the army together and were allotted land together, after their retirement. Their houses backed onto each other.

Before the birth of Dr. Surinder Singh, Subedar Harbachan Singh and Mata Tej Kaur had given birth to ten children but all ten died very young. Dr. Sahib’s mother was a very Gurmukh soul and despite all her children dying, she remained firm in her Sikh faith. If she ever felt sadness, she would go before Sree Guru Granth Sahib in total humility and express her deepest feelings and then after would accept Guru Sahib’s hukam and be satisfied. Sometimes though, she would ask her husband how long this difficult time would last, where all her children would die. Gurmukh Piaaray Bhai Harbachan Singh would say that the children born in their home were bhagats from their last lives. They would take birth only to receive amrit and then when they were blessed by Guru Sahib, they would leave for SachKhand. For this reason, he said, they should not feel sad.

Birth of Dr. Surinder Singh

But how long could a mother bear such separations? When the eleventh child was to be born, Mata jee did an ardaas before Sree Guru Granth Sahib, Lord, bless us that this child that you are sending to our home has a long life. She also promised that this child’s naam sanskaar (naming ceremony) would take place at Sree Hazoor Sahib.

ਬਿਰਥੀਕਦੇਨਹੋਵਈਜਨਕੀਅਰਦਾਸਿ ॥ (819).

Vahiguru heard and accepted this ardaas. On October 30, 1926 a blessed soul was born and after one year, his naam-sanskaar took place at Sree Hazoor Sahib. He was named Surinder Singh. This was the first child of the couple that survived.

Bhai Surinder Singh was the oldest child in his family. He later also had one brother and two sisters. After Dr. Sahib there is his sister Bibi Harjeet Kaur. Her husband, Oankaar Singh jee is a retired judge and they live together in Poanta Sahib. They have one son, Bhai Gursharan Singh who had the Sangat of Dr. Sahib and currently lives in Herbertpur zilaa. Dehradun.

His other brother is Amarjeet Singh who lives in England and his sister Bibi Mahinder Kaur.

Passing of His Parents

Dr. Sahib was still a child when his parents left this world. After this, he lived with his maternal grandparents and later with his uncle. His uncle, S. Hardit Singh lived in Meeruth and Bhai Harbachan Singh had breathed his last here.

S. Hardit Singh had no children and was very happy to have the children live with him. He had a very big mansion in Meeruth with many servants. He even had a small zoo. The children had whatever facilities they could want at this house.

Dr. Sahib was of a saintly nature from his birth. He was very merciful as a child. He would love the animals in the house’s zoo. He would daily give the chickens in the house their feed. One day, there was a party and the servants took the chickens and butchered them in front of Dr. Sahib. He was so severely affected by this that he did not eat for two or three days and then also became sick with fever. His sister too fell ill, but she recovered soon. Dr. Sahib did not regain his health for some time. After this, his aunt forbid the servants from even touching the animals the children had raised. Dr. Sahib was so soft-hearted that he could not bear to see anyone’s pain.

Early Education

Dr. Sahib received his early education in Meeruth and Dehradun. He studied up to the fifth grade in Meeruth and then his uncle was transferred to Dehradun where the entire family moved. Dr. Sahib was enrolled in Saint Joseph Academy where he earned very high marks. The children, during their education, lived like royalty. Whatever they ordered, everyone obeyed. The servants would take them to school in cars and would pick them up as well. But Dr. Sahib never spoke harshly to any servant nor did he ever give them any orders. If someone scolded the servants in front of him, he would ask, Are they not human?

Later he went to college and received a BA and then also earned a diploma in automobile engineering.


Dr. Sahib finished his education by 1944. He went to Delhi where his sister Harjeet Kaur lived and there he began to work in the firm Piare Lal & Sons. Where he worked until 1948.

After this, he went to his sister who lived in Bombay. There he began to work in the Firestone Company. When he was working here, he received a message from his maternal grandmother who wanted to see him. She had only seen them as children. Dr. Sahib’s maternal grandmother had lived in a village near Goindval Sahib, but sold all her land and gave it to the Guru Ghar. She then moved to Anandpur Sahib and lived in a room at Takhat Sree Keshgarh Sahib and only occasionally would visit her village.

Dr. Sahib took a leave from his job and then went to Anandpur Sahib. His grandmother showed him a lot of love and it was here that Dr. Sahib learned the Gurmukhi language. He began to do paath of mool mantar at the instructions of his grandmother and would attend the Asa Dee Vaar Keertan at Takhat Sahib.

