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veechar on this shabad from asa di vaar
Posted by: javab_deyo (IP Logged)
Date: July 14, 2008 09:42PM

Salok, First Mehla:

pehilaa suchaa aap hoe suchai bait(h)aa aae ||

suchae agai rakhioun koe n bhittiou jaae ||

suchaa hoe kai jaeviaa lagaa parran salok ||

kuhathhee jaaee sattiaa kis eaehu lagaa dhokh ||

a(n)n dhaevathaa paanee dhaevathaa baisa(n)thar dhaevathaa loon pa(n)javaa paaeiaa ghirath ||

thaa hoaa paak pavith ||

paapee sio than gaddiaa thhukaa peeaa thith ||

jith mukh naam n oocharehi bin naavai ras khaahi ||

naanak eaevai jaaneeai thith mukh thhukaa paahi ||1||


Re: veechar on this shabad from asa di vaar
Posted by: Atma Singh (IP Logged)
Date: July 15, 2008 07:11AM


veer/bhain jee,


- without naam there can be no true spiritual purity/purification (ishnaan) whatsoever.

- that mouth which claims to be pure and wishes only to have pure things enter into it, but does not jap naam and even eats delicacies (vaheguroo's daat/gifts)without trying to rememeber vaheguroo, it is so impure a mouth that one may as well spit into such a mouth. it does not mater that it recits 'salok' i.e. sacred verses.

- the example of the priest, i'm guessing a brahimn, is used to illustrate the above. please note, that although maharaaj jee very often delivers updeshaa(n) seemingly to particular types of people, the truth that is being transmitted is equally valid to all. there is a panktee that states this but i do not remember it exaclty.

therefore, all those who consider themselves sikhs should note the above and not sit on their high-horses thinking: 'yeah those brahmins are so impure compared to us'. if we don't attempt to jap naam and we don't obey maharaaj jee's hukams, we are impure.

also if we jap naam and keep hukams, other people's impurities will not be something we constantly dwell upon any way. maharaaj jee tells us the above to increase our spiritual wisdom - not to use as weapons to constantly remind others what great manmukhs they are. the true bhagat truly believes they are the gretest manmukh themselves...and it is because of this that in fact they are the highest gurmukhs in the eyes of vaheguroo. parchaar and love can never be seperated - one without the other cannot lead to gurmat parchaar.

on a side-note, the best type of preaching is that which we preach to ourselves - if we don't practise what we dare to preach to others then we will be punished as per the following hukam from sukhmanee sahib...which i think is along the lines:

avar updeshae , aap na karae
aavat , jaavat , jamae marae

the above is from my limited memory so may be technically incorrect.

ps - asa kee vaar is so amazing. my personal humble belief is that gursikhs should listen to/recite this baaNee every day as it will surely develop their bibek budhee. particular verses are also very bairaagmee (full of devotional yearning/pinings of love) and will instill love and obedience within us for vaheguroo/satguroo jee.


ਆਤਮਾ ਸਿੰਘ


Re: veechar on this shabad from asa di vaar
Posted by: javab_deyo (IP Logged)
Date: July 15, 2008 09:45AM

thanks a lot veerji....... yea the shabad mentioned by you by dhan dhan sri guru arjan dev ji

avar oupadhaesai aap n karai ||

aavath jaavath janamai marai ||



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