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A Question TO AKJ - Bhagat Singh/Bhai Sahib Contradiction
Posted by: stupidjassi (IP Logged)
Date: May 09, 2008 09:53AM

With all my respect to Bhai Sahib Bhai Randhir Singh and AKJ

I have a question which i am still rambling upon after reading Autobiagraphy of Bhai Sahib .

Please anybody can put light here???

1. Bhai Randhir singh have stated that HE Met Bhagat singh on 6th Oct 1930 and bhagat singh.

Discription of Alleged Meeting :-
Prior to his release from prison in Lahore, the well-known Shaheed Bhagat Singh, who was waiting execution in the same prison, expressed a desire to have Bhai Sahib's darshan before his death. On being approached, Bhai Sahib refused to see him saying "...he has violated the basic tenets of Sikhism by shaving off his hair and hence I do not want to see him." Bhagat Singh was quick to express his repentance and also confessed that he, in fact, was an atheist at heart. He further told Bhai Sahib that even then, perhaps, he would have kept the Sikh appearance, but if he had done that he would have lost the friendship and sympathy of his Hindu comrades and would not have received so much publicity in the press. After a two hour meeting with Bhai Sahib, he became a true Sikh at heart and later went to the gallows as a true believer in Sikhism.

2. Bhagat Singh wrote Letter "WHy i am Atheist" On October 5–6, 1930 in which He NEVER mentioned any meeting with Bhair Randhir singh , and plus he stated his firm belives in Atheisim.

So Why there is contradiction??
Meditation Naam Simran

1. Bhair Randhir singh got Evacuated from Prision in 1930
2. Bhagat Singh got executed on March 19, 1931
3. Bhagat Singh has Written MANY Letters ( [www.marxists.org] )
None of them define his love with sikhism expecially after 1930.

Please Read PAGE NO 300 at
( Autobiography of Bhai Ra ndhir Singh )
where bhagat singh is said to have confession etc.

Letter of Bhagat Singh - (Many different Source says the date is October 6, 1930 )


Re: A Question TO AKJ - Bhagat Singh/Bhai Sahib Contradiction
Posted by: kulbir singh (IP Logged)
Date: May 09, 2008 12:19PM

One striking thing about Bhagat Singh's last days is that his hair were six inches long. Granthi Arur Singh stated this after performing last rites of Bhagat Singh. Why would an atheist grow hair? If he did not believe in Sikhi why did he not cut his hair? The granthi who performed the last rites of Bhagat Singh said in a statement that Bhagat Singh's hair were 6 inches long when he died.

What Bhai Sahib has written about Bhagat Singh in Jail Chithiaan book cannot be false because Bhai Sahib was a Sachiyaar (honest, truthful) Sikh who would never write anything false. Bhai Sahib has mentioned that Bhagat Singh agreed in the end that he would never die i.e. Bhagat Singh expressed his belief in aatma (soul). Are we suggesting that Bhai Sahib was lying? No one would dare say that Bhai Sahib used to lie.

One one hand Bhai Sahib has written naming Bhagat Singh and on the other hand Bhagat Singh has not mentioned Bhai Sahib's name. How can the Communists claim that in his article, "Why I am an Atheist", Bhagat Singh is indeed talking about Bhai Sahib? How can they be so sure that the article was written on the night of Oct 5th? Bhagat Singh has not mentioned this in his article. So how do they know about the date. Bhagat Singh has not named Bhai Sahib in his article. Then how can they claim that he is referring to Bhai Sahib?

Kulbir Singh


Re: A Question TO AKJ - Bhagat Singh/Bhai Sahib Contradiction
Posted by: stupidjassi (IP Logged)
Date: May 12, 2008 07:33AM

Everyone has seen picture of Bhagat singh with Jorra in his last days, There is no objection to it. But increasing hair does not mean acceptance of Sikh /God. Many people in india(Yogi, Hindu Sanyasi, hindu sant, etc.) probably never cut their hair in lifetime, Many Scientists, teachers, Revolutionaries , adheres of other faith Moses, Muslim, Christian never cut their hair. Stop cutting hair doesn`t mean one has start beliving in God, but it surely does mean that he now stop worry how does he look like. And in the case of Bhagat singh ,he knew his death is for sure, so he has nothing to worry about.

