ਚੁਕਾਰਅਜ਼ਹਮਹਹੀਲਤੇਦਰਗੁਜ਼ਸ਼ਤ॥ਹਲਾਲਅਸਤਬੁਰਦਨਬਸ਼ਮਸ਼ੀਰਦਸਤ॥੨੨॥ (ਸ੍ਰੀ ਮੁਖਵਾਕ ਪਾਤਿਸ਼ਾਹੀ ੧੦॥)

Akal Purakh Kee Rachha Hamnai, SarbLoh Dee Racchia Hamanai

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Questions and Answers on Spirituality with Sant Jagjit Singh
Posted by: Sunsingh (IP Logged)
Date: July 28, 2008 03:07PM

1. Avtarvaad tai gurmat naal ki sanbhand?
2. According to vikayaran, some people claim that sant word is either only used for vahiguroo or guru sahiban or sadhsangat, but its not used for one personality other than guru sahib.?
3.veechar on parkash of sri dasm granth side by side with sri Guru Granth sahib ji.
4. importance of nagar kirtan in the panth.
5. importance of five takths in the panth and authority of five jathedars of five takhts in the panth.
6. Veechar on satguru phrase in gurbani? is it only used for guru sahiban or bhagat's guru as well? are krishan maharaj ram chandar maharaj referred to satguru within in their own jugs in gurbani/bhai gurdas ji varan?
7. veechar on nanakshahi calender
8. According to Bhagat Bani Ithihaas , giani ditt singh claim that all the bhagats took gurmat naam from sri guru nanak dev ji and were mukht by sri guru nanak dev ji instead of their own gurdev's ?
9. Gurmat vich avtara da ki vichar hai- krishan maharaj, ram chandar ji? ehna di gatti ki ha?
10. Which form is shud roop when we do vikhaiya of gurbani? vikayaran/uthanka/adayamic arth?
11. Ki Panj baniyas is enough to get mukhti?
12. what is shariat? what is tariqat? what is marfat? what is hikakat in gurmat?
13. If someone works until night time, can one sleep after doing patt at amritvela?
14. Word "amrit" in gurbani ? does it have multiple meanings? charan amrit? khanda da amrit? naam amrit? puratan samoparda's like- udasi, sevapanthis they take charan amrit, are they not sikhs?

right click on the link below and save target as:


2nd segement on spirituality/adhyatam coming shortly!!.. stay tuned.

The person who uploaded this (N30 from [www.sikhawareness.com], said that the VAS system of the voice recorder cut out parts of the answers, and he will re-ask some of the questions).


Re: Questions and Answers on Spirituality with Sant Jagjit Singh
Posted by: Sunsingh (IP Logged)
Date: July 30, 2008 12:22PM

- Veechar on satguru phrase in gurbani? is it only used for guru sahiban or bhagat's guru as well?

- According to Bhagat Bani Ithihaas , giani ditt singh claim that all the bhagats took gurmat naam from sri guru nanak dev ji and were mukht by sri guru nanak dev ji instead of their own gurdev's ?

- Gurmat vich avtara da ki vichar hai- krishan maharaj, ram chandar ji? ehna di gatti ki ha?

- Word "amrit" in gurbani ? does it have multiple meanings? does it refers to naam amrit or gyan amrit? charan amrit? khanda da amrit? naam amrit? puratan samoparda's like- udasi, sevapanthis they take charan amrit, are they not sikhs?

atamik questions:

- Panj koshas da gurbani vichaie jikar?
- how does guru maharaj bachan in gurbani- Man tu jot saroop hai apna mool painchan relates to manmey kosh (sheat) of this being?
- deep vichar on man tu jot saroop hai apna mool painchan
- deep vichar on 21th asatapadi of sukhmani sahib which starts with - sargun nirgun nirankar sun samadhi aap..
- deep vichar on full 8th asatpadi on bhramgyani.
- vichar on bhramgyani sada sam drishti || bhramgyani di drisht amrit barsi ||. which amrit guru ji talking about? naam or gyan amrit?
- Veechar on Nuo Nidh Amrit Prab Ka Naam Dehi Mein Iska Bisram || ?
- Satnam mantar is it visheshan of vahiguroo(according to vikayaran) or mantar in itself?
- Sat bhumika us baraie vichar.

