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Daily Hukamnama translation - by Akali Nihang Sukha Singh Ji UK waale
Posted by: Mehtab Singh (IP Logged)
Date: August 09, 2008 10:52PM

Check out [hukam.sikhnet.com] everyday when you read the daily Hukamnama. I highly recommend it to everyone.

Thank you


Re: Daily Hukamnama translation - by Akali Nihang Sukha Singh Ji UK waale
Posted by: Atma Singh (IP Logged)
Date: August 10, 2008 07:18AM


khalsa jeeo,

i personally would recommend doing paath of the daily darbaar sahib hukamnama via:


you can then read a translation and can check a pad-ched attempt at the bottom. perhaps then visiting the site veer mehtab singh jee has mentioned will be good because you can then look at someone's vichaaraa(n) in addition.

this i humbly believe is a better way since you will get to do abhyaas of guroo-ordained laRevaar-roop gurbaaNee at least once a day - this will undoubtedly help you get slowly better at doing paath.

perhaps veer sukha singh jee can start to present the hukamnama sahib at sikhnet in laRevaar-roop gurbaaNee...no doubt that site gets lots of hits and to do this would not only gain Maharaaj Jee's full khushee, it would also expose a lot of sangat worldwide to guroo-ordained laReevaar-roop gurbaaNee. i will send him this post so he can think about it.

ps - one thing you would note straight away, if you look at both sites, is that you would need to think about whether in today's hukamnama sahib (10/8/08) the word ਸਾਧੂ which appears in the last panktee is singular or plural. singh jee who has done vichaar believes it is plural whereas the translation at panthkhalsa has it as singular i.e. siree guroo sahib.

one must always rememher when reading any translations, be they panjabee or english, and reading or listening to a gursikhs' vihaaraa(n), that ultimately, maharaaj jee wants you to develop a personal and direct connection with Them. to learn gurmukhee and do as much abyaas of gurbaaNee is the only way.


ਆਤਮਾ ਸਿੰਘ


Re: Daily Hukamnama translation - by Akali Nihang Sukha Singh Ji UK waale
Posted by: Mehtab Singh (IP Logged)
Date: August 10, 2008 02:24PM

Good idea veer Atma Singh jee!!


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