
Akal Purakh Kee Rachha Hamnai, SarbLoh Dee Racchia Hamanai

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Posted by: Manmat (IP Logged)
Date: January 29, 2009 01:25PM


Just wanted to do a bentee that the youth should refrain from wearing clothes like jeans and tight stylee tops, mainly at programs.

I dont want make it seem like sikhee is like islam. Thats not the message

Jeans and stylee tops really truthfully promote attraction of the opposite sex.
And i not to saying people wearing these sort clothes cant been Abhyaasee.

But Khalsa Bana is the greatest style, brand, etc etc

Sorry if i have wasted your time making you reading this post, but it's being on my mind for while because other gursikhs have mentioned things on the same lines.

Vaheguroo Vaheguroo Vaheguroo Vaheguroo



Re: Clothing
Posted by: random_singhni (IP Logged)
Date: July 31, 2009 09:27AM

Yes everyone should make an effort to wear modest clothing at the Gurdwara especially!
Being a female i dont like sensing bad vibes and getting the wrong attention, its quite ew grose, We should have fear in our mind that we are going to see Guru Sahib, We should do that which pleases Guru Sahib not latest fashion trends,,
trying to please our frends, trying to look good,,
Spending hours to get ready to go to Gurdwara is a sign theres a wedding or you dont have the rite intentions lol
our mind is really sneaky, we dont even kno until we get slapped in the face,,
We go to mata tek and our attention is sumwhere else, Its hard to look at Guru Sahib but seemingly easy for our eyes to drift and check out the opposite sex,
Guru Sahib knows everything we think , to avoid having bad thoguhts temptations bad feeling about the opposite sex, the only thing u can do is close your eyes and not look but these eyes dont listen, we have to do ardaaas in pooran gareeebi to maharaj that these eyes our yours everything is ours please dont let me look at sumone in a bad way, let me only lok at others as a borther/ sister and love the jot inside them,,, let me not judge their appearance,,



Re: Clothing
Posted by: Jarnail Singh "Arshi" Gyani (IP Logged)
Date: September 17, 2009 10:43PM

Good advice.
Jeans, tight clothes etc are not suitable attire for a Gurdwara. Wear them elsewhere if you must..but at least not in Gurus Darbaar.
SIKHI is NOT taliban islam..not by a long shot !! BUT such advice is not restricting anyone - its sane and reasonable advice. IN a Gurdwra we have to be able to matha tek, sit cross legged and comfortably so as to enjoy the Katha Kirtan Paath etc..Jeans and tight clothes dont allow that state of comfort..ONLY the Gursikhi banna affords us all the comfort and suitablity..so when in Rome do as the Romans do...in a Gurdwara wear the Gurmukh banna.
REST..the Five Robbers..of which Kaam is very strong in the company of the opposite sex..BUT its OUR own DUTY to keep it under check..DONT BLAME anyone else if you FAIL to keep your senses under control - no doubt the jeans wearer is also to blame..BUT not entirely....your own share is the LIONS SHARE. Its very very easy to Blame the other..just as rapists always blame the clothing of the Victim..never their own animal instincts which went out of control...Kartoot passu ki manas Zaat..Control our OWN first....in FACT the TRUE TEST only comes from being in front of "TEMPTATION"...Best Steel is made in a Hot Fire !!(not in a lukewarm room temperature bhatthee ???)..and a Guru's KHALSA is the BEST STEEL !!not any dabbrru khichhrroo dhillarr who loses his senses at a peek at jeans wearing lady...Khalsa soee jo nit kareh jaang..jaang with the 5 robbers within..the SACHA GURU has givne His thapprra on our Back..so what are we frightened of ??

jrnYl isMG igAwnI "ArSI"


Re: Clothing
Posted by: only five (IP Logged)
Date: September 20, 2009 08:53PM

It's a surprise jeans are seen as a wrong by some in the Gurdwara. I wonder why it's wrong????

Tight close is not suitable, which I agree on.

I wear jeans and am able to bend my legs to sit at the Gurdwara. One hour no problem, two hours sure.

If your overweight and got jeans on then maybe it's a problem.

Jeans can be lose fit and they don't hug the body.

A Bana that is tight (hugging the body) is just as contributioning to the 5 robbers as tight jeans. So both are to blame to some extent.

I believe the key is to wear relaxed clothing that don't hug the body and cover the body without out any loose clothing that can expose the body.

Lastly, why live in duality. At the Gurdwara show up in a bana and then you leave and put on tight jeans, t-shirts in society. What kind of message is this sending. Guru Sahib warned us about this kind of behaviour, it's best to keep it in check.

Don't be the Brahmin that takes food from people to feed the idol and when no one is looking eats it himself.

