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Kirpan and aeroplanes
Posted by: M Singh (IP Logged)
Date: May 16, 2008 05:17PM

Dear Sangat Ji
We are not allowed to carry the Kakkar-------Kirpan----------on our body, during air travel, we know that. Will it be so, for ever? As a community of Amritdhari Sikhs, we are peaceful. We prefer death than to harm any innocent. Our innocent and true feelings are attached with our Kakkars. Kirpan does not mean disturbance or danger. Will it never be possible for us, to convince the concerned people about our genuine problem? What can be done to get over this important issue? What could be the possible way outs?-------------- Please share some ideas.


Re: Kirpan and aeroplanes
Posted by: hopeless (IP Logged)
Date: May 20, 2008 02:01AM

arrangement of charter flights especially for kirpan wearing sikhs with armed guards on board? surely there can be no objection.....but hey they are trying to kill the sikh way of life


Re: Kirpan and aeroplanes
Posted by: M Singh (IP Logged)
Date: May 25, 2008 07:01PM

Sangat Ji

Do we have no comments on this topic.
If Sikhs have Khalistan, of their own, how will they handle this issue?


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