Here is the answer for above questions, 2nd part of this audio discussion with sant jagjit singh ji:



Re: Questions and Answers on Spirituality with Sant Jagjit Singh
Posted by: Sunsingh (IP Logged)
Date: July 30, 2008 12:25PM

3rd part

3rd part of discussion with sant jagjit singh ji...here are the questions:

- Vikayaran arth for satguru, sant.
-Samparda of sikh panth and their history
- sehaj avastha and nirvkalap samadhi
- is there yog kriya to stop kam vashna?
-Gristh marg ucha ja behingum marg
-Sehaj samadh and nirvakalp smadh.
Sri guru granth sahib ji, sri dasam granth sahib ji, sri sarbloh granth da tat nichor gyan.
-sri akal ustat/gyan probdh..questions and answers in sri akaal ustat and sri gyan probdh.
- gurbani existed before 1469...? Mira bhai rachna in kartarpur bir?
- updesh to new generation who are going towards katarvaad and shariavaad

right click, save target as:


btw, Baba ji has arrived in Surrey, BC today. He will probably do katha at Gurdwara Amrit Prakash in Surrey in the evening


Re: Questions and Answers on Spirituality with Sant Jagjit Singh
Posted by: kulbir singh (IP Logged)
Date: July 30, 2008 12:32PM

I am unable to hear these files because my Real Player is giving messages that it can't open the files. Can someone help?

In any case, could you elaborate what is being said about the following topics:

- gurbani existed before 1469...? Mira bhai rachna in kartarpur bir?

Please elaborate on this point.


Re: Questions and Answers on Spirituality with Sant Jagjit Singh
Posted by: gsingh (IP Logged)
Date: July 30, 2008 06:57PM

try opening it in windows media player

i used winamp to open it and it worked fine for me, maybe your download didn't complete properly.


Re: Questions and Answers on Spirituality with Sant Jagjit Singh
Posted by: Anonymous User (IP Logged)
Date: July 31, 2008 02:01AM


dear Bhai Sunsingh Ji,

It could be very nice if yourself put answers of the above questions in english with roman letters.There could be mnay a person who do not know punjabi either.Although das is from Bihar but could understand Punjabi a little bit,but there is no provsion of hearing port in cyber cafe,from where das puts his posts.


Re: Questions and Answers on Spirituality with Sant Jagjit Singh
Posted by: Manmat (IP Logged)
Date: July 31, 2008 02:59AM


According to Bhagat Bani Ithihaas , giani ditt singh claim that all the bhagats took gurmat naam from sri guru nanak dev ji and were mukht by sri guru nanak dev ji instead of their own gurdev's ?

Baba Jagjit Singh Jee says that this is not true. But I have heard that it is

bhul chuk marf



Re: Questions and Answers on Spirituality with Sant Jagjit Singh
Posted by: Harcharan Singh (IP Logged)
Date: July 31, 2008 12:00PM

You are twisting what Baba Ji says, yes they and other high avastha and vidvhaan Gursikhs believe that Bhagat (at least some) existed and recieved their respective Mantar (& atmik gyaan) from their sansaari Gurdev i.e. Bhagat Kabir Ji received it from Swami Ramanand Ji. But mukti was and is only given by Akaal Purkh, although in his kushi, he may deliver it whichever form he likes (if any).

I would listen to all Baba Ji's highly educational and Gurmat gyaan (i.e. what posts/links will follow) before forming opinions. That is unless of course you are unable to challenge pre-conceived or group related ideology.


