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Guroo Nanak Dev Jee antam sanskar
Posted by: K Singh (IP Logged)
Date: July 02, 2008 10:25AM

At the place where Guroo Nanak Dev Jee bodies Antam sanskar were done there is a Mosque and a Mandir but no Gurdwara, why not? History recalls that when Guroo Jee passed away both Muslims and Hindu's were claiming he was there's and that he should be creamated their way.

Where were the Sikhs at this point (ie Baba Budda Jee)? Would Guroo Angad Dev Jee not had the final say? Why aren't Sikhs referred to in the sakhi of Guroo Jee's leaving this world but only Muslims and Hindu's, its asif history claims Guroo Nanak Dev Jee never started a new Panth.

Can anyone fill in the pieces for me please?



Re: Guroo Nanak Dev Jee antam sanskar
Posted by: The Future Is Bright (IP Logged)
Date: July 02, 2008 12:51PM

This is a very interesting question, one that I look forward to hearing an answer to. I'm not entirely sure what happened to Guru Ji's body, I remember reading in a childrens book that one morning Guru Ji's followers went to his room only to discover that Guru Ji was not there but only a cloth. The muslims buried their cloth but the Hindus cremated it as Guru Ji's body somehow dissappeared. I'm not sure whether this is true though.


Re: Guroo Nanak Dev Jee antam sanskar
Posted by: Matheen (IP Logged)
Date: July 02, 2008 03:05PM

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa!
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

Actually, it's all part of Nankana Sahib. I didn't see the mandir you speak of, but the place where half the 'chaadar' was buried is preserved (it's not really a Mosque...), as is the place where the other half was cremated.

Guru Angad Sahib Ji had been sent to Khadoor Sahib at that time.

Hope this helps!


Re: Guroo Nanak Dev Jee antam sanskar
Posted by: Anonymous User (IP Logged)
Date: July 03, 2008 05:19AM


here is what i have read second hand. In one of the janam sakhis (i think Mani Singhs version) it explains that after giving Guru-Jyot succcession to Guru Angad, Guru Nanak announced death of his body was arriving and went and sat under a tree in Padma Asan. the praan left the body there.

i also read that his ashes were buried and a samedhi built over them but later the river meandered and washed the samedhi away. However his son, the one who became a yogi/renunciate (Prithi Chand?) retrieved the urn from the site and placed it someone else.


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