Your only cheating yourself, no one else.


Re: Clothing
Posted by: Akaalee (IP Logged)
Date: September 22, 2009 03:14AM

I agree that we should not live in duality. The ideal situation would be to wear Bana all the time.

However if this not possible for some then they should at least wear Bana at the Gurdwara. There are a lot of other things we should be doing all the time but we don’t, does that mean we should not do these things at all because we can’t do it all the time?


Re: Clothing
Posted by: Jarnail Singh "Arshi" Gyani (IP Logged)
Date: September 22, 2009 03:21AM

Its not "jeans" per se...its TIGHT body hugging/revealing/clothes. Imho all the posters are referring to "jeans" in that context.
2. Jeans suggests a mindset..a culture that is out of place in a Gurdwara. Its connotation is out of sunc with the Gurdwara mind set..thats all.
3. Every place has its own unique "uniform" ( sort of)...a Banna would be very out of place in a disco..pub ?? wouldnt it ?/ Same..Jeans/and all that are out of place in a Gurdwara. banna is for Gurdwara.period. If we can follow the Gurdwara code of dressing..fine...if you cant..then its your personal choice.

jrnYl isMG igAwnI "ArSI"


Re: Clothing
Posted by: only five (IP Logged)
Date: September 22, 2009 11:39AM

Akaalee Wrote:
> I agree that we should not live in duality. The
> ideal situation would be to wear Bana all the
> time.
> However if this not possible for some then they
> should at least wear Bana at the Gurdwara. There
> are a lot of other things we should be doing all
> the time but we don’t, does that mean we should
> not do these things at all because we can’t do
> it all the time?

I wasn't saying that. You took it out of context. The one's that wear Bana to school, work, Gurdwara, government buildings and everywhere are the brave souls. It takes coarage to do that.

But what I was pointing out was the duality that exist in some. The duality being they dress appropriate at the Gurdwara, but when it comes to other locations they dress with tight clothes on, and those that revealing the body. It's funny cuz I think they believe God doesn't know what they are doing only at the Gurdwara God is watching, there every move and knows what's in their heart. Once you leave the Gurdwara grounds all bets are off and God can't see you no more.


Re: Clothing
Posted by: only five (IP Logged)
Date: September 22, 2009 12:19PM

What mindset does jeans suggest? Now that's relax fit jeans. This is leading to mind reading. And judging others.

Jeans are out of place at a Gurdwara. What about dress shirts and tailored suits with ties.oooo forget about the vest. What about golf shirts and t shirts. What about Nike shocks or dress shoes.

And what is the Gurdwara mindset. Is it humble and harmony. Is jeans and dress pants not humble and with harmony. or do they have too much of a professional look,, dress pants and jeans make you look like a gangster that just came off the block. Isn't this refered to as judging a person on appearance even though he or she is living/dressing modestly.

The example of disco and pub and the person is wearing a Bana. Doesn't one see the contradiction here. Isn't the person out of place. Forget the Bana for sec and think about where the person is. And if this person choose to contradict himself then going to the disco with Bana on wouldn't be as bad cuz you can move around even more. Get your funk on and show all the moves you got.

Further the culture thing leads to duality. Culture fashion pulls people in many directions and majority of them are wrong. So it wasn't a good example to present.

I choose to follow modesty as Guru Sahib said. My culture is modesty and not revealing the body as an object or wearing tight cloth in any location.

Next time I go to the Gurdwara, couple of Gursikhs wear jeans, dress pants to the Gurdwara. And if I get a chance I'll share with them Gurdwara mindset and jeans don't go hand in hand.

Only if Guru Nanak Dev ji was hear reading this.


Re: Clothing
Posted by: Jarnail Singh "Arshi" Gyani (IP Logged)
Date: September 22, 2009 10:19PM

GURU NANAK JI IS HERE..ALWAYS...and He does HEAR/READ everything !! THAT is BASIC SIKH TEACHING...when we say we beleive in the Guru Granth Ji as Jaagtee Jyot Hazra Hazoor...this means Guru Ji Hears and sees everything...EVERYWHERE. Its our own FAILING..when we question this BELIEF and still claim as SIKHS.
( I am also referring to some poems and geets and kachi banis derawallahs favourite..AAveen baba nanaka..IF Guur Nanak were to come again..IF Guru Gobind Singh Ji was to come again..blah blah )
These people dont beleive in Guru Ji at all..if for them He has "disappeared" and problems will be solved if he comes back ?? what a joke ?? will they even recognise HIM ?? Its just a saying !!! GURU JI IS ALWAYS>>>SACH...AAD SACH JUGAAD SACHNnak hosee bhee SACH..people read daily but just for the sake of reading/mantras..not actually LIVING THIS TRUTH.

BTW Jeans and such are also banned by MOST institutions Of Higher learning/colleges/Universities dress code and in Formal wear required Offices...that is because of the "MINDSET" associated with that.

jrnYl isMG igAwnI "ArSI"


Re: Clothing
Posted by: only five (IP Logged)
Date: September 23, 2009 12:20PM

It's good to keep everything in context when it is said and then replying to it.

To take it out of context can be unintentionally done or purposely for a certain cause and to promote own way of thinking because the ego get's in the way.

When I said, "Only if Guru Nanak Dev ji was here reading this" IT was said in the literal since as in a human body, typing away and laughing at the responses.

It was said as a joke, just as asking the Gursikhs at the Gurdwara about the jeans things. They would have had a good laugh just as Guru Nanak Dev ji would have in the human body. But Guru Sahib is always laughing in the form he is now. Again it was a joke, nothing to be taken seriously.

At institutions a women can wear skippy skirts and low cut blouses that show the cleavage. To take them as a mindset and as an example of a standard would not be a good idea at all. The man and women can wear tight clothing that expose the figure of the body. But yet some saying these are wrong at the Gurdwara, but then turn around and try to use them as examples.

Again I as prescribed by Guru Nanak Dev ji stay away from being the brahmin that eats the food of the people, but says the idol ate it.


Re: Clothing
Posted by: Jarnail Singh "Arshi" Gyani (IP Logged)
Date: September 24, 2009 03:40AM

NO JIos..not at the Institutions that i meant...those that BAN Jeans, slippers, chappals and all. NO Skirts, nothing of that sort allowed.
The institutions and commercial offices i meant are in malaysia. Only Formal wear is allowed to students and office workers. Jeans, slippers, chappals, skirts banned.
I never joke about Guru Sahibs. If we cna say something about the Gurus and call it a joke..then we lose the right to stop others also jokingly saying things about our Gurus...Gurus, Gurbani, SGGS are all BEYOND and ABOVE frivilous langauge/vocabulary/jokes etc. Sorry if i sound a bit old fashioned..but thats it.

jrnYl isMG igAwnI "ArSI"


Re: Clothing
Posted by: only five (IP Logged)
Date: September 24, 2009 01:27PM

Is there a restriction on wearing tight clothes. Again institutions are based on politics and public correctness. We can't go with this way.

Guru Sahib taught us modesty and we should follow that. Guru Sahib gave us a Bana to wear everywhere not just one place (Gurdwara). The brave souls wear this Bana everywhere and I mean everywhere they go.

I don't see jeans, dress pants, three piece suits, as anything. They hold no value. They are not a uniform or a fashion statement. They are just cloth to me and nothing more.

Getting lost in those cloth is what harms a person. Sitting there thinking tomorrow I'm wear a suit to work. I'm look real high class. I'm hop in my BMW, pop my collar and ride with the top down. This is where a person is trapped in material things and going the wrong direction.

You have some that praise the clothing they are wearing. And if they see a person with no brand on they mock. These guys chase after a brand names. Doesn't matter how bad or how good it looks. If it's Armoni or gucci or True religion they have to have it. This is the stuff Guru Sahib warns us about aswell.

For me cloth are cloth. Don't wear clothing revealing or that show the figure of the body. Keep modesty in mind and your fine.

And one day when you have the courage, but on the Bana and wear it with pride no matter where you are.


Re: Clothing
Posted by: Jarnail Singh "Arshi" Gyani (IP Logged)
Date: September 24, 2009 08:06PM

This is also a good answer..and i did learn something...but not a lot..anyway Thanks jios. I still have to go elsewhere to seek..SGGS has all those answers..

jrnYl isMG igAwnI "ArSI"


Re: Clothing
Posted by: Jangbir (IP Logged)
Date: September 25, 2009 12:18PM

I went to sikhitothemax and searched "eat and wear"....I got a dozen suggestions all of which were similar to this: "As You keep me, so do I live. I wear and eat whatever You give me."

There's another tukh in gurbani which states something along the lines of this: Eat that and wear that which does you no harm.

Try reading the book "bandgi nama" by bhai raghbir singh bir. If I wanted an answer to a question like this, I would resort to this book. Here's a link to a page containing several sikhi books in pdf form. Bandgi Nama is the second one I believe.


Hope Guru Ji answers your questions and prayers and give you all that you seek.



Re: Clothing
Posted by: Jarnail Singh "Arshi" Gyani (IP Logged)
Date: September 25, 2009 07:33PM

Thanks Jangbir Ji veer.
YES Jios..Raghbir Singh jis is one of my fav authors...and I do have the Bandagi nama...will be taking time out for another read...

jrnYl isMG igAwnI "ArSI"


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