I am not 100% sure about the authenticity of the date Letter written by Bhagat singh. But if it state 5-6 Oct, there is less chance that the date is being changed later, because why anybody will change the date. I don't think there is some special reason for changing the date.

I am saying that bhai Sahib are lying or not. I have personally no right to say, because he is my constant motivator and i believe in his words. But quest for truth should not be avoided.

Anyways, Thanks for taking part in discussion. Not many people(AJK) seems to have any answer to me.



Re: A Question TO AKJ - Bhagat Singh/Bhai Sahib Contradiction
Posted by: kulbir singh (IP Logged)
Date: May 16, 2008 08:37AM

But increasing hair does not mean acceptance of Sikh /God. Many people in india(Yogi, Hindu Sanyasi, hindu sant, etc.) probably never cut their hair in lifetime, Many Scientists, teachers, Revolutionaries , adheres of other faith Moses, Muslim, Christian never cut their hair. Stop cutting hair doesn`t mean one has start beliving in God, but it surely does mean that he now stop worry how does he look like. And in the case of Bhagat singh ,he knew his death is for sure, so he has nothing to worry about.

Bhai Sahib has written that Bhagat Singh told Bhai Sahib that he would grow his hair for his khushi but Bhai Sahib said that there is no need to keep hair for him (Bhai Sahib) but keeping hair in Gurmat is acceptable only if he also has faith in Vaheguru. Bhai Sahib told him that he will never die since Aatma never dies and he further said to him that he will come back to Earth again. Hearing such words from Bhai Sahib, in the end, Bhagat Singh said that he now has faith that Vaheguru is there and that his Aatma will never die. After this he never cut his hair and had 6 inches of hair on his head when he died.

Based on the above, it seems likely that he did have some kind of faith in Vaheguru and Sikhi. He was a great fan of shaheedi tradition of Sikhi and now he had some faith in Sikhi as well. Believers are of many levels. He probably did not develop the topnotch belief of Bhai Sahib's kind but he did have some belief in Sikhi and Vaheguru, and this is why he did not cut his hair after that.

Sirdar Kapur Singh has written in his book Sachi Sakhi, that at one point, Bhagat Singh expressed his desire to amrit chhak from Punj Pyaare in which Bhai Sahib Randhir Singh would do sewa. The British did not grant this wish of Bhagat Singh.

Rest, one can believe what one wants to believe. If Bhagat Singh started believing in Vaheguru, he is the only one to benefit from this. What difference does it make to Bhai Sahib, or any other Sikh if he did not keep his word and became an atheist again.

Kulbir Singh


Re: A Question TO AKJ - Bhagat Singh/Bhai Sahib Contradiction
Posted by: Ekta Singh (IP Logged)
Date: May 16, 2008 05:19PM

Imagine the impact this would have on Hindustan if Bhagat singh decided totake amrit!!


Re: A Question TO AKJ - Bhagat Singh/Bhai Sahib Contradiction
Posted by: Khalsaspirit (IP Logged)
Date: May 16, 2008 08:59PM

Waheguru ji ka khalsa
Waheguru ji ki fateh

Khalsa jio,

Just FYI.

Guru Mehar Karay

Waheguru ji ka khalsa
Waheguru ji ki fateh


Re: A Question TO AKJ - Bhagat Singh/Bhai Sahib Contradiction
Posted by: anom7 (IP Logged)
Date: May 24, 2008 01:52AM

bhagath singh had cut his hair
and then at the time of his death he had started keeping his hair AGAIN, and a joora
that in itself is strong proof that he was spiritual at his death, because otherwise he wud have said y, its already cut leave it
but he decided to grow it bak because of bhais ahib
communists are going to lie, its not good if bhagath singh belived in god for them
and even if bhagath singh didnt belive in god, so what
he was a brave hero for indpendance, but he ws nothing compared to someone like bhai mati das who was cut in half by the mughals
but kulbir singh already gave u good enough answers


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