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Indirect mickory of Sikhs
Posted by: Akali_Fauja_Singh (IP Logged)
Date: July 28, 2008 07:25AM

Please read this article....

Here is the article

you want to read the article from Some Gungu teali called
Sandeep Das......

He states an incident where this pandit knocked out a Taxi Driver, but it does not stop there, he goes on and says that the driver was a sardar and then he says SIKH!!!!!

Khalsa Jio ....why couldn't he just say taxi driver? why use the word Sikh into it!!!

Again Hindu's trying to take a cheap shot at us, when ever they get a chance.....and this time at the expence of there Guru death how low can you go........

But I strongly suggest we all send emails to the editor and ask for an apology and this Sandeep Das should be taught a lesson as well.


Gur Fateh


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