Soon Dr. Sahib learned Gurmukhi and began to do paath. He memorized nitnem and whenever he was given leave from his job, he would come visit his grandmother. In 1950, Dr. Sahib received amrit at Sree Keshgarh Sahib.

Living at Anandpur Sahib, Dr. Sahib began to study homeopathy and medicine. After deep study, he began to treat the needy for free. It is because of this that he is called Dr. Sahib in the Jatha.

Meeting Bhai Sahib Randheer Singh for the First Time

Young Bhai Surinder Singh had heard of his father’s spiritual nature and he was very touched by those stories. Hearing of his father, he would be lost in vairaag and tears would form in his eyes. Even being schooled in a Christian academy did not effect his spiritual yearnings. He was convinced that without amrit, Gursikhi would not be possible. So with the influence of his grandmother, who strictly observed amrit vela and had a bibekee life, Dr. Sahib too became amritdhari.

After some time in Anandpur Sahib, Dr. Sahib went to meet his uncle in Dehradun. Col. Piara Singh jee was Subedar Harbachan Singh jee’s very close friend. One day Col Sahib’s daughter phoned and asked that Surinder Singh come and take a basket of fruit to Bhai Sahib Randheer Singh jee on behalf of her father. Dr. Sahib went to Mansooree where Col Sahib was staying with his daughter.

Col Sahib told Bhai Surinder Singh the route to go to Kumar Hatti where Bhai Sahib was staying and the next day, after amrit vela and nitnem, Dr. Sahib left for Kumar Hatti. He put the basket of fruit on his head and went to the train station. Dr. Sahib did not know that giving this gift would change his life.

Dr. Surinder Singh was doing simran on the train and as he arrived nearer to his destination, he began to feel an internal pull. He had never before seen Bhai Sahib but had heard quite a lot about him. After arriving at Kumar Hatti station, he put the basket on his head again and took the route Col Sahib had explained to him. But on the way, it felt as if someone was guiding him.

Dr. Sahib himself used to tell about his meeting with Bhai Sahib. When telling this story, tears would begin to fall from his eyes and he would get up mid-story for a walk so no one would see them.

Upon arriving at Bhai Sahibs place of meditation, he saw Bhai Sahib’s daughter, Bibi Dalaer Kaur. He told her that Col. Piara Singh sent him and asked where Bhai Sahib was. Bibi jee pointed towards the nearby Gurdwara. Dr. Sahib entered the Gurdwara and saw that there was one Singh on tabla and Bhai Sahib was on the vaja singing keertan in a loud voice at the highest notes. He was deep in a trance. There was no one else in the Gurdwara but it felt as though there were countless listeners. After the finish of keertan, Sodar Rehras began. After Ardaas, hukumnama and sukhasan, Bhai Sahib began to walk to his room for rest. Bhai Sahib was walking in his spiritually intoxicated way when bib Dalaer Kaur approached him and said that Col Sahib had sent a basket of fruit for him. Bhai Sahib asked, Who has brought them? Bibi jee replied, Subedar Harbachan Singh’s son, Surinder Singh.Bibi jee had said just this much when Bhai Sahib began to look at Dr. Sahib as though he was a lost diamond. Bhai Sahib grabbed him in his embrace and clasped him very tightly.

It was as if two separated souls had been united. Bhai Sahib would not let Dr. Sahib go from his embrace. Both their eyes were filled with tears. Bhai Sahib was seeing his veer Harbachan Singh’s soul in Surinder Singh. Bhai Sahib’s bairaag was indescribable. Dr. Sahib would say, When Bhai Sahib embraced me, the love my father gave me in my childhood began to run coolly through me again and it seemed as if Bhai Sahib was my everything. The embrace opened and they looked in each other’s eyes and Bhai Sahib said, today you have refreshed my memory of my departed brother Veer Harbachan Singh.

The next day, Dr. Sahib asked Bhai Sahib for permission to return home. Bhai Sahib grabbed Dr. Sahib’s hand and while looking with his piercing eyes said, you will leave me and go? I won’t let you. I live with your support. Saying this, Bhai Sahib again came into bairaag. Dr. Sahib himself came into bairaag and went outside.

The third day, Dr. Sahib again asked for permission to return and again Bhai Sahib said he could not go. Dr. jee again stayed. All day Dr. Sahib waited for a time when Bhai Sahib would not be in such bairaag so he could ask to go, but Bhai Sahib was always in the same state. Finally, Dr. Sahib asked Bibi Dalaer Kaur to get permission for him to return to Dehradun. Bibi jee went near Bapoo jee and said, Bapoo jee, the boy wants permission to return to Dehradun. Bhai Sahib asked, where is the boy? Bibi jee replied, he is outside. Bhai Sahib called him and said, Kaka Surinder Singh, must you go?
Dr. Sahib: I don’t want to, but I must return to my job.
Bhai Sahib: If you must go, then you may.

