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Diamonds and illusions
Posted by: JugrajSingh (IP Logged)
Date: July 15, 2009 07:06PM

Japanese people had a tradition which had persisted unchanged for a millennium.

Marriages were arranged by the parents through a trusted vichola and a simple ceremony then took place. Their was no place for romance, excessive displays of wealth etc.

Then the DeBeers Cartel ran a advertising campaign with a message that a diamond represented a break from Japanese culture and was a step towards modernity and western life style. Within 13 years 70 percent of brides were wearing diamond rings.

A tradition that had lasted for centuries was disrupted so easily and a people swayed through use of women in advertising posters in various stages of undress and various roles.

What does this have to do with Sikhi?

The pillars of the Khalsa panth, have been similarly attacked through careful planning.

Hindu Mandirs have been built in amritsar in the last few decades. They have plaques which highlight these manufactured mandirs as historical places of worship. These mandirs are around the darbar sahib complex. Visitors to the mandirs are frequently told that the pilgrimage will not be complete until they visit the most holiest of hindu shrines, the hari mandir.

Anyone visiting the darbar sahib will notice boys in western underwear splashing around in the sarovar. They will notice women in saris, will find the saraan are filled with tourists who get great accomodations for next to nothing and have absolutely no intention of visiting darbar sahib but rather explore amritsar and surrounding areas.

Their is hardly a room available for a sikh unless he or she is willing to get a call put in from someone who has authority in amritsar.

Trains full of Hindu tourist and sadhus come to Amritsar to pay respect to darbar sahib and enjoy great boarding at the saraan.

All it took was 13 year advertising ampaign to change the face of Japan.

The right wing hindu groups have had much longer and their treachery runs much deeper then mere ads and slogans.

Guru sahib kirpa karan and I hope that sikhs wake up to the illusion that is being created around them all the time.

The historical gurdwaras are being destroyed and replaced with marble. Nanakmata has a tree which Guru Nanak dev jee stopped in mid air after the sids uprooted it with their shakti and threw it at guru sahib.

A few decades ago, men could walk through the roots beneath the tree and the ground. The roots now have around them a marble thara which only allows a small peak at the distance between the roots and the ground. The thara is built on top of a much larger marble platform which was also raised to hide the evidence of guru's work.

What mindset will the next generation grow up with? How much longer and how much more damage to our history will it take for sikhs to wake up?


Re: Diamonds and illusions
Posted by: Daljeet Singh (IP Logged)
Date: August 10, 2009 06:06AM

veerjee I agree with everything you have said, its about time that we wake up and do something about it.. Just a small note about the sakhee of the tree at Nanakmatta Gurduara Sahb, to my limited understanding, I beleive the sidhs tried to lift the pipal tree under which Guru ji was sitting out of the ground and not throw a tree at him. When the tree rose a few feet, Guru sahb simply placed his hand on it and it stopped rising.


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