Re: Questions and Answers on Spirituality with Sant Jagjit Singh
Posted by: Harcharan Singh (IP Logged)
Date: August 01, 2008 05:31AM

A truely inspirational and educational read of the Baba Ji's amazing jeevan thus far.



Re: Questions and Answers on Spirituality with Sant Jagjit Singh
Posted by: Sunsingh (IP Logged)
Date: August 01, 2008 04:57PM

Bhai Kulbir Singh jio,

I recomemend you use another music player, as has been suggested above. If it still does not work, please let me know and we'll figure something out.

Here you go part 4:

-How should one do analysis or vichaar on rehitnamas? There are some contents in rehitnamas which are not gurmat for example in prem sumarg granth. Turk can only initiate into khalsa when he/she eats soor(pork).

- There is a big division between monay veers and amritdhari sikhs? some amritdhari sikhs doesnt even interact with monay because they think they get their bibek broken or some amritdhari sikhs in camp use guilt trips(bhandi parchar) on monay to get them into the panth. Please share your views on this?

- is gyan(bodh)marg necessary to merge with vahiguroo or one can also merge with vahiguroo by doing nishkam seva and simran.

- some people who prefer vikayaran to translate gurbani beleive that if we don't interpret bani ie satguru pad arth, sant being guru sahib into one meaning then we are open to attacks of anti Sikh forces using gurbani.

- some people divide sant pad in gurbani in two parts..they beleive sant pad upma in sukhmani sahib is referred to sri guru ram das ji...sant is avastha in gurbani ref to human but cannot be praised. True sant never let others bow down..they give example of baba karak singh having stick and sant jarnail singh didnt let others to matha taik?

- when gurbani gives updesh, its usually believed and its given to three types of people. Please share those three categories.

- What actually is maryada for darbar sahib before Singh Sabha lehar?

- In darbar before sgpc.. muslims rababi were allowed to do kirtan? How come they were removed? Also on that note, can non amritdhari can do kirtan in takth sahiban darbar? can non amritdhari can do kirtan in regular gurdwara sahib?

- What is status of baba sri chand maharaj in gurmat..difference between udasi marg and gurmat.

- Some people call arti arta at hazoor sahib an bhamanvaad/bhoot pooja an hindu ritual? whats your views on that?

- How come female bhramgyanis in the panth are not as transparent as male bhramgyanis?

- Please shed some light on birth of guru avtar an bhramgyanis?

- Please shed some light on theory of karam aligns with hakum rajie chalna?

- Can one merge with parbhram only after pralabdh karam ?

- Difference between atam anand, yog anand, dasam dvara anand?

Here are the answers:

Right click and save target as:



Re: Questions and Answers on Spirituality with Sant Jagjit Singh
Posted by: Sunsingh (IP Logged)
Date: August 02, 2008 10:03AM

Bhai Sahib, if you still cannot listen to the katha in a different media player, please let me know.

Here you go part 4:

-How should one do analysis or vichaar on rehitnamas? There are some contents in rehitnamas which are not gurmat for example in prem sumarg granth. Turk can only initiate into khalsa when he/she eats soor(pork).

- There is a big division between monay veers and amritdhari sikhs? some amritdhari sikhs doesnt even interact with monay because they think they get their bibek broken or some amritdhari sikhs in camp use guilt trips(bhandi parchar) on monay to get them into the panth. Please share your views on this?

- is gyan(bodh)marg necessary to merge with vahiguroo or one can also merge with vahiguroo by doing nishkam seva and simran.

- some people who prefer vikayaran to translate gurbani beleive that if we don't interpret bani ie satguru pad arth, sant being guru sahib into one meaning then we are open to attacks of anti sikh forces using gurbani.

- some people divide sant pad in gurbani in two parts..they beleive sant pad upma in sukhmani sahib is referred to sri guru ram das ji...sant is avastha in gurbani ref to human but cannot be praised. True sant never let others bow down..they give example of baba karak singh having stick and sant jarnail singh didnt let others to matha taik?