After getting many blessings, Bhai Sahib said, tell Col. Piara Singh that the joy I got from his fruit was surpassed by the joy I got from meeting the one who brought them.

Dr. Sahib began to walk towards the train station but his spirit remained behind. He kept looking back. He later would say that leaving Bhai Sahib was very difficult and that only someone with courage could meet him and then leave.

On Marriage

Whenever anyone brought up the issue of marriage, Dr. Sahib would delay the issue. Col Piara Singh had considered marrying his granddaughter to Dr. Sahib. Dr. Sahib was very simple and at first did not openly refuse. Later it turned out that the girl’s mother wanted Dr. Sahib to tie his beard and upon hearing this, he refused to do so and turned down the marriage offer. He was completely dedicated to Gurmat principles. After this, he gave up even thought of marriage and never thought about it for the rest of his life.

When he was staying with Bhai Sahib Randheer Singh jee once, his sisters Harjeet Kaur and Mahinder Kaur asked Bhai Sahib to tell Dr. Sahib to get married or himself should arrange his match with a Gursikh family. Bhai Sahib, at this time, was in Ludhiana sitting on his bed in his room. Dr. Sahib was sitting on the ground on a rug. Bhai Sahib had the following, unique conversation with him:

Bhai Sahib: What is this Bibi saying?
Bhai Sahib: It’s very difficult. Think about it.
Dr. Sahib: Many have done it.

Then Bhai Sahib, who knew everyone’s feelings said, Bibi, he will not get married. He will be chakarvarti. After that day, no one compelled him to get married.

Returning to Bhai Sahib

Dr. Surinder Singh jee returned to his job in Bombay. Physically, he was thousands of miles away from Bhai Sahib Randhir Singh jee but his mind was always with Bhai Sahib. While living in Bombay the memory of his meeting with Bhai Sahib in Kumar Hatti kept returning and he wanted to go back and stay with Bhai Sahib. This state of vairaag forced him to resign from his job. Inside, he was anxious to go do Sangat with Bhai Sahib.

Dr. Sahib’s pull was felt by Bhai Sahib in Ludhiana. Bhai Sahib wrote to the Singhs in Bombay that they should tell Surinder Singh not to leave his job and should help him adjust to life there by giving him love. But who could stop this bairagi? Even though the Singhs tried to convince him to stay, Dr. Sahib offered his resignation and after a few days, arrived in Punjab.

He went straight to Bhai Sahib in Ludhiana. Once he arrived he joined with Bhai Sahib completely, that they became like one. They shared their faith in Gurmat, their goal, their path and their love for Vahiguru. Dr. Sahib was always with Bhai Sahib after this. Whatever smaagams took place, Dr. Sahib always took part. He was still very young and his beard was yet growing in, but his consciousness was flying very high. The effect of Bhai Sahib’s Sangat and the smaagams was that he forgot worldly life and Guru Dashmesh jee’s Gurmat took hold over his heart completely. Soon he began to keep Sarbloh Bibek and other Gurmat Rehits.

All day Dr. Sahib would serve in the langar and would not tire. He would not speak with anyone, nor argue and he had a link with no one. He was constantly immersed in his love of Vahiguru.

Dr. Sahib had quite a bit of land but he only took enough money to sustain himself. The rest he would give to the needy for medicine or use to serve Singhs.

Learning Keertan

It was 1953 and Bhai Amreek Singh, Hazooree Ragi Sree Darbar Sahib, was staying at his native village of Kurali where he would teach children keertan. 10 to 15 children were learning keertan from him.

In Kurali lived Dr. Sahib’s sister who had a loving relationship with him. Dr. Sahib used to say that whenever he was having problems, he would go to his siter and her love would make him forget all his worldly pains and sorrows. His sister’s husband, S. Guriqbal Singh had a lot of land and was respected in the entire area.

Once, when Dr. Sahib was visiting his sister, Bhai Amreek Singh came to their home. He was blind and had a strong relationship with this family. Bhain jee replied that Bhai Amreek Singh taught keertan. Dr Sahib asked if Bhai Sahib would teach him keertan and his sister replied, Of course, he is like our child. Why wouldn’t he teach you keertan?

