With all my respect to Bhai Sahib Bhai Randhir Singh and AKJ
I have a question which i am still rambling upon after reading Autobiagraphy of Bhai Sahib .
Please anybody can put light here???
1. Bhai Randhir singh have stated that HE Met Bhagat singh on 6th Oct 1930 and bhagat singh.
Discription of Alleged Meeting :-
Prior to his release from prison in Lahore, the well-known Shaheed Bhagat Singh, who was waiting execution in the same prison, expressed a desire to have Bhai Sahib's darshan before his death. On being approached, Bhai Sahib refused to see him saying "...he has violated the basic tenets of Sikhism by shaving off his hair and hence I do not want to see him." Bhagat Singh was quick to express his repentance and also confessed that he, in fact, was an atheist at heart. He further told Bhai Sahib that even then, perhaps, he would have kept the Sikh appearance, but if he had done that he would have lost the friendship and sympathy of his Hindu comrades and would not have received so much publicity in the press. After a two hour meeting with Bhai Sahib, he became a true Sikh at heart and later went to the gallows as a true believer in Sikhism.
2. Bhagat Singh wrote Letter "WHy i am Atheist" On October 5–6, 1930 in which He NEVER mentioned any meeting with Bhair Randhir singh , and plus he stated his firm belives in Atheisim.
So Why there is contradiction??
Meditation Naam Simran
1. Bhair Randhir singh got Evacuated from Prision in 1930
2. Bhagat Singh got executed on March 19, 1931
3. Bhagat Singh has Written MANY Letters ( [
www.marxists.org] )
None of them define his love with sikhism expecially after 1930.
Please Read PAGE NO 300 at
( Autobiography of Bhai Ra ndhir Singh )
where bhagat singh is said to have confession etc.
Letter of Bhagat Singh - (Many different Source says the date is October 6, 1930 )