ਚੁਕਾਰਅਜ਼ਹਮਹਹੀਲਤੇਦਰਗੁਜ਼ਸ਼ਤ॥ਹਲਾਲਅਸਤਬੁਰਦਨਬਸ਼ਮਸ਼ੀਰਦਸਤ॥੨੨॥ (ਸ੍ਰੀ ਮੁਖਵਾਕ ਪਾਤਿਸ਼ਾਹੀ ੧੦॥)

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Bhai Vir Singh Ji - Pyare Jio Audio Book
Posted by: Guldeep Singh (IP Logged)
Date: December 08, 2008 04:54PM

Guru Pyareo

With Waheguru’s blessing an audio book project of one of Bhai Vir Singh Ji’s famous books Pyare Jio has just been completed. The book Pyare Jio is a collection of 84 letters written to people concerning the trials and tribulations of daily life. The letters teach how a Gursikh should lead his life and inspire the reader to strengthen his faith in Waheguru. There is a poignant section “About Death” that every Sikh should hear. Downloads can be made from:


The letters have been read by Dr. Surjeet Singh Ji. One can now “listen” to this book on their ipods or mp3 players.

Guru Raakha

Guldeep Singh, Franklin Lakes, NJ


Re: Bhai Vir Singh Ji - Pyare Jio Audio Book
Posted by: Tarun Singh (IP Logged)
Date: December 25, 2008 12:43AM

this audio book has been available for some time at ikatha.com



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