The next day Dr. Sahib joined the other students and learned the basic notes. Bhai Amreek Singh himself tells that when Dr. Sahib joined his class, he was very effected by Dr. Sahib’s high spirituality. Dr. Sahib gave Bhai Amreek Singh the first edition of the Amrit Keertan which he has kept ever since.

Dr. Sahib’s first shabads were

ਦਰਸਨੁਦੇਖਿਜੀਵਾਗੁਰਤੇਰਾ ॥,

ਚਰਨਕਮਲਕੀਆਸਪਿਆਰੇ ॥ 


ਤੂਠਾਕੁਰੋਬੈਰਾਗਰੋਮੈਜੇਹੀਘਣਚੇਰੀਰਾਮ ॥

Dr Sahib used to sing very softly. Once Bhai Amreek Singh said, Guru kay laal jee, you should sing the shabad in a loud voice. Dr. Sahib replied, Bhai Sahib, I don’t do keertan for others to hear. I am learning keertan only so I can hear it myself.

Dr. Sahib liked the calm keertan style of puraatan Gurmukhs. He would say that anyone who wanted to enjoy the ras of keertan should listen to Bhai Amreek Singh Hazooree Ragi. Dr. Sahib also gave Bhai Amreek Singh a vaja and told him to teach his new students keertan on it. Bhai Sahib still has this vaja with him. He says that whenever he teaches someone keertan on it, the memory of Dr. Sahib is revived.

Walking to Gurdwara

Dr. Sahib’s nephew, Gurjaspal Singh tells that when Dr. Sahib used to live in Kurali, he used to walk to Chamkaur Sahib and Bhatha Sahib Gurdwaras. One day Gurjaspal Singh said, Uncle, it is no longer olden times. Buses are very common. Why don’t you take the bus? Dr. Sahib replied, When going to the Guru’s sharan, it is better to go by foot. Guru Sahib’s blessings can be obtained this way and your haazree is accepted.

After some time, Dr. Sahib again returned to Bhai Sahib in Ludhiana and then returned to Bombay.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/14/2010 07:20AM by admin.


Re: Inspirational GurSikhs
Posted by: admin (IP Logged)
Date: October 24, 2009 06:35AM

Baba Gurbaksh Singh & Jaap of Naam vs. Bani
Taken from Nirmal Jeevan by G. Ishar Singh Nara
Translated by Admin www.tapoban.org

Baba Gurbaksh Singh jee was a blessed soul who had the opportunity to do sangat with Sant Attar Singh Mastuana.

One day, after divaan, Baba Gurbaksh Singh jee approached Sant Attar Singh and asked, “Many people say that doing paath of the Gayatri Mantar is very powerful. Which Mantar is this?”

Sant jee replied, “For Gursikhs, Satguru jee’s Mukhvaak chhan is the Gayatri Mantar. It is even more powerful than the Gayatri Mantar. It is ‘ਗੁਬਿੰਦੇ ॥ ਮੁਕੰਦੇ ॥ ਉਦਾਰੇ ॥ ਅਪਾਰੇ ॥੯੪॥ ਹਰੀਅੰ ॥ ਕਰੀਅੰ ॥ ਨ੍ਰਿਨਾਮੇ ॥ ਅਕਾਮੇ ॥੯੫॥

Baba Gurbaksh Singh jee began to do jaap of this mantar with great faith. After Sant Attar Singh departed from the area, he did a chaleehaa (40 day jaap) of this mantar as well in which he would do 31 malas (108 beads in one mala) of this jaap.

After a few months, Baba jee again did another chaleeha and in total did 5 of them at various times. Baba jee began to feel a certain ras from doing this paath in side him. It was very pleasurable to do the paath.

After some time, Baba Gurbaksh Singh for a total of 6 months repeated this paath. Then for the next 6 months repeated “Vahiguru gurmantar” . After doing this, Baba jee began to feel the same pleasure in doing jaap of both. Baba jee began to wonder sometimes that Gurmantar should give more ‘ras’ but both are giving the same.

Baba jee at this time kept doing jaap of both but the confusion grew. He was not sure why both mantars were giving the same pleasure to him.

It was winter time and the day of 22 Maghar ended and night fell at village Ghudiala in Jalandhar. After sleeping for the first quarter of the night, Baba jee awoke at 1am according to his nitnem. Everything was dark around him. Baba jee softly repeated, “ਨਮੋਅੰਧਕਾਰੇਨਮੋਤੇਜਤੇਜੇ ॥ …”

Upon repeating this tuk, Baba jee’s consciousness was pulled inwards. He saw a spherical realm within which there was complete light. Within it, in golden lettering, were written the words “Sant Mandal” or “realm of the Saints”. Baba jee entered the realm and saw there were many spiritually glowing souls within. In the centre of all the souls was a supreme glowing light. Baba jee realized that the extremely glowing jot was Guru Nanak. Just as he had seen in some pictures, there was a simrana surrounding Guru Sahib’s dastaar.

Baba jee lovingly bowed and then sat off to one side. Baba jee saw one glowing spirit say to another “Jap Gurmantar!” the second then said to a third “Jap maha-mantar!”. The third then said to a fourth, “Jap Vahiguru Mantar!”

Baba jee was hearing these voices in a state which was neither waking nor asleep. He was seeing and hearing everything with his soul’s eyes and ears. He did not know what avasthaa this was but he could perceive everything perfectly.

Baba jee’s eyes then opened and his consciousness returned. His body was feeling very light and inside he could taste an amazing ‘ras’.

Baba Gurbaksh Singh after some time went with other Sangat from his area to meet Sant Attar Singh who was staying in Sangrur in those days. Baba jee related his experiences with his jaap of the Gayatri Mantar and Gurmantar to Sant jee and also about the vision he had seen of Sant Mandali.

Sant Attar Singh said to Baba Gurbaksh Singh, “to remove your doubts, Guru Nirankaar gave you an answer that the jaap of a shabad or chhand is only for a certain time or purpose. Regular simran and abhyaas should only be done of Maha Mantar of Gurmantar ie. Vahiguru Mantar.

After hearing Sant Attar Singh confirm his belief, Baba Gurbaksh Singh until his end continued to do abhyaas of Vahiguru Gurmantar with complete faith and determination.


Re: Collected Stories of Inspirational GurSikhs
Posted by: admin (IP Logged)
Date: June 01, 2010 02:46PM

Bhai Bagga Singh & The Horse Thief
By Bhai Veer Singh in Khalsa Samachar

Bhai Bagga Singh was riding on his horse one day when he say that on the road was a man walking very slowly, holding his back with both his hands. The man called out to Bhai Bagga Singh, “Brother! I’m very sick and cannot walk. If you would let me ride the horse for a couple of miles, I will be able to go home to my village and you can drop me off there. May God bless you if you help me!”

Bhai Bagga Singh felt compassion for the man and got off his horse. He helped the sick man onto the saddle and took the reins in his hands and began to walk along side the horse, leading it forward on the road.

The man who had asked for the ride sat on the horse for some time, lightly grasping the reins as well. As time passed, sometimes he began to occasionally tightly grasp them and then let them go again. After some distance, the rider sharply pulled the reins out of Bhai jee's hands, turned the horse around and began to speed away. Bhai Bagga Singh called behind him, “Brother! Please listen to what I have to say, even it is from at a distance! If you want to take the horse, it is your decision, but listen to what I have to say!”

The thief was quite surprised but curious. He stopped the horse at quite a distance and said, “Speak!”

Bhai jee began, “Don’t ever tell anyone that you stole this horse by feigning sickness and getting a ride from me and then pulling the reins away from my hand.”

The thief asked in bewilderment, “Why??” The Sikh replied, “If you do this, you will be harming countless truly ill people who will need help during a journey. If they ask for assistance, people will think they are thieves like you who will take away their horse like that thief once took away Bagga Singh’s (my) horse. You will die one day yet there will always be people who become ill and people who can help them but the story of your actions today will forever create distrust between them.”

Bagga Singh then said no more and slowly began to walk away. The thief rode off in the opposite direction.

Bagga Singh reached home, bathed, recited Rehraas Sahib, ate and then fell asleep. Early the next morning, Bagga Singh came out into his courtyard out of habit to give hay to his horse. The horse too would recognize Bagga Singh’s foot steps and would neigh to greet him. Today as usual he heard the neigh of his horse and memory returned to him that his horse had been stolen yesterday and so where was this neighing coming from? As these thoughts went through his mind, he heard the neighing once again.

Bagga Singh walked forward in amazement and saw that his horse was tied to the gate of his home. He patted the horse on the back and looked out and saw that yesterday’s thief was standing outside, looking down in embarrassment.

Bagga Singh asked: “Well my sick friend, are you feeling better today?” The thief replied, “Bagga Singh, I was truly sick yesterday but you are the doctor who has brought me back to my senses. Take your horse back brother. Now there will be no story of treachery and no harm will come to anyone who becomes ill on a journey. In the future I too will try to become like Bagga Singh and have mercy on those in need. Give me your blessings.”

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