- when gurbani gives updesh, its usually believed and its given to three types of people. Please share those three categories.

- What actually is maryada for darbar sahib before singh sabha lehar?

- In darbar before sgpc.. muslims rababi were allowed to do kirtan? How come they were removed? Also on that note, can non amritdhari can do kirtan in takth sahiban darbar? can non amritdhari can do kirtan in regular gurdwara sahib?

- What is status of baba sri chand maharaj in gurmat..difference between udasi marg and gurmat.

- Some people call arti arta at hazoor sahib an bhamanvaad/bhoot pooja an hindu ritual? whats your views on that?

- How come female bhramgyanis in the panth are not as transparent as male bhramgyanis?

- Please shed some light on birth of guru avtar an bhramgyanis?

- Please shed some light on theory of karam aligns with hakum rajie chalna?

- Can one merge with parbhram only after pralabdh karam ?

- Difference between atam anand, yog anand, dasam dvara anand?

Here are the answers:

Right click and save target as:



Re: Questions and Answers on Spirituality with Sant Jagjit Singh
Posted by: Sunsingh (IP Logged)
Date: August 02, 2008 10:03AM

Here is the 5th part:

- is atamanand partibimbh(reflection) of atma?

- is bhramgyani mahapursh is always in atamgyan avastha even when they talking to regular people?

- There are three types of mahapursh. Daane, divane, mastane..are their internal avastha is same? Some premis criticize mastane mahapursh for not keeping 5 kakari rehit. Please shed some light on this.

- Bachan of maharaj: raj karega khalsa akai rahe no koi ,in this bachan is khalsa referred to one and only amritdhari khalsa, or khalsa as in bhramgyani regardless of any dharam ?

- all the bhagats which were included in sri guru granth sahib..were they all upasak of sargun saroop of vahiguroo ie- ram chandar ji, krishan maharaj or nirgun shabad upasak?

- What is the status/avastha of shaheed singh?, are they equivalent to christian version of angels or hindu version of devi devtas?

- In gurbani shabad mantar ie - gurmantar/mool mantar are they nirgun form or sargun form of vahiguru?

- is gurmat turiya avastha higher buddhist nirvana pad ?

- In gurbani, is there more upma of nirgun or sargun?


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Re: Questions and Answers on Spirituality with Sant Jagjit Singh
Posted by: Sunsingh (IP Logged)
Date: August 13, 2008 12:07PM

6th part

- is there any difference between advait vedant and gurmat? some people say advait vedant is against prema bhagti towards vahiguroo because its upasana of one atma. Is Aham Bhramasami maha vak according to gurmat? any gurbani reference support this school of thought?

- If other dharamis, person can get to bedah mukht avastha or get to sachkhand, what was point of sri guru nanak dev ji bringing gursikhi and forming khalsa panth tisra panth?

- Various avtars existed before in pichale yugs ie- vasudev, ram chandar ji, krishan maharaj, sri guru nanak dev ji was pargat in kalyug. If gurbani accepts all the previous avtars and their panth being valid, therefore any premi who follows their mat fully can get mukhti doesnt this make sikhi snatan dharam like shaivism instead of tisra panth? what is it mean when sri guru gobind singh ji himself said in bachitar natak. Sri Akaal Purkh sent me to this world to create the panth?

- Gurbani existed before Guru Nanak, that means Gurmukhs existed before Guru Nanak, they are not his creation. Does that mean Sikhi gurmat marg is another samparda like Shaivism? and continuation of Sanathan Dharama (Eternal law from beginning)?

- Usually in sakhiya there is a sakhi of baba sri chand maharaj/Lakhmi Chand did not listen to sri guru nanak dev ji patsah hakums? and still got bhramgyan, does that mean bhramgyan is attainable outside sri guru nanak dev ji sikhi marg?

- When this jev get darshan of sargun guru maharaj saroop, after the darshan does that mean they get bedah mukht avastha?

- - can sikhs listen to sufi qwali which are sung in memory of allah or murshids?

- - The benefit (or not) of Akhand Paath culture - where 99% of those who pay for them to be done, turn up to to the start and the bhog, and think they will in someway be blessed. Does baba Ji feel that Sehaj Paath or Sudhaaran Paath is more beneifical to the parvaar and sangat as they can actually sit down and listen to it all?

- Can we do sargun dhiyan of sri guru nanak dev ji saroop? some people call this as baut pooja?

Here are the answers:

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Re: Questions and Answers on Spirituality with Sant Jagjit Singh
Posted by: Sunsingh (IP Logged)
Date: August 14, 2008 10:28AM

Here is the last part of discussions with sant jagjit singh ji..


- some people think when this jev get bedah mukht avastha or merge with
vahiguroo even then atma of this jev have some kind of paichaan?

- in gurbani there are bachans of how this sansar is mithiya but also
there are bachans of bhram eveywhere in this sansar.

- many sant bhramgyanis in past realse their body via smadhi, some
extreme pain or agony...can we distinguish them saying one had parlabdh
karam and another didnt had pralabdh karam?

-how does four khands related to avastha of this jev?

- concept of dasvand?

- Deep vichaar on haumai, it's relationship with mun (inc panj chor)
and atma, methods to reduce it etc...

- To do vichaar on Raagmala.

- In japji sahib there is bachan of maharaj that there are countless
khaniya but sri dasam granth sahib talks about four types of khaaniya?

- vichar on ik ongkar?

Here are the answers:

Right click and save target as:


Message to Sikh youths



Re: Questions and Answers on Spirituality with Sant Jagjit Singh
Posted by: Sunsingh (IP Logged)
Date: August 15, 2008 12:15PM

Here are questions asked by this premi singh in BC:

- Is it a requirement to do simran with rasna (japping naam with tongue) at first stage?

- Diff. btw dhib dhrishti and dasam dwar? What happens when dasam dwar

- what is partakh darshan?

- what is naam dhan?

- how to reach stage of ajaapa jaap (when simran occurs automatically)?

- what is sukh nindra, samedhi? How to overcome obstacle of sukh nindra?

- what does it mean to be dead while still alive?

- how can we best absorb gurmat and put into practice?

- is it ok to do ardass to soul b/c soul is one with god?

- what are seven stages of gian?

- is it ok to eat from sehajdhari sikhs, or only gursikhs ok?

- how can we avoid loss of naam kamai?

- vichaar on shabad "sant ki marag dharm ki pauri"?

- If some sort of praapti is not written for us in our karms, can we still obtain this praapti in this janam?

- Do we still need shastar vidya, as in modern times we have modern weaponry such as guns?

- Baba Attar Singh ji Mastauna did bhagti for one year without eating, how is this possible?

- Must we have bhramgian to be free from taking rebirth (jivanmukti) ?

- Did Baba Nand Singh ji really say that one gets greater Naam kamai when staying awake the whole night before pooranmashi doing Abhyaas?

- Do shaheeds get mukti?

- Are there such paaps that cannot be erased?

- How big a paap is suicide?

- If we do ardass for someone's rakhya, to help someone deal with illness etc., does it put the weight on our heads? Does it eat up our Naam kamai?

Here are the answers:

Right click and save target as:


I hope everyone enjoy listening to baba jagjit singh vichar on these questions, these audio files have no copyright, any premis who wishes to put them on their site, surely can. As Gurbani say- bhramgyani di drisht amrit barsi || similiarly these veechar is one form of rain of amrit reaches out to everyone with no dvaish.

Personally speaking for me it has been extreme pleasure talking to sant jagjit singh ji, their bachans surely calm my heart/mind from all this burning irkha/dvaish bhavna... it has been pure anandmangal...!



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