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Sikh women
Posted by: NoorKaur (IP Logged)
Date: September 24, 2008 04:25AM


I really want to take Amrit, but over years of conversations with people who tried to dissuade me from Sikhism, I have many doubts. I can't be sure because during my research I find very few references in the Rehitnaama's and various Rehits regarding Sikh women. Their dress, their manner, whether they should be given Kirpan-da-Amrit, there's so much confusion. Some people have told me the giving of Khande da amrit was part of a movement started by Singh Sabha. I wish there wasnt so many Rehits, its hard enough making the choice without all these divisions between the Sikh community. Can anyone please provide me with some information about Sikh women, their role and evidence for their initiation? I have been told this forum is full of knowledgeable people and I put my hope in them. Im literally losing it because I just want to be strong in my beliefs before my kids grow up and are as confused as I am!

Thankyou in advance



Re: Sikh women
Posted by: Atma Singh (IP Logged)
Date: September 24, 2008 08:49AM


bhain jee,

i know how this can feel - when i got into sikhee, it took a good 5 years or so to trudge through all the various controversial issues, divisive interpretations, rehit maryadas etc.

the learning point for me in all this - i should have learnt gurmukhee and connected with Shabad Guroo right at the very beginning and given my mind the only true support and stable foundation capable of steering this doubtful boat amongst the stormy sea of opinions.

people will always give u their opinions left right and centre, according to their own understanding and motivations...

but GurbaaNee will connect with you beyond everyone's opinions, beyond your own thoughts and even your own feelings...because all thoughts are the product of and therefore can relate only to the mind which at the moment is under the grip of the 3 unstable qualities (Rajo, Tamo and Sato). how can the disease relieve the disease?

Shabad Guroo, when one shows pure faith and obedience, connects directly with our Soul - no-one can speak to you in this manner...you won't even know why you are laughing, crying or silent sometimes - Maharaaj Jee is just too great to talk about. Maharaaj Jee talks directly to Their faithful gursikhs through GurbaaNee.

we must remember that GurbaaNee is not 'worldy knowledge'...

it is alchemic i.e. it changes anything that it is exposed to - it's nature is such that it does not affect our thinking processes alone, as does all other knowledge.

GurbaaNee is more like an energy than a philosophy or 'set of words'. to gaze upon, recite, listen and write GurbaaNee is to immerse oneself into it...with the hope that one day, we will drown and our body (thoughts/ego-led identity) wll be un-recoverable. all questions you have will most certainly be answered or they will melt away and seem utterly irrelevant. questions and answers will even seem to lose their sense of seperateness as one starts to get close to their Preetam Piyaraa Satguroo...because thoughts are subsiding and leaving us, letting us go and letting us be free of their limitations and constraints. Vaheguroo is Themselves The Lesson, The Teacher and The Learner...what place do questions and answers have in this scenario!

we may as well give-up. can't do Upmaa of GurbaaaNee - this is why GurbaaNee exists...so Vaheguroo could show us how to do Upmaa of GurbaaNee. we are utterly wretched, incapable and without virtues...so how could we do Upmaa from such a position?

Vaheguroo is so playful and creative to even have carried out this miracle. those Sikhs who accept GurbaaNee as the very Moorat of Parmeshar are very, very fortunate...it can't be talked about...

we can only wish to be blessed with their sangat, their words and above all, their influence...if we aren't, we may as well do Ardaas to Maharaaj Jee that They kill us now, if it means we can get to a next life quicker, where we may get to do their sangat.

in conclusion:

put ALL faith in GurbaaNee and with PURE FAITH do ARDAAS:

- ...and EXPECT/BELIEVE that you will receive an answer about anything which you feel is keeping you away from Maharaaj Jee; the main thing is, do not expect YOU will understand what is given - ask that Vaheguroo does everything and makes you understand whatever is to be understood.

- ...and request, with utter humility :'saeee gurmukhe piyarae mel, jinhaa(n) milae teraa Vaheguroo, Vaheguroo, Vaheguroo Naam chit aaavae'.

i hope Maharaaj Jee blesses Their daughter with his Pooran Kirpa.


ਆਤਮਾ ਸਿੰਘ


Re: Sikh women
Posted by: Devil (IP Logged)
Date: September 24, 2008 09:06AM

Before you read any of this I just want to say, don't listen to me or trust me. Listen to Guru Ji and Trust Him.

Anyway here it is:

The Rehitnama is written for both genders equally. Both have to wear a turban (keski), kirpan, kanga, keshara and kara. Both have to take amrit to become a Sikh and follow the command given at the amrit sanchaar. There is no difference in roles of a gender in sikhi. Both have to follow the same thing.

You don't need evidence. Guru Granth Sahib Ji is for both genders; for whoever has taken amrit and has Guru nanak Dev as their Guru. If you take amrit don't take it easy, just keep on japping Naam, doing ardaas to show you Truth, and engaging less in Maya - THEN KNOWLEDGE WILL DAWN ONTO YOU. THATS HOW I'M SO SURE ABOUT SIKHI!!

Can I ask you something, didn't you ever want someone who cared about you, loved you so much, always took care of you and is always there with you. Well if you take amrit, and ignore public opinion, you will have GURU GOBIND SINGH JI AS YOUR FATHER. HE LITERALLY TAKES CARE OF YOU. HE GUIDES YOU HIMSELF, ADVISES YOU HIMSELF AND TEACHES YOU HIMSELF.

All you have to do is understand Guru Granth Sahib's teaching; read and understand something new from Guru Ji everyday and practice it - you will then be satisfied.

I can't really explain it to you, but Guru Ji comes to you and talks to you. He also sends Saints from saachkhand to the devotee to guide them. GURU JI CARES A LOT FOR HIS DEVOTEE. I experience it, so you should believe me when I say GURU JI CARES!!!!!!

Hope that helped.


Re: Sikh women
Posted by: singhbj (IP Logged)
Date: September 25, 2008 